Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a vibrant and engaging Discord community where active members are rewarded! Chat, participate in events, and compete for a chance to win FREE Discord Nitro every month. The top 2 most talkative members are crowned winners, and we host fun games, giveaways, and exciting events to k
Meet New People Discord Server Banner
Meet New People Discord Server Banner
Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a vibrant and engaging Discord community where active members are rewarded! Chat, participate in events, and compete for a chance to win FREE Discord Nitro every month. The top 2 most talkative members are crowned winners, and we host fun games, giveaways, and exciting events to k
DayZ | Domination Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
What is Domination DayZ? A brief description is that there are two factions. Allied Nations ( United Nations ) & the Red Star ( Krasnostav Headquarter ). You will spawn at one of the two locations, this is the faction you will fight for until you die and re-spawn randomly between either of them again. Your goal is to kill the members of the opposing faction and capture the objective !
Alternative Icon
Gaming | Community
Nossa proposta com o servidor vanilla é trazer de volta um pouco do DayZ raiz, o PVP, e a sobrevivência, procurando sempre unir isso com poucos MODs, para ajudar não só os players mais antigos, como também os novos jogadores de DayZ. Criamos o servidor a principio fugindo da mesmice dos outros servidores, sempre com muitos MODs, muitos itens ou vendidos em real, o que acaba estragando a gameplay da sobrevivência do DayZ, buscamos aquela pegada de sair, procurar por itens, encontrar bases e players pelo caminho.
Kings n Pawns Icon
Gaming | Community
Chernoris (20 slot) kos/pve ~ full vehicles no cars ~ raid weekend Livonia (16 slot) pve ~ trader ~ full vehicles no cars ~ raid weekend
BierBude DayZ Icon
Gaming | Community
Hey du suchst nach einem DayZ Server und wolltest schon immer mal eine neue Map ausprobieren? Dann join jetzt unserem Discord da erfährst du mehr wie und was wir eigentlich machen 🙂
Dayz Insanity Icon
Gaming | Social
Dayz Insanity Chernarus is a Midwest server perfect for people looking for a middle point ping. Great for west coast US players and East coast players to get together. Although not everyone is expected to live past the coastal high way. Our players wanted something a little more challenging but not out of the scope of Dayz lore. We at DayZ Insanity do our best to provide it. You start out with a custom loadout. Looting and crafting is a must if you want to survive. There is a large variety of items to scrounge but we are not boosted. We have extra recipes for making your own repair kits, leather clothes and more. Our Server uses air drops, missions and DNAKeycards to create an on going treasure hunt to keep you busy. Customized traders, helicopters that fly smooth, a big list of area appropriate cars, and deadly PVE encounters to keep you fully involved. Base enhancements like R22R Base Fortifications, Building Fortifications mod and BoomLay's Craftables and Things to furnish it.
Hell To The Kings Dayz(PC) Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Wanna Join Our Dayz Server Come Try it out with have Drugs Modded Guns,vehicles,helicopter,outfits,Trader System Start With 25000 and alot more coming soon,......we also need admin's so come check us out.!!!!!
AltarWind Icon
Gaming | Community
DayZ PC Hardcore Survival server - We are a community for the brave and the bold. AltarWind is a place where you can share your stories, tips, screenshots, videos, and more with other fans of the game.
Praga-Z Dayz Server Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Nosso servidor DayZ Full Mod PvP se destaca por oferecer uma experiência intensa e dinâmica, com zonas PvE que adicionam desafios estratégicos. Nossa comunidade é especial devido à sua atmosfera amigável e engajada, onde os jogadores se apoiam e criam histórias únicas em meio ao caos de DayZ. Venha fazer parte dessa aventura!
BomberVille™ Icon
Gaming | Community
BomberVille™ | DayZ | 50 Slot Xbox Server Name: BV ▫️KOS ▫PVP ▫PVE ▫️M&K ▫️Bases ▫️Events ▫️Bunkers ▫️Factions ▫️Air Drops ▫️Full Shop ▫Update 1.24 ▫️Full Vehicles ▫️Heli Crashes ▫️Train Wrecks ▫️Weekend Raid ▫️Custom Bases ▫️Premium NPCs ▫Build Anywhere ▫️KOS everywhere ▫100% Infinite Stamina ▫️Realistic Boosted Loot ▫Enhanced Player Movement ▫️Everything Spawns Full & Pristine ▫️Zombie Spawn With Food & Meds ▫️PVP focused w/ optional PVE & RP ▫️Custom Spawns & Freshy Loadouts ▫️Professional Boxing League PBL & Arena ▫️and much MORE!
CDR DayZ Server Icon
Gaming | Community
EU - CDR Vanilla+ | PVP | Raids | Airdrops | High Loot 100 Slots PVP - RAID 24/24 Vanilla Base Building + Code Lock New Vehicles and Helicopters More Weapons (Balanced, No Barret, RPG, etc) More Clothes More Fish More Stamina Easter Eggs
Grim Origins Icon
Gaming | Xbox
☞ 𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐎 ☜ ☣Name: GRIM ☢RIGINS™☣ 》Name to search on the DayZ Community tab: 》GRIM PVP (for cherno deathmatch) 》GRIM FROST (for full map Sakhal) 💥• Xbox DayZ Community Server 💥• 50 slot >> Chernarus—Deathmatch (server name: GRIM PVP) 💥• 50 slot >> Sakhal—Full Map (server name: GRIM FROST) 💥• 3PP/1PP 💥• KOS Everywhere (other than the safe zone/trader) 💥• 2x Boosted Loot 💥• Unlimited Stamina 💥• MnK Enabled 💥• Wall damage is on from Fri. 6 pm EST - Sun. 9 pm EST (you can only enter locked bases during the week if it's done so by means of natural steps to get in.. i.e., if base is left open, player is killed upon entering, jumping off a roof or a vehicle to get into the base, but absolutely no use of fireplaces, garden plots, or stacking tents to enter). 💥• Everyone gets a free base alarm to have a chance to defend their base. 💥• SHOP BOT! (with tutorials) AIRDROPS! (3-4x per week) DAILY QUESTS! (with winning role) WEEKLY EVENTS! (with ranked roles & prizes).
Reborn EU DayZ Community Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Welcome to REBORN, a DayZ server that strikes the perfect balance between heavily modded and vanilla gameplay. Our server provides an exciting DayZ experience, offering just the right amount of modifications to enhance the game without overwhelming it. Enjoy fast-paced, immersive gameplay that stays true to the essence of DayZ. Join us on REBORN and experience the best of both worlds. Connection info: