Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a new small discord community. Chat & participate in events. This is a small community server with a few active members, if you want to be apart of a tight-knit community & somewhere to call home then JOIN NOW! We are working hard to revive an old community.
Meet New People Discord Server Banner
Meet New People Discord Server Banner
Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a new small discord community. Chat & participate in events. This is a small community server with a few active members, if you want to be apart of a tight-knit community & somewhere to call home then JOIN NOW! We are working hard to revive an old community.
The Nation of Meromonia Icon
Memes | Role-Playing
Meromonia is a fictional nation created by a group of friends. It isn't focused on the Nation part, however, and is a place to post your creations, talk with other people, and make friends
Rikai Icon
Anime | Music
Префикс: ! Привет! Меня зовут Rikai Если тебе нравиться слушать музыку и аниме, то Я тебе нужен! Я способен найти любое аниме по вашему вкусу. Если вам надо найти определенное аниме, то он тоже хорошо с этим справится. Такеж, если Вы хотите посмотреть какой-то новое аниме на определенный жанр, то Я подберёт Вам аниме с хорошим рейтингом. А если вы сидите с друзьями, и Вам скучно. То Я способен поднять всем настроение включив музыку.
Crystal Executor Icon
Get the most powerful free and keyless executor for the web version of roblox that actually bypasses byfron anticheat. Its has clean and user-frendly interface with a lot of options.
The Epical Programming Server Icon
Programming | Technology
An epic place for programmers of all skill levels!
Duk Nation Icon
Gaming | eSports
Twitch and Discord has given us, and many others the opportunity to serve our communities. What do you mean about serving, you ask? We are given a platform that allows us to reach you and others with an upbeat positive attitude. We want to give you a place of solitude. A place where you can come and be part of the DUK Family. Where you can feel safe and loved. Now, there will be times we are just in the dumps. Are attitude stinks. But that is the best part about a family. We can help pick each one up. If you have that opportunity to uplift someone, don’t pass it up! It’s a great feeling!
Disney Cafe Icon
Entertainment | Social
This server is for all Disney and Pixar lovers! We have fun roles, bots, and varying conversation. Movie nights and giveaways are an added bonus.
『 T N W 』 Icon
Community | Entertainment
We are a non-swearing, child friendly server! We have tons of fun bots, and giveaways. We are an awesome community!
Just A Clean Server Icon
Community | Entertainment
A really clean server. Discuss about anything you want here- freely. No power-abusing mods, no roles, just a clean and nice hangout.
QueueMeta Icon
Bot | Gaming
- How the bot works - Type /help to get the advanced version of this. This is how it works. Whn you type __/modal__ it giev you the model and whn you interact with __started__ __queue__ it started the queue and whn youn click on __join__ __queue__ you join the queue and the your name shows up on the imbed and whn you click on __leave__ __queue__ it remove you form the queue and then you can click on __Refrech__ __Queue__ and it updates the embed and whn you type __/queueticket__ it open a queue Ticket with the admin at the 1st person in the queue and then it updates the queue and whn you click on __close__ __queue__ it closes the queue and goes back to the modal.