Public Discord Servers tagged with Csk

DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Chennai Super Kings Icon
Community | Sports
Welcome to the our CSK based discord server. We celebrate cricket and building a better community around it by minimising the toxicity. 20% of members are non CSK fans, yet we co exist without fan war. Join and lets make a bond and build a better community for cricket lovers around the world. About Us: ⚫ We are group of mutual twitter users in Cricket Twitter. ⚫ We chat and usually do Stage discussions during important matches to make the server interactive. ⚫ We don’t care about our members count. All we want is server with people whom we can connect as normal friend and enjoy together and share our thoughts. ⚫ Our main motto is to have an active chat. ⚫ We have cool bots to make the general chat interesting. Note: ⚫ We don’t promote piracy and NSFW (Strictly no live Streaming) ⚫ This server is not related to the official CSK by any means ⚫ All the logos belongs to CSK and we are not using it to make money. ⚫ Friendly PG 13 server absolutely free from 18+ contents
Chennai Discord || Bharat Icon
Community | Business
Chennai rasigar kootam 🤗 meet with new people, make friends and plan meetups arranged my server members themselves, social events and stage entertainment. relax with us. make sure to join us with this cause!