Ascent (18+ SFW) Icon
Gaming | Community | PC
Welcome to Ascent (18+, SFW) – a vibrant gaming community where PC & console players connect through social game nights, dedicated servers, and a friendly, drama-free space to game, grow, and have fun!
Ascent (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Ascent (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Ascent (18+ SFW) Icon
Gaming | Community | PC
Welcome to Ascent (18+, SFW) – a vibrant gaming community where PC & console players connect through social game nights, dedicated servers, and a friendly, drama-free space to game, grow, and have fun! Icon
eSports | Gaming
Serveur de la communauté Dédié au multijoueur civilization 6 francophone
yougotbrenz? Icon
Gaming | Military
Do you have a brenz? Well come and find out My server only includes people who love strategy games, history and sports. Find where you truly belong! Youtube Channel:
AlbZu's Civillization Event Icon
Gaming | Social
A minecraft civilization event! Very fun 10/10. We all have fun and do some other events to like game night, build battle, ect.
Civilization VI   [Germany] Icon
Gaming | eSports
Wir heißen dich herzlich willkommen auf unserem deutschsprachigen Discordserver. Wir sind aktuell stark am wachsen!!
Veni! Vidi! Vici! Icon
eSports | Gaming
FM Multiplayer im großen Stil! Dazu ein Gaming Space für Sport-, Renn-, und Strategiespiele, sowie Mini Games mit Turnieren und Events
Civ V Multiplayer Icon
Gaming | Social
Welcome to Civ V Muliplayer, the largest server primarily based in 6 person FFA, draft style, no mod all DLC for Civilization V.
The Society Game Icon
Political | Role-Playing
A political/social game and simulation. No inherent rules - members and/or leaders have full control of everything that happens.
Icarus - Minecraft Civilization Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
A server gameplay intertwines with politics, economy, diplomacy, and history. Create civilizations, fight wars or just play as you want. Icarus is a peaceful, democratic nation on CivMC.
Central Empire's Server Icon
Community | Social
We are the Central Empire, a No Man's Sky player based community. We are considered a civil space community on the games wiki fandom site. We as a civilization have a working economy, functioning government, and organizations you can join to make nanite clusters. Come and join our discord to become a citizen and you will gain access to our populated home system!
WalrusMC Events Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Take part in largescale Minecraft civilization simulations, battle to the death in huge Hunger Games tournaments, and start a prison riot in prison simulations! Join WalrusMC Events today and sign up for an event- ALL are welcome!
Country Collisions SMP Official Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
The Country Collisions Survival Multiplayer is a modded minecraft civilization simulator where the players create civilization with light limits on what they can do, for example arson is not a server wide enforced rule, but rather up to the players to discourage it. The Owner is General JolEjojer and we have 2 media channels on youtube and tiktok with the same name.
Iris Covenant Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Welcome to the Iris Covenant! We are a dynamic and visionary new nation on the southeastern continent of Kova. A location on one of Minecraft’s most popular Civilization server—where individuals can simulate creating and living in nations. We invite you to discover our vast and vibrant lands. In the Iris Covenant, your voice truly matters. Unlike larger, impersonal nations, we ensure every citizen has equal influence in our democratic processes. Our culture thrives on autonomy and creativity—constantly pushing boundaries to show the world who we are. Here, you are not just a number. Your efforts are recognized, celebrated, and can leave a lasting impact on our society. Many of our new members have helped develop our land with farms and builds. Others have even gone as far as creating railroads, lore (created a language/religion), and made 3D animations! Choose the Iris Covenant, where your potential can flourish, your voice is heard, and your merits are honored.
Elder Elo: 25+ Gaming Community Icon
Gaming | Mature | Just Chatting
Welcome to Elder Elo, the legal nonprofit gaming haven for players aged 25+, home of AAA monthly game giveaways, and home of teams that have been carrying peeps since dial-up internet. We're not just a community—we’re your escape from lobbies filled with shouty teens and toxic rage quitters. Here, experience matters, camaraderie thrives, and respect isn’t just an optional DLC. Perks? Oh, we've got ‘em: free games, battle passes, and events that actually make you want to log in. All this wrapped in a mature, supportive space where you can compete, connect, and maybe even find a squad that remembers to push the payload. Joining is easy—jump into our Discord, fill out a quick application (it’s painless, promise), and boom, you’re in. Elder Elo: where gaming meets good vibes, minus the chaos of all-chat.
Elder Elo: 25+ Gaming Community Discord Server Banner
Elder Elo: 25+ Gaming Community Icon
Gaming | Mature | Just Chatting
Welcome to Elder Elo, the legal nonprofit gaming haven for players aged 25+, home of AAA monthly game giveaways, and home of teams that have been carrying peeps since dial-up internet. We're not just a community—we’re your escape from lobbies filled with shouty teens and toxic rage quitters. Here, experience matters, camaraderie thrives, and respect isn’t just an optional DLC. Perks? Oh, we've got ‘em: free games, battle passes, and events that actually make you want to log in. All this wrapped in a mature, supportive space where you can compete, connect, and maybe even find a squad that remembers to push the payload. Joining is easy—jump into our Discord, fill out a quick application (it’s painless, promise), and boom, you’re in. Elder Elo: where gaming meets good vibes, minus the chaos of all-chat.
Civilization 7 Deutsch Icon
Gaming | Community
Willkommen auf unserem Civilization 7 Discord Deutsch Server! 🎮 Du spielst Civilization 7 und suchst eine deutschsprachige Community? Dann bist du hier richtig! Tritt einer lebendigen, freundlichen Gemeinschaft bei, verbessere dein Gameplay mit Hilfe erfahrener Spieler und finde feste Teams oder spontane Mitspieler. Zeige dein Können in spannenden Events und Turnieren, und erhalte schnelle Hilfe bei technischen Problemen oder Fragen. Unser Discord ist speziell für deutschsprachige Civilization 7 Enthusiasten, klar organisiert und bietet eine respektvolle Atmosphäre für alle. 💬 Sei dabei! Klicke jetzt auf den Einladungslink und starte dein nächstes Abenteuer mit uns. 🔗 Dein Civilization 7 Discord Deutsch Team