DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Terran Colonial Forces Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
TCF is a player build organization active in Elite Dangerous and getting ready for Star Citizen.
Royal Phoenix Security Group Icon
Gaming | Social
Royal Phoenix Corporation основана ветеранами антипиратских рейдов, считающих своим долгом защиту порядка и спокойствия среди простых и беззащитных людей, не важно к какой сверхдержаве они принадлежат. Её специальное боевое подразделение Royal Phoenix Security Group объединяет самых разных Командиров с одной целью — обеспечить жителям окраинных систем уверенность в своей безопастности в тяжёлые годы галактической анархии.
Elite Torval Icon
Gaming | Community
Elite Torval is the officially recognised Powerplay Group for supporters of the Empire’s mining and trading power, Senator Zemina Torval. Whether you are an individual commander or a representative of a Player Group/Squadrons you are welcome.
Crimson Dagger Icon
Crimson Dagger is an Elite Dangerous squadron based in Flousop dedicated to freeing the galaxy from the Federation and the Empire.
Elite Dangerous на русском Icon
Community | Gaming
Elite Dangerous - Russian Community Русскоязычное сообщество игры Elite Dangerous. Присоединяйтесь к нам!
TaberNaCl Icon
Gaming | Technology
Welcome to TaberNaCl, weird name right I know it is but here we are full of geeks, nerds, gamers and more. So trying to find a ways to combine all of the different communities of the internet we need a gathering play (aka a Tabernacle). And you can deny it but we are all salty, so now the science in us comes out so I give to you NaCl the chemical sodium chloride (aka salt) fits perfectly. So I welcome you to The Salty TaberNaCl or just call it TaberNaCl if you wish. Games include: Hunt - Showdown, Apex Legends, Elite Dangerous, The Battle of Polytopia, and more. We are also networking and programming enthusiasts. Come join in the fun!
Dark Echo Elite Dangerous Icon
Gaming | Social
Dark Echo is an Elite Dangerous Gaming Clan. Description on Inara: https://inara.cz/elite/squadron/300
The Mercenary Union Icon
Attention Elite: Dangerous commanders! The Mercenary Union is a new cross-faction initiative united around a shared passion for on-foot combat. It's open to any commander who supports our goals, regardless of their faction, power, squadron, or legal status! All members remain part of their existing player groups. We are additionally backed by Void Raven Outfit, a politically-neutral independent squadron. The Mercenary Union is based on the idea that most squadrons often either have _too much_ or _too little_ combat going on at any one time. Members of TMU can request defense support for their faction, and even expansion support in some cases. All commanders remain independent, and are able to continue working towards their faction or squadron's goals, whatever they may be. In addition to collaborative mercenary work, we endeavor to arrange on-foot PvP and sustainable mat farming events. We also provide mentorship for less experienced mercenaries.
The Senate Icon
Gaming | Social
Discord server for the multi-game social gaming community, The Senate.
Elite Dangerous Italia Icon
Gaming | Technology
Elite Dangerous Italia
Resonance Fleet [RF] Icon
The Resonance Fleet is an independent minor faction based in the Mazahuanses system. It was founded on on the 21st of August 3304 and since then we have been struggling to take control of our home system, which is currently under the rule of the Trukampasuk Monarchy. There aren't very many of us at the moment, which makes our fight all that much harder. This is also the reason for our eagerness to recruit new players! We need you and we'd love it for our community to grow!
elitedangerous-cqcdiscord Icon
Gaming | eSports
The original community discord for CQC Arena Championship on all platforms since 2016. Finding it difficult to find CQC Arena matches in Elite Dangerous? Head over to CQC Discord to find regular matches on PC, Playstation, and XBOX with the CQC community. CQC Arena 'dogfight' PvP matches daily. Meet pilots with manners, and explode with grace.
Bunko Bunko: Light Novel Club Icon
Anime | Manga | Writing
Discuss your favorite LNs ⭐️ MANGA ⭐️ VNs ⭐️ ANIME ⭐️ GAMES and more with a friendly community of fellow readers. ✍️ Writing your own novel? Share and get feedback from others! 👯‍♀️We’ve also got Mudae & Cosplay channels for our cultured friends! ❤️
Bunko Bunko: Light Novel Club Discord Server Banner
Bunko Bunko: Light Novel Club Icon
Anime | Manga | Writing
Discuss your favorite LNs ⭐️ MANGA ⭐️ VNs ⭐️ ANIME ⭐️ GAMES and more with a friendly community of fellow readers. ✍️ Writing your own novel? Share and get feedback from others! 👯‍♀️We’ve also got Mudae & Cosplay channels for our cultured friends! ❤️
The Broken Limpet Logistics Icon
Gaming | Streaming
The Broken Limpet Logistics - An Elite Dangerous community Your galactic Uber service. We connect the galaxy. Stuck? Need a lift? Out of Fuel? Full of diamonds? Give us a call. - Hundreds of Fleet Carriers - Merchant fleet for free trade - Independent, free organization - Personal transport requests - Incredible, experienced community - Player ran faction! Join now!
A-Team Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Отряд по игре Arma 3. Основан 2.09.2013 бойцами играющими одним составом на проекте "Воскресные игры" в далёкой alpha версии Arma 3. Взрослый, дружный коллектив 20+ Участвуем в TvT проекте "Red Bear" .
Wolf Pack Crew Icon
Gaming | Memes
We're a VERY small crew starting out and looking to expand Not everyone's in the discord so don't let that discourage you from joining What We Do: Help with contact missions and other activities CEO & MC Grind & Sell lobbies Heist Teams Crew Only Lobbies What We're Looking For: Must be able to play on free aim servers Must be at least 18 years of age Must be capable of being mature, mental stability, professionalism, mindful, respectful, etc. A mic isn't required, but is recommended Be able to operate within a structured teamwork environment Professional/Mature Demeanor Can Speak or understand English (We are mainly based in the US) Lastly, Be active, you CHOSE to join us, now we expect involvement from you. We’re not asking for your life, we’re asking for you to be involved, that’s the reason why you joined, to be involved Other Games we support, Minecraft, Fallout 76, RDR2, and Elite Dangerous
Fleet Fuel Inc. Icon
Growth | Science
Here we are a relatively new server with previous experience that simply refuels your Fleet Carrier when you can't! It is a very simple and easy process, all you need to do is create a ticket, park your carrier in our system and sit back and relax whilst our talented refuel staff do all the hard work for you.
Flob Imperium Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Willkommen im Flob Imperium! CMDR_DerFlob streamt auf Twitch und baut hier seine Community auf. Es geht vor allem um Elite: Dangerous und Kerbal Space Program, aber Gaming generell ist erwünscht! Fühl dich auch gerne dann willkommen, wenn du weder mit Twitch noch mit diesen Spielen vertraut bist; wir sind gerne bereit dir weiterzuhelfen, wenn du in einem Spiel mal stuck bist oder jemanden suchst, um nicht alleine zocken zu müssen! Wir bieten eine offene Community und einen Safespace für LGBTQ+, Allies und Konsorten, also kommt vorbei und schaut rein!
Community | Gaming
Gaming community focused on MMO's , good conduct , and leadership
The Storm Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to the Storm! just a Gaming Community for Streamer @BiosStorm Come join the fun and play games and hang with chill peoples.
51st imperial Legion Icon
Community | Gaming
We are the 51st imperial legion Loyal to Aisling Duval we are a combat and PVP/E group we also like to RP and have text RP based within the server too that goes in lore with ED
Children of the Stars Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to the Children of the Stars! We are a very relaxed, new player friendly, Elite Dangerous (and occasionally Star Citizen) group. Whether you are jumping in for the first time, or ready to take on the Titans, we will help! We aim to give new players direction, guide them on mechanics, and provide outside resources! We generally will NOT give free credits or ships. If you are an experienced player, you can do all these and more, such as help guide new players, powerplay, and hunt those evil Thargoids! If a new and relaxed Elite Dangerous group is your style, check us out!