Community | Gaming
Looking for new friends? A place with normal people? Tired of joining servers who aren't into the values you are into? We may be the right fit for you. If you are looking for a close knit friend group, aren't offended easily, critically think, have morals, can take some times offensive jokes, post memes, gifs, video/voice chat, support friends, watch anime/movies/shows together, play games together as a group and want a good time then join us. We are aiming to add new people to our family that are actively wanting to be in our group and do things together, so bring your family, friends, significant other, we do not have age requirements and are trying to build a bigger family of all different ages. So welcome aboard! All are welcome, especially our Christian brothers and sisters! (not a requirement of course). PS we are not politicall.ycorr.ect or so don't join if you aren't into con.ser.vative stuff.