ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
Losers Icon
Social | Community
The server is for people that like to talk online about their life. About simple things or really big things. Even if you don't think people would like that. You can talk about it. Share socialmedia or other social thingies. Share drawings or projects you made. Its for developers, designers, for social people. For buisiness men or women. Even for the simple people for simple things. Its about social contacts, no limits. We are open-minded and most of the time we don't blame anything. Even for sarcastic people, or less-social people. You find a way in this server.
AxCode Icon
Community | YouTuber
Nous essayons avec ce serveur de créer une communauté d’entraide autour du web et du digital si vous êtes passionné par l’infographie ou le développement je pense que vous êtes bien tombé ! Nous possédons un bot perso qui permet de nous/vous facilité la vie, je vous laisse le découvrir avec la commande !help ^^ Graphisme Si vous êtes passionné de dessin papier ou numérique, vous pouvez prendre le rôle graphistes pour accéder aux salons dédiés où vous pourrez partager vos dessins aux autres graphistes ! Développement Si vous avez des compétences en développement où qu'au contraire vous cherchez de l’aide, vous pouvez prendre le rôle développeur pour accéder aux salons dédiés pour discuter avec les membres de cette communauté ! Pub Le serveur met à disposition un rôle pub pour booster votre serveur discord où votre chaîne YouTube ! Ma chaîne YouTube Si vous êtes abonné à la chaîne Axcode vous pouvez demander de l’aide par rapport à une de mes vidéos dans le salon dédié !
ProLang Icon
Programming | Technology
ProLang is the official discord server for the new programming language ProLang, deemed to ease programming itself. We are though, smallest we are trying to increase our server day by day, and we would love new developers to contribute in the run!
WebWorm Icon
Technology | Programming
WebWorm is something special, a server intended and dedicated for geeks and people who love development, design, marketing, social media, or anything related to the internet, with the ultimate goal of becaming the biggest community dedicated to people who live in the spider-web.
RetroGuy Productions Icon
Gaming | Programming
It's a server where I update people and let them know about any projects or games that I'm currently working on. Not only that, it's also a server where you can talk about stuff, and you get to play with bots! We have a gaming channel, music channel, memes channel, art channel, and videos channel.
Discord Developer CO. Icon
Community | Bot
This server will allow to ask any questions regarding discord developments and if your stuck on a coding program or a code when building a bot you can come to this server and ask and other people can answer. We also have fun engaged community to fanart all the way to cool roles you can get! We have active developers so if you need help or need us to help you with your server we can do that aswell.. We also have a modmail system so instead of tickets we do modmail where all you gotta do to contact staff is /dm and a staff member will dm you with your solution or context within 24 hours.