Gaming | Playstation
1700+ Members 🫂 | Guaranteed Non-Toxic 🛡️| Certified Sherpas 🧑‍🚀| Giveaways 🎁| Custom LFG 🤝| Free Guides 📚| Specialty Quests 🗺️
Gaming | Playstation
1700+ Members 🫂 | Guaranteed Non-Toxic 🛡️| Certified Sherpas 🧑‍🚀| Giveaways 🎁| Custom LFG 🤝| Free Guides 📚| Specialty Quests 🗺️
Hacktoria Icon
Technology | Community
Capture the Flag games for OSINT and CyberSecurity enthusiasts. We host CTF events and organize a 24/7 geolocation challenge.
Phoenix | CTFB - Call of Duty 2 Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Phoenix | CTFB - Call of Duty 2 Gameserver CTFB = Capture The Flag Back / DM = Deathmatch / Jump = Jumping / WaWa = Training Aim
sudo rm -rf / Icon
Technology | Programming
Hello! sudo rm -rf / is a server for hanging out with the tech community. You won't find anything special here but you're welcome to join!
Blu3_B1rd Icon
Technology | Programming
This is a server for recruiting people for a CTF team. How this server is structured: There's 3 levels, each harder than the last, there are many challenges that you can complete, but in total you only need to complete 3 + a sanity check. Once you do, you can join our official team!
Programmer's Paradise Guild Icon
Technology | Social
[PROGRAMMERS'] PARADISE GUILD - O Mundo da Codificação e Desafios! 🚀 Seja muito bem-vindo ao nosso universo dedicado à programação, desafios CTF e ao incrível mundo da tecnologia. Aqui, reunimos entusiastas, novatos e experts para explorar, aprender e aprimorar suas habilidades na arte do código. O Que Nos Torna Únicos: ✨ Comunidade Acolhedora: Somos uma família apaixonada pela tecnologia, pronta para ajudar e compartilhar conhecimentos. 🌐 Desafios CTF Incríveis: Teste suas habilidades de hacking e segurança em nossos desafios CTF empolgantes. 👩‍💻 Recursos de Aprendizagem: Envolva-se com tutoriais, dicas e discussões sobre as últimas tendências e técnicas de programação. 🤝 Networking e Colaboração: Conecte-se com outros membros, forme equipes e trabalhe em projetos inovadores juntos. 🚀 Oportunidades de Crescimento: Oferecemos espaço para crescer profissionalmente e colaborar em projetos inspiradores.
/// PUBZAO Icon
Gaming | eSports
PUBZAO Urban Terror Servers: /// PUBZAO CTF console: /connect /// PUBZAO JUMP console: /connect /// PUBZAO Discord
KiraSec Icon
Community | Technology
For ethical hackers and the cybersecurity community to come together in a common place. Learn from masters in the field with 20+ years of experience or work along side others teaming up on CTF events and bug bountys. New Features and Channels CTF Walkthrough Forum: Thanks to @NET , we now have a new CTF walkthrough forum channel where members can post their own write-ups. Daily CTF Challenges: We’ve added two new CTF opportunities in the ctf-challenges channel where you can attempt daily puzzles using imaginary-CTF and the spyo bot. Leaderboard Channel: Link your HTB account username to the leaderboard channel to track your progress, see the community leaderboard, and get announcements when you complete an HTB box. Weekly Community Campfires: Join us for weekly community campfires to gather and chat. Weekly Bug Bounty Event: Collaborate on bug bounties every Sunday (check out the events section in the Discord).
AI Safety & Security Community Icon
Technology | Community
Welcome to the Silicon Wall-E AI Safety & Security Discord community! 🌐🔐 We're a passionate group of AI enthusiasts, researchers, and practitioners dedicated to advancing the field of AI safety and security. Join us to learn, share, and connect with like-minded individuals committed to building a safer AI future. Why Join Us? 💬 Engaging Discussions: Talk about the latest in AI safety and security. 📚 Knowledge Hub: Access exclusive resources and blog posts. 🕵️ CTF Strategies: Discuss Capture the Flag challenges and tips. 🤝 Networking: Connect with industry experts and peers. 🎉 Interactive Events: Join webinars, hackathons, and competitions. 🚀 Career Opportunities: Find jobs, internships, and project collaborations. 📂 Resource Sharing: Share and access valuable AI safety tools and research. Join our vibrant community today and help build a safer AI future! 🫶