DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Horse City Icon
Hobbies | Social
Need a place to just hang out and chill with other equestrians? Join our friendly server Horse City! We are a knit-close community that has so much to offer! We are currently in a small state but we're growing and welcoming new faces. We hope you enjoy you're time. We currently have... »A place to introduce yourself to other riders »English and Western discipline chats »Questions and Answers chat »A place to share pics and vids of your horse »Music »And many more!
Jorvik Global Riding Club (RRP) Icon
Role-Playing | Community
This is a lgbtq+ friendly and non-racism server. We try to have it super realistic so we have sell/buy a horse, lease/loan a horse, buy/sell tack/clothes, get lessons even if your instructor is from another country, host shows, go on shows, your horse can go missing, jobs (like horse instructor, judge, veterianary, farrier and more will come in the future), you can ride with others and much much much much more! But more WILL be added into the future and in fact you guys can go to rrp suggestions and tell us what YOU want 🙂 And we might add it. Im also a person that fixs things that sounds a little impossible so your thing will have a high chance to be added!
Reiterstübchen Icon
Community | Hobbies
🐴 Willkommen im Reiterstübchen! 🐴 Wir sind der erste deutsche Discord-Server, der sich speziell nur auf Pferde konzentriert – für alle pferdebegeisterten Menschen, egal ob Hobbyreiter, erfahrene Reiter oder sogar Turnierreiter auf höchstem Niveau! 🎠 🌟- Was erwartet dich bei uns? 🐎⋅⋅⋞ Austausch zu allen Reitstilen: Dressur, Springreiten, Western, Vielseitigkeit und mehr. 🐴 ⋅⋅⋞ Tipps und Diskussionen zu Training, Pflege und dem Pferdealltag. 🎮 ⋅⋅⋞ Ein kleiner Bereich für Gaming – ideal für die Pferde- und Spiele-Fans unter uns. 🌼⋅⋅⋞ Weitere Themen wie Ernährung, Equipment, Motivation und Kreatives. 🏷️⋅⋅⋞ Selbstvergebbare Rollen, damit du zeigen kannst, welche Themen dich besonders interessieren. Wir heißen Reiter sowie Pferdefans aller Erfahrungsstufen herzlich willkommen! Tritt unserer Herde bei und lass uns gemeinsam durchs Leben galoppieren! 🐎 » Besuche unsere Website: www.mein-reiterstuebchen.de «