The Unordinary Icon
Social | Just Chatting
Welcome to The Unordinary, a cozy 21+ retreat where adults come to unwind, connect, and forge new friendships after a long day of work or study. 🌟 In our supportive and drama-free environment, everyone is encouraged to be themselves and to respect each other's safe space. 🌿 Whether you're seeking a relaxing chat, some playful banter, or a deeper conversation, our diverse range of general chats, including a cosy corner and a cheeky chat, has something for everyone. 😊🎉 For those who prefer to express themselves creatively, we offer hobby sections where you can share your passions and talents with fellow members. 🎨🐾 And if words aren't enough, our voice note spot allows you to communicate in a more personal and authentic way. 🎙️💬 Come hang out after a long day in a space that places emphasis on allowing everyone to be themselves while still being respectful to everyone. Keen as to meet ya mate
The Unordinary Discord Server Banner
The Unordinary Discord Server Banner
The Unordinary Icon
Social | Just Chatting
Welcome to The Unordinary, a cozy 21+ retreat where adults come to unwind, connect, and forge new friendships after a long day of work or study. 🌟 In our supportive and drama-free environment, everyone is encouraged to be themselves and to respect each other's safe space. 🌿 Whether you're seeking a relaxing chat, some playful banter, or a deeper conversation, our diverse range of general chats, including a cosy corner and a cheeky chat, has something for everyone. 😊🎉 For those who prefer to express themselves creatively, we offer hobby sections where you can share your passions and talents with fellow members. 🎨🐾 And if words aren't enough, our voice note spot allows you to communicate in a more personal and authentic way. 🎙️💬 Come hang out after a long day in a space that places emphasis on allowing everyone to be themselves while still being respectful to everyone. Keen as to meet ya mate
Raamatukohvik Icon
Raamatukohvik on väike kodumaine Discordi server sarnaste huvidega täiskasvanud inimestele. Peamiselt ühendab meid huvi heade raamatute vastu, aga teemaks tuleb ka kõik muu, alustades kettagolfist kuni lauamängude ja kokakunstini. Avasta koos meiega uusi lemmikraamatuid, paranda oma lugemisharjumusi, muljeta loetud teoste üle või piilu, mille üle teised arutlevad.
Autistide kommuun Icon
Entertainment | Just Chatting
Rohkete funktsioonide ja muude tiluliludega küllustatud server, et igaleühele oleks midagi pakkuda. Võimalikult kasutajasõbralik ning vaba õhuga kommuun.
Estonia Icon
Gaming | Language
R6 Estonia Icon
Gaming | eSports
Aktiivne R6 Eesti Discord Server. Sõbralikud inimesed ja paljud kellega mängida! Otsid uusi sõprussuhteid? joini meid!
Jututuba Icon
Community | Mature
Jututuba on hubane suhtluskeskkond täisealistele Discordi kasutajatele. Tule mängi triviat või poomist ja tunne end vabalt!
keerlev rott Icon
Community | Gaming
Oled tähelepannud kuidas rott keerleb? Ei? Siis tule liitu meiega ja koge seda ime! Oleme väike muhe kommuunike, kellele meeldib ühiselt mängida ja niisama trulli lüüa!
Community | Gaming
Ülimalt aktiivne ja sõbralik eestikeelne seltskond kus striimitakse filme, mängitakse mänge või niisama jutustatakse. Serveris on palju originaalseid emojisi ja ka kõik botid mida hing ihkab. Meie serveris kehtib põhimõte, et kõik on sinna oodatud kui nad oskavad viisakalt käituda. Proovime nii palju kui võimalik sõbralikult omavahel käituda ja oma erimeelsused rahulikult ära lahendada. Reeglite rikkumisel on karistused üsna leebed kuid inimesed kes tulevad tüli norima saavad kiirelt eemaldatud. Bannimisega me ei tegele....meil on neile inimestele parem koht välja mõeldud :P. Kui pole kindel kas see server on sinule mõeldud, siis tule ikka ja vaata üle. Äkki saad ka Sina üheks paljude seas, kes kutsub seda serverit enda koduks...
EE Apex Legends Icon
Gaming | Community
Meie kommuun on Põhjendatud Eesti Apex Legendi mängijatele, kus me saame aega veeta ja koos mängida, on tulemas veel asju näiteks, custom mängud kui meil on rohkem inimesi koos, nii et kindlasti tule vaata mis see kommuun annab pakkuda! joinida saab siit -->
Estonian Femboys Icon
We love Estonian Femboys! that's right, and in this server we have a bunch of estonian femboys waiting just for you
Hea Server Icon
Writing | Technology
Tulge siia ,et rääkida Eesti keeles sõbraliku juttu. Siit saab ka abi unity ja blenderi kohta. Selles serveris juba igav ei hakka. Kõik sõbralikud inimesed on oodatud!
Koodijutud Icon
Technology | Mature
Oleme arendajatele ja tehnikahuvilistele orienteeritud jututuba, kus saab arutleda päevakajaliste teemade üle, kohvi juua ja palju muudki!
Estonia Rust Discord Icon
Are you a passionate Rust player living in Estonia? Look no further! Our community is dedicated to bringing together Rust enthusiasts from all corners of Estonia. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or just starting your Rust journey, this is the perfect place for you.
Elysian Sports Icon
Sports | Hobbies | eSports
Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of sports betting? Join our beginner free server where our host of professional handicappers share their picks with our thriving community. Whether you're new to betting, looking to refine your strategies or interested in finding some new locks and parlays, our server is the perfect place to engage, learn and succeed. We talk about sports betting, DFS, fantasy sports, horse racing, and more! Here's what awaits you: Expert Handicappers: Gain access to picks and analysis from experienced handicappers who have honed their skills for years of experience and have the positive record to show for it. They provide valuable insights across various sports, helping you make informed betting decisions. Active Community: Connect with fellow sports enthusiasts who share your passion for betting and sports. Our active channels are perfect for discussing upcoming plays where members are always collaborating to find the best lines and locks.
Elysian Sports Discord Server Banner
Elysian Sports Icon
Sports | Hobbies | eSports
Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of sports betting? Join our beginner free server where our host of professional handicappers share their picks with our thriving community. Whether you're new to betting, looking to refine your strategies or interested in finding some new locks and parlays, our server is the perfect place to engage, learn and succeed. We talk about sports betting, DFS, fantasy sports, horse racing, and more! Here's what awaits you: Expert Handicappers: Gain access to picks and analysis from experienced handicappers who have honed their skills for years of experience and have the positive record to show for it. They provide valuable insights across various sports, helping you make informed betting decisions. Active Community: Connect with fellow sports enthusiasts who share your passion for betting and sports. Our active channels are perfect for discussing upcoming plays where members are always collaborating to find the best lines and locks.
Eesti UK [EUK] Icon
Community | Gaming
A community-based Estonian-English server with frequent events, active chats and humble members ready to get to know You. Members can take part in the development of the server and have fun at the same time. Our community plays a lot of different games from MMORPGs to FPS and story-driven games.
The Rig Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
In this server you can play with other people and have movie nights or gaming tournaments/nights (i am not creating movie nights or gaming nights/tournaments)
Community | LGBT
Server meant for Estonian LGBTQ+ people! We have: ☆ An easy verification system ☆ Lots of fun channels ☆ Lots of LGBTQ+ related roles ☆ Measures set in place to prevent trolls Will be looking for mods! *Allies and non-Estonians are welcome too of course!