ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
Star Wars: A Galaxy At War Icon
Community | Gaming
BEGUN, THE CLONE WARS HAVE! Welcome to Star Wars: A Galaxy at War In this server, you can play for the Republic or the Separatists. You can be a Senator, an MP, an Admiral and so much more. In this server, we offer a fun time. We have engaging RP. We have helpful staff and a friendly community from every part of the world. Our staff and community will always help you along the way. So what are you waiting for, hop on in!
[CLS] Legend of Galaxy Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Dies ist ein Discord-Server der für unser Garry's mod StarWars RP (Legend of Galaxy) Server gebaut ist! Wir würden uns Freuen wenn du uns Joinst! Lg euer Team: CLS
[FAN] SW Server Icon
Community | Entertainment
In this server we talk about StarWars and we are a fan server for the WOOKIEEPEDIA, which is a forum for wiki fandom... we talk about star wars, we have fun, there are plenty of bots, we are trying to build a community so that every Star Wars fan enjoys their stay and make friends with the others!
RWBY Refugee Club Icon
Community | Anime
A RWBY Fan server with some weird, funny, friendly and crazy people, some who are also major Star Wars fans.
The Grand Army of the Republic Icon
Community | Role-Playing
The Official Grand Army of the Republic. Discuss about Clones, Missions, and the Battlefront. We are looking for Clones to be Generals, Commanders, and Captains in the Grand Army of the Republic. Create your own Clone Name and Join the Fight against the Sepies To
Republic's Elite Icon
Gaming | Community
We are a Star Wars Battlefront 2 Milsim playing on xbox, based on the Clone Wars Era. We offer a unique experience to our members as well as fun times playing!
The Death Star Icon
Community | Role-Playing
The Death Star is a Star Wars focused Discord server with many Star Wars commands, channels, and fans on the server. The only Star Wars fan server you'd wanna be in!
Lego Star Wars Fans Icon
Community | Hobbies
An awesome chill community full of Lego Star Wars collectors, builders, sellers and more! Share and talk about your favorite sets with other huge Lego Star Wars fans and even the newest shows and movies! JOIN THIS SERVER
Star Wars Discussions Icon
YouTuber | Entertainment
We are a small server at the moment but we want to grow, more fans, more content more fun we may be small but don't let that deter you from joining, just because me are small. We have everything for a Star Wars Fans everything coming up, News, Rumours all split up in their own areas.
66th Imperial Clone Battalion Icon
Gaming | Military
Das 66th Imperial Clone Battalion ist ein teamorientierter und taktischer ARMA 3 Star-Sim-Clan. Das Gründungsteam besteht aus erfahrenen Spielern. Die Clanleitung hat 5 Jahre Erfahrung in der Leitungsfunktion bei Arma 3 Clans. Wir haben ein vielfältiges Angebot von technischen, organisatorischen und werbetechnischen Aufgaben und entwickeln uns in diesen Bereichen, um den Spielern ein immersives Gefühl in Missionen zu vermitteln. Das 66th Imperial Clone Battalion ist ein Battalion der 1.Legion und bietet mit Hilfe verschiedener Modifikationen eine authentische Kampfsimulation. Von Ausrüstung (Clone Ära und Imperiale Ära), Bekleidung, Dienstgraden, allgemeiner Grundausbildung und Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten bis hin zu den Fachkenntnissen von Spezialzweigen wird alles geboten.
Pheonix Networks | Clone Wars RP Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
PHEONIX NETWORKS CWRP Phoenix Networks brings you a new Phase I CWRP. We have a dedicated team who bring the server to life, both with events and on-board activities. During downtime, you can rest assured you'll have a lot to do with all of the activities we have! Spend your downtime... Becoming a Jedi (FOR FREE) and head to our "asteroid" to gather materials to make a completely personalized lightsaber! Completing quests that offer unique rewards located all around the ship! Collecting trash to trade in for easy credits! Playing Chess or Checkers with your friends! RPing with your fellow brothers! Run your own training! (Only SGT+ can announce trainings but anyone can host in-game) Becoming a Mandalorian and taking to the skies! (VIP only) Joining the Navy and piloting the Venator across the galaxy! (Star Wars Universe add-on). With plenty to do, you'll never be bored. And best of all? We're close to becoming a 24 hour server! While our numbers are low right now [average 7 per day
The Clone Wars (rp) Icon
Role-Playing | Community
Are you ready to join the Galactic Republic in their fight against the Separatists, or are you willing to join the dark side and destroy the Jedi Order? You can do all of that in more in this new, fully interactive roleplay server based on The Clone Wars era of the Star Wars history! We offer: - A wide variety of chats based on real locations and planets from the prequels / clone wars tv show - a friendly and knowledgeable staff - an oc builder for those of you who are into that!! note: we are 100% lgbtq+ friendly as the staff are all lgbt themselves!
🌸 Paradise 18+ Adult SFW Icon
Entertainment | Community | Gaming
18+ Young Adults. 1:1 Female/ Male Ratio. Active 24/7 chat and VC. Dating. Profiles. Social. Gaming. Relationship. Friendly. Fun. Chill. Anime. Emotes. SFW. Community. Egirls. Minecraft. Voice. Drinking
🌸 Paradise 18+ Adult SFW Discord Server Banner
🌸 Paradise 18+ Adult SFW Icon
Entertainment | Community | Gaming
18+ Young Adults. 1:1 Female/ Male Ratio. Active 24/7 chat and VC. Dating. Profiles. Social. Gaming. Relationship. Friendly. Fun. Chill. Anime. Emotes. SFW. Community. Egirls. Minecraft. Voice. Drinking
Star Wars: Rise of the Republic Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
We all the story of Star Wars. Anakin’s fall to the Dark Side, Order 66, Rise of the Empire. But what if things went a little differently? What if Anakin had stayed in the Council Chambers? Such a simple decision that could change the course of history for the whole galaxy.
Clone Wars: ALternate Icon
Die Klonkriege. Wir schreiben das Jahr 19 VSY, kurz vor den Geschehnissen von Episode 3, hat sich alles verändert. Palpatine wurde von Anakin Skywalker als Sith-Lord enttarnt, welcher es dem Jedi-Rat vortrug. Dieser wandte sich an den galaktischen Senat, welcher die Order 65 ausrief. Kanzler Palpatine wurde von den Klonen hingerichtet und Bail Organa wurde als neuer Kanzler eingesetzt. Ein Jahr früher schaffte es Asajj Ventress ihren alten Meister Count Dooku zu ermorden, wodurch die Schwestern der Nacht die Übernahme der KuS in Angriff nehmen und vollenden konnten. Der Krieg verläuft weiter, während Ventress im geheimen einen neuen Sith-Orden aufbaute, welcher von ihr höchstpersönlich angeführt wird. Mandalore hat es währenddessen sehr gut. Pre Vizsla wurde von Bo-Katan Kryze getötet, welche es schaffte mit Gesprächen mit ihrer Schwester, der Herzogin von Mandalore, Satine Kryze, die Death-Watch als offizielle Polizei Mandalores zu integrieren. Seitdem wird Mandalore immer stärker
212th Knight Regiment Icon
Community | Military
〔212th〕Knight Regiment Greetings! Ever wanted to join an active and welcoming Star Wars MilSim Community? Well if you have then your in luck! About us: We are primarily a Roblox based community and play focus on the games Star Wars: Battlegrounds, Star Wars: Space Battle, and Heroes v. Villains. We also play gamenights where we typically play any game we want e.g. SW Battlefront 2, Arma 3, Roblox. The 212th offers a wide range of perks and fun things such as, An active community. Welcoming people and officers. Daily events. Clone helmets. Companies to choose from. Elite units! Future Robux prizes! So, if any of that sounds interesting to you, feel free to come by to our discord and take a look around! Feel free to ask questions in our questions channel when you join. "Loyalty Means Everything To The Clones." - Anakin Skywalker We hope to see you soon, glory to the Republic!
Gmod Clone Wars RP Icon
Role-Playing | Military
Hi there, Join this server if you enjoy Gmod Star Wars roleplaying, and give me a direct message so I can send you the connection to the main server. Every Rank is available.
Lust Wars Galaxy | Star Wars RP Icon
Role-Playing | Anime
# 📗 Une Galaxie en Guerre 📗 La galaxie est en plein chaos. La Guerre des Clones fait rage, opposant la République Galactique et ses armées de clones, menées par les Jedi, à la Confédération des Systèmes Indépendants (CSI) et ses droïdes de combat. Partout, les planètes sont ravagées par les batailles, les alliances se forgent et se brisent, et l'ombre du côté obscur se fait sentir plus que jamais. # 📔 L'Émergence de l'Empire Sith 📔 Dans les profondeurs de l'espace, loin des regards indiscrets, un nouvel empire est en train de prendre forme. Darth Astorliaz, une Impératrice Sith redoutable, a discrètement construit son pouvoir, rassemblant des fidèles et des alliés dans l'ombre. Cet empire secret reste pour l'instant inconnu de la plupart, mais son influence grandit, menaçant de bouleverser l'équilibre des forces dans la galaxie. Darth Astorliaz ambitieuse et rusée, elle a rassemblé des partisans loyaux, formant une armée secrète et développant des plans pour dominer la galaxie. So
For the Republic - Clone Wars Icon
Role-Playing | Entertainment
🎲 **Venha se aventurar no For The Republic!** 🎲 Você é fã de RPG de texto? Quer viver grandes aventuras em um universo rico como Star Wars, mergulhando na grande guerra Galactica? Então junte-se a nós no For The Republic, o servidor de Discord perfeito para os amantes de roleplay! Em nosso servidor, você encontrará: 🏰 **Planetas Fantásticos:** Explore lugares épicos, cada planeta possui seu bioma próprio e não se sabe os perigos que se pode encontrar. 👥 **Comunidade Acolhedora:** Faça novos amigos e parceiros de aventura em nossa comunidade vibrante e amigável. Compartilhe histórias, dicas e estratégias para se tornar o melhor jogador possível. 📜 **Histórias Épicas:** Crie personagens únicos e mergulhe na trama das Guerras Clonica, onde você poderá ser desde um Soldado Clone recém formado em Kamino, até um Senador que luta pelos direitos civis dentro do Senado Galactico. Deixe sua marca no universo do For The Republic.