Tranquility (18+ SFW) Icon
Social | Gaming | Community
🌟 Join our 18+ SFW community for gaming 🎮, movie nights 🎥, giveaways, and more! Enjoy a chill, friendly community with AI art access 🖼️ and a dedicated Minecraft server.
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Icon
Social | Gaming | Community
🌟 Join our 18+ SFW community for gaming 🎮, movie nights 🎥, giveaways, and more! Enjoy a chill, friendly community with AI art access 🖼️ and a dedicated Minecraft server.
Escape from Tarkov Balkan Icon
Community | Gaming
👋 Escape from Tarkov Balkan discord Community 👋 💜Cilj naše zajednice je okupiti sve ljubitelje Tarkova svih generacija na jednom mjestu. 💜 Ako nemate nikoga za questat ili jednostavno nemate s kime igrati e onda ste nasli pravo mjesto 😌 💜 Iskusni Staff i Veterani sa vise od 2,000h su tu za pomoci ako ste tek krenuli igrati. 💜 Later on planiramo organizirati turnire, raditi zadatke za Community sa giveaways etc etc... 💜 Samo Balkan, pravila su kao i svuda. Sto se tice Tarkov pravila sve pise na Discordu. 💜 Zajebancija uvijek na nivou, jednostavno budite normalni & have fun. Catch ya around !
Firemongers Icon
Gaming | Community
Firemongers is here to bring people together and have fun doing so. We are a growing community of fun and fine gamers and we hope youll have a great time here!
EFG Greek Community Icon
Gaming | Mature
EFG Greek Community is a channel most for Greek Tactical Role Play and Tactical Action Games. If you are Greek Join! Over 285 members here!
TOT1 Clan Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
TOT1 Gaming community. Battlefield, HLL, Rust, Call Of Duty, PUBG, Escape From Tarkov, Minecraft, World Of Tanks, WOW, Rocket League, Apex Legends and many more games. Join our Discord to have fun!
Find A Team Icon
Gaming | eSports
Looking for people to play your games with? Find A Team have players looking for teams on many games including Rust, Escape From Tarkov and Leauge of Legends
Flare's Tarkov Server Icon
Escape From Tarkov group finder. Mainly Tarkov but other we play other games together as well. Friendly and helpful community that is open to new and experienced players. Always someone willing to help out new players. Active admin staff.
A Tarkov Server (SEA) Icon
Hello, PMC'S, If you are looking for people to play you can join us, We are a nice and welcoming group and will happily teach new players. This server speaks both Cantonese and English, So come join if you want to play with us! Happy raidings! 您好,PMC'S,如果您正在尋找可以玩的人,您可以加入我們,我們是一個友好而熱情的團隊,很樂意教新玩家。 這個服務器會說粵語和英語,如果你想和我們一起玩就快來加入吧!
Exiles Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Exiles | Chernarus | PvP Focused | Secure Containers | BBP 2.0 Why Exiles? > Exiles is dedicated to providing in a DayZ experience, that which you can not readily find elsewhere, the freedom to play how you want to play. + PvP focused server, 24/7 raiding, BBP 2.0 with a Focus on performance. + Working Secure Containers, Alpha thru Kappa. + Advanced groups, Spawn Select, Sleeping Bag spawn + BodyBags and purpose-built Armor, Weapons and Clothing + Custom locations built for PVP + Balanced Server Progression through Tiers, Keycards, Loot Crates & Care Packages + Updated Helicopters with working Gunner Seat + Custom traders: one safezone, bandit camp, black market and NWAF heli vendor. + Additional Points of Interest such as the Caves, Treehouses and updated and modified Heli Crashes and Train Wrecks. + Active discord with regular updates, robust ticketing system, clear rules, giveaways and more! + Regular staff hosted events designed with a PvP focus.
Hideaway Saloon Icon
Gaming | eSports
Tarkov LFG server which focuses on team playing and progression. Don’t join if you are new. Thanks and have fun
The Hideout Icon
Gaming | Community
Welcome to The Hideout—a place for gamers who prefer a more laid-back gaming experience. We believe in minimal restrictions and maximum fun! Join us for: 🎮 Casual Gaming: Play your favorite games at your own pace without strict rules or pressure. 🗣️ Chill Chat: Hang out with fellow gamers, discuss games, or simply chat about life. No heavy moderation here! 🤖 Bots Galore: We've got a bunch of fun bots to enhance your Discord experience, from music bots to trivia games. 🌐 Multiplatform: Whether you're on PC, console, or mobile, all gamers are welcome here. 🥳 Events and Giveaways: Join our occasional events and giveaways for a chance to win cool prizes. 🍻 Virtual Bar: Enjoy a virtual drink with your buddies in our relaxed voice channels. 👥 No Mic Required: We respect your choice to use or not use a microphone. Text chat is perfectly fine. 🤷 Few Rules: We believe in personal responsibility and letting our members decide what's acceptable. Just be respectful and have fun!
Attack On Gaming Icon
Gaming | Community
Gaming in alle Richtungen oder einfach mit Kollegen chillen. Spielt worauf ihr bock habt holt eure freunde ran und lasst eine chillige community aufbauen um immer jemanden zum zocken, talken oder chillen zu haben.
Dema Cringe Club Icon
Entertainment | Community
🤡 Divertimento senza limiti di imbarazzo 🎉 Ruoli esclusivi per i primi 50 pionieri 🗣️ Canali di discussione su ogni tipo di cringe 🤫 Scopri chi è il più cringe di tutti! ✅️ E MOLTO ALTRO...
🌸 Paradise 18+ Adult SFW Icon
Entertainment | Community | Gaming
18+ Young Adults. 1:1 Female/ Male Ratio. Active 24/7 chat and VC. Dating. Profiles. Social. Gaming. Relationship. Friendly. Fun. Chill. Anime. Emotes. SFW. Community. Egirls. Minecraft. Voice. Drinking
🌸 Paradise 18+ Adult SFW Discord Server Banner
🌸 Paradise 18+ Adult SFW Icon
Entertainment | Community | Gaming
18+ Young Adults. 1:1 Female/ Male Ratio. Active 24/7 chat and VC. Dating. Profiles. Social. Gaming. Relationship. Friendly. Fun. Chill. Anime. Emotes. SFW. Community. Egirls. Minecraft. Voice. Drinking
Escape from Apex Icon
Gaming | Memes
Ethics Committee Icon
Gaming | Political
Полухардкорный клан .sy^ syndikat. Ночной кошмар всех нормисов в играх. Особенно ртс. Мы делаем кринж в играх, постим кринж, теряем подписчиков. Заходи!
Escape From Tarkov Info Icon
Gaming | Education
This server features quickly accessible information for the game Escape From Tarkov. There are categories with links to all of the maps in the game, useful charts for ammo, armour, needed hideout items and quest items. There are also voice channels for squads and a channel for looking for other players.
????? - Serveur Multi-Jeux Icon
eSports | Gaming
Communauté de geeks et de joueurs, Médias, Newtork et de Streamers. Venez nous rendre visite :)
Escape From Tarkov Hub Icon
Gaming | Social | Entertainment
This is a server to help new and existing players. It has the Tarkov Assist bot, maps, extract videos, ammo charts, money making videos, barter lists, a custom marketplace for players to trade among each other, and way more. Info from anyone will be added to the server (with credit of course).
Kings Realm Icon
Gaming | Community
Kings Realm is a multi-gaming community with an aim to provide a mature platform for players alike to congregate and enjoy what we all love to play. Established in 2015 as a focused gaming clan, we now strive to involve ourselves in a multitude of games. Valuing loyalty and sportsmanship - transparency and engagement with our members is a key factor for us to ensure our direction is led by the voices of our community. To sum it up briefly. Here are the main points to our clan: EU based Casual/Competitive Age: 16+ Opinions: Open Profanity: Open Microphone: Preferred
Gaming Coffee Icon
Gaming | Social
Healthy and mature gaming community. We talk. We play games. We have fun. Honestly we have a great time, there is no racisme and no sexisme, we talk about games and our daily lives, we share stuff about each other. We have bots that send us video's and game patches automatically and we all respect each other. I hope to see you soon in discord Join us and have fun.
Mischief Icon
Gaming | Community
Error 404 Gaming Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Official ERROR 404 GAMING Discord. All gaming related things. If you love to game, you've come to the right place!
Unofficial Tarkov Discord Icon
Gaming | Anime
Hello, I want to invite everybody to this newbie friendly unofficial discord, there is always raids going on and people willing to help or teach you, we have lots of experienced and and people that are new to the game, running raids daily, helping with quests and getting loot, getting rubles in this discord is not hard and rats are welcome, there is lots of groups you can be a part of, join and see for yourself. Every member is welcome and we will be happy to play with you. We are teaching anybody that wants to learn LABS and get THICC loot, if you ever were scared to run labs fear no more, we have few members that are really good at labs and they will also help you get that sick loot.
Tarkov Squad Finder Icon
Gaming | Social
Tarkov Squad Finder is a community to make new friends and socialize with other Escape from Tarkov players.
Nightmare Icon
eSports | Gaming
Welcome to Nightmare! We are a growing community/eSports brand! Come hangout, meet some cool people, and play some games!
Study 1 on 1 Icon
Education | Community | Growth
Hi, welcome! We are a server created so you can find people to study 1-on-1 with . :) You can check out our #find-a-study-partner section to post an ad so you can find people to do 25 min and 50 min poms, etc with. Or just to find people to hold each other accountable. Join today and enjoy!
Study 1 on 1 Discord Server Banner
Study 1 on 1 Icon
Education | Community | Growth
Hi, welcome! We are a server created so you can find people to study 1-on-1 with . :) You can check out our #find-a-study-partner section to post an ad so you can find people to do 25 min and 50 min poms, etc with. Or just to find people to hold each other accountable. Join today and enjoy!
Panduhh Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Welcome to the Panduhhling server where many people meet, play games and chat. Various streamer and discord channel. Feel Free to join!
The Goblin Gang Icon
Gaming | Community
The Goblin Gang Is a Community Server. That Play Multiplayer Games Together (usually fps) - Such As Rust, Destiny And More We Are Also Very Active As We Want To Form A Great Friendly , Funny And Helpful Community
Escape from Tarkov ENG/PL Icon
Gaming | Community
A friendly community happy to play with new players :)
MentroX7 Icon
Gaming | Community
Community Server for the Game Escape From Tarkov. You can find various EFT Players.
TheWestieBois Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
A small server where we play games like among us, Rainbow Six, Escape From Tarkov, and others. We are looking to increase our member count so we can build a more active community. If you want some people to play with come join!
Home Bass Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Star Citizen, Escape From Tarkov, and More!
SpodGamesTV Community Server Icon
Streaming | Gaming
Dies ist der offizielle Discord Server der SpodGames Community. Wir sind ein Zusammenschluss aus Hobbygamern und Streamern. Wir verfolgen kein konkretes Ziel. Uns ist es wichtig, als Streamer eine enge Bindung mit den Zuschauern aufzubauen, sodass diese einen direkten Einfluss auf den Stream nehmen können. Wenn du Lust hast, schau dich gerne einfach mal bei uns um. Wir bieten euch einen professionell eingerichteten Discord Server mit Booster Vorteilen.
The Squat - Escape from Tarkov Icon
Community | Gaming
The Squat EFT is the best and most active player-managed Escape from Tarkov community! Come feel the difference.
Eyeless' Safehouse Icon
Gaming | Streaming
A growing youtube and twitch community with an emphasis on the game Escape From Tarkov, stop by for some raids or drop your channel link!
Gaming | eSports
Friendly community we accept everyone your age does not matter. We have a helping system where you will be assigned someone with 500+ hours to help you through tarkov or you can just ask questions and we will answer or if you are more experienced you should be able to find people to play here. We also host giveaways and competitions.
Escape From Tarkov GR Icon
Gaming | Community
To Escape From Tarkov GR είναι ένα πολύ ενεργό Ελληνικό Discord Community Ελάτε στην παρέα μας για να μπούμε PMC Raid, να SCAVάρουμε, να κρυφτούμε σε κάνα θάμνο :P και γενικά να περάσουμε καλά παίζοντας EFT.
Escape From Tarkov [SEA/Asia] Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
One of the first EFT Discord group for EFT which focuses on SEA servers but we're friendly to all! A mature community which try to keep things straightforward and respectful while we all have fun murdering things.
Medium Cafe • Anime community Icon
Anime | Community | LGBT
? Non-stop chat channels with a welcoming community ? 24/7 Active VC! ? 500 Amazing Emojis! ? Welcoming community with lots of relaxed members to talk to. ? Officially partnered with the Crunchyroll Discord Server! ? We talk about anime, kpop (k-pop), video games (Among Us, LoL) and much more.
Medium Cafe • Anime community Discord Server Banner
Medium Cafe • Anime community Icon
Anime | Community | LGBT
? Non-stop chat channels with a welcoming community ? 24/7 Active VC! ? 500 Amazing Emojis! ? Welcoming community with lots of relaxed members to talk to. ? Officially partnered with the Crunchyroll Discord Server! ? We talk about anime, kpop (k-pop), video games (Among Us, LoL) and much more.
☕ KIBA Gaming Café [ASIA/SEA] Icon
Gaming | Community
Escape from Tarkov Community in South East Asia / Asia. We provide LFG services, a Dedicated Sherpa Team, and Weekly Competitions and Giveaways. We also have a Self-Advertisement channel and a Streamer and Booster role. We focus on helping players of all skill levels find a relaxed gaming environment. We are a Level 3 Discord.
Gray Fortress Icon
Gaming | Community
This server is used to show that games can be enjoyed even if they are extremely difficult. The games currently featured are Valorant and Escape From Tarkov, but more can be added upon request. Consider joining if you wish to find some help to succeed in your game.
Escape From Tarkov LFG & Help Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Escape from Tarkov Discord for LFG, Giveaways, and helping beginners learn the game. We have all skill levels but focus on improving ourselves in a wholesome, toxicity-free setting. Come find groups to play with, our looking for group is always active for NA and EU players.
Lucky Ace Gaming Icon
Gaming | Community
Lucky Ace Gaming Hey there! We're Lucky Ace Gaming a close-knit group of gamers who like to joke around and pop heads. Come on over if you want a great group to play games like: Rainbow Six Siege Call of Duty Escape From Tarkov Battlefield and more.... We're a primarily 18+ server and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Ruhiges Plätzchen in Tarkov Icon
Auf dem Server befinden sich viele Channel. Die Community auf dem Server ist nicht groß, dafür aber sehr aktiv. Wir konzentrieren uns hauptsächlich auf Escape From Tarkov, aber auch andere Spiele. Bleibt gerne auf dem Server, denn nur so kann dieser wachsen und zu einer schönen Community werden! Wir wünschen euch viel Spaß!
⚔ Slay Gaming ? Icon
eSports | Gaming
JOIN CHILL GAMERS ACROSS ALL PLATFORMS! If you're looking to play new titles or hunting for a established community then come on in! We're primarily an 18+ community with NSFW dedicated channels and minigames in the server.
Fun and Games House Icon
Gaming | Technology
Friendly and fun server full of fun people to play with. Streamers can have their stream advertised in our channels. Includes streamer rooms! Join up for a variety of high quality voice chat rooms! Long term members get perks! XP Roles. Color Roles. R6 and OSU Bots. Valorant, COD, Tarkov, R6, Apex, and CSGO Players! Always open for more suggestions. More to come! Clean and well organized server.
Autism Center! Icon
Gaming | Anime
A discord server of friends that play League of legends, Overwatch, Huntshowdown Tarkov party games and more! better yet as you can see from the title we dont care how special you are everyones welcome!
Sexy Soldier Nation Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Sexy Soldier Nation , Everyone's Sexy , Everyone's Worth it ^_^ Share with all your friends , the owner is a Twitch Streamer who wants to get more community focused and host community games which are available to all , much like Among us and Squid game. Apart from that , the community will also have Art competitions , Self Promotions for your streams and videos .
Finn's Basement Icon
Gaming | Social
Small server for players who enjoy Escape From Tarkov. We want to grow a server and a small and fun active community so that we can have plenty of people who share the common interest of their games. We have a Looking for Group channel, we have memes, we have text channels, plenty of fun things to do here. Tags: LFG TARKOV PLAYERS LOOKING FOR GROUP
Banjaana's gamecloset! Icon
Gaming | Streaming
This server is for streamer! Come join and you can get to a stream! Or just chat here. We are still a growing community! We mainly play RUST, valheim, CSGO, pubg and escape from tarkov!
The Lounge Icon
Gaming | Streaming
A place for gamers to come and enjoy themselves with people that share the same interest. Feel free to check it out and find your next group of friends! I hope you enjoy your stay!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
Hyperion's Friends Icon
Gaming | Mature
Looking for other players to play with? This Discord is for you. Super chill and new players are always welcomed. 18+ channels are available.
Tarkov Helpline Icon
Gaming | Social
A beginner-friendly Discord community based on helping players with developing their skills in and learning more about Escape from Tarkov, through direct assistance and custom game info guides. Additionally, we offer a friendly meeting space for EFT players and general gamers to have fun together!
Next Level Icon
Streaming | Gaming
Next Level Escape from Tarkov Star Citizen DayZ World of Tanks Next Level Gaming community
The Tarkov Mafia Icon
Gaming | Community
The Tarkov Mafia Here in The Tarkov Mafia Community server we aim to cater to every player's needs, new players, game veterans and just general rats/chads. We are working on a sherpa service to help new players but currently we have some very experienced players that will help you in any way they can. Bring your friends and chill in the voice chats or text in the channels to gain xp with our custom bot to acquire " Level Role's ". Join to create voice channels ( You can edit depending on how you like it ) Custom roles for rats/chads with Region Roles to check who you are playing with Friendly staff team that are always looking to help and please others. Many bots including our own custom bot for levels and roles depending on how active you are. Giveaways / Events / Community Lab Loot days
The Pub Icon
Community | Gaming
The Pub was created for my small group of friends now it's a somewhat active pc gaming community with 432 members and owners who are trying to make a good and fun place for everyone to join and make some new friendships.
Tarkov Team Finder Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
Active LFG community for Escape From Tarkov. Hide your teammates gear, your kill your loot. 16k members, people are actively looking for teammates in VC's. Need help? Come by and join one of the most non-toxic Escape from Tarkov Communities!
Tarkov EU Icon
Gaming | Social
A highly active place for Escape From Tarkov players (EU) to find others to play with, get help with tasks, ask questions and share everything Tarkov! We host events with our community! There's always someone raiding here so come catch a raid with us! OYY!
Vegas Community Icon
Anime | Gaming
حياكم الله في سيرفر العرب (فيغاس) .. كل ماهو جديد في عالم الانمي والالعاب تجده هنا.. تبحث عن فريق للعب معك في جميع الالعاب - يمكنك بناء فريقك معنا
The Pack Icon
Gaming | Military
The Pack is an Escape From Tarkov community server, with LFG, Update and Patch Info, EFT API Data Bots, Riff Raff, and good ol shootin lootin and scootin... Come check us out, and stay for the k/d!
Galaxy Gaming Icon
Gaming | Social
TLDR - GalaxyGaming is a discord for Timmys and Chads, PVP, Quests, Events, and more. No bullshit, hop on the server, pick a role, and get to playing with others! Discord Invite: Hello! Are you looking for a place where everyone plays together? A place where you can join any chat and users will gladly talk, play, and help? Well, there’s no better place for that than GalaxyGaming! We pride ourselves in being the most welcoming and tight-knit community in Tarkov. Below are some of the things we offer: · Sherpa program for New Players · Quest Help · A Safe Community Free of Cheaters · In Depth Guides On Rat Spots For Those Who Like To Dabble In The Art Of Ratting · Various Roles to Suit Your Playstyle · Various Bots and Server Features such as Music and Polls · Boosted Discord with Better Quality Streaming, File Upload, Customs Emojis, etc.
Impera Discord Icon
Gaming | Community
Ave potential Legionnaire! We want you to join our discord. 3000+Players|Max Level Discord|50+Custom Emojis|
Disa eft services Icon
best services for eft out there easily the best in the buisness we strive to deliver quality work we will make u alot.of roubles and anything u ask for tbh. We have alot of vouches and alot of happy customers to socialize with just joing and get the invite link to main server