DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Radfemunity Icon
Community | Beliefs
Finally, a server that has zero problematic moderators or admin. Come share your feminist thoughts & vent. Do: have fun and empower women Don’t: bother women
Radfem Dialogue Icon
Beliefs | Political
Radfem Dialogue is a server meant to foster dialogue/debate between radical feminists, other types of feminists, and non feminists. We encourage anyone who's interested in feminist topics to join, and we welcome all good faith discussion! We also have a bookclub, if you are interested! 17+
cece server Icon
Community | Social
Women-only server for radical feminists and imageboard users who are both 18+ and female to join and interact within a small community of like-minded people. Make friends, create picrews, discuss feminism -- the choice is yours!
TERF Island Icon
Beliefs | LGBT
Hello! We are an active server. Our goal is to hangout, share resources, chat about feminism, and be a safe and private space for all women away from men. We have varying channels to share interests, rant, and for general conversation! Our basic requirements are to be over the age of 13 (Discord Terms of Service, any ages above is welcome), to be OFAB (Observed Female At Birth), and hold gender critical/sex realist views.
The Tea ? Icon
LGBT | Beliefs
We're a feminist-run political debate / hangout server where you can sit back, relax, and sip some juicy discourse. All of our staff is feminist-run or supportive, and unlike a lot of other servers, we take an active step in moderating against bigots, trolls and fascists so that you can thrive in a toxicity-free environment without having to hide in a private channel. With a thorough vetting process for new members and an active staff base who's always willing to lay down the law, we hope to foster an environment where you can be yourself without having to worry about creeps creeping!
Egalitarianism & Feminism Icon
A new server to discuss egalitarianism and feminism. Very new server; still a needs some set-up done. Feel free to join and share what you'd like from a server such as this one.
Cushy Pot Icon
Political | Science
18+ social server with a focus on progressive issues, food and cooking, political discussion, art, literature, culture, LGBT advocacy, egalitarian issues, economics, science and technology, gaming, and whatever else. A community of people with like interests who like to chill and have fun in a relaxed and positive space!
♧~ Sapōto Team ~♧ Icon
Social | Political
Hey ! Tu es un.e militant.e engagé.e, une personne qui apporte son soutient de loin ou simplement une personne curieuse et tu veux faire entendre ta voix ou entendre celle des autres ? Alors ce serveur est fait pour toi !! Laisse moi te présenter la Sapōto Team, un serveur communautaire basé sur la discussion autour de sujets qui peuvent te questionner ou te libérer du silence mais qui peuvent aussi être sensibles pour certain.e.s (discriminations, oppressions, injustices, violences, etc.) mais aussi sur le soutiens et l'écoute pour aider celles et ceux qui en ressentent le besoin ! Dans ce serveur tu trouveras : - 2 personnes incroyables qui ont fondé ce serveur (ainsi que leurs staffs) ! - Des salons sur divers thèmes mêlant ainsi divertissements et discussions ! - Un serveur à l'écoute de tes problèmes ainsi qu'un staff attentif ! - Plein d'autres choses encore qu'on te laisse découvrir par toi-même ! Ici tu ne seras pas jugé.e alors rejoint nous ♡
We STILL Need Feminism Icon
Community | LGBT
Welcome to We STILL Need Feminism! Our age group is 13-25 for users comfort. For protection, we need you to do a quick verification! This server is BRAND New so DM me any recommendations! Some of the server includes: Dungeons and Dragons! Venting Channels! Pet Pics! Bugs! Art and Music! Feminist Quotes and More! And much much more to come!
Feminism Hub Icon
Community | Political
discussion about masculinity and femininity in relation to male and female. everyone welcome except trolling to the extend your presence is disruptive to the server.
Mashallah Icon
Just Chatting | Community
WELCOME TO MASHALLAH This 16+ SFW server is for Western (and Muslim) women who prefer Muslim men. Reject promiscuity, nightlife and become a wife. It was originally made for women wanting to thirst over muslim men. Break free from social norms and improve your life in: ❤️ Dating 💸 Finance 💼 Careers ⛑️ Health 🏋🏻 Fitness Here, women can find masculine men who respect them, and men can connect to become stronger, more capable leaders. No incel, red-pill, or gym-bro culture. Muslims lead by example without forcing views.

The AnCom Corner Icon
Political | LGBT
The AnCom Corner is a brand-new server for everyone interested in Anarcho-Communism and/or similar leftist ideologies and intersectionality! This server is for senior leftists as well as people just interested in an inclusive community. Its my job as the owner to make sure no one violates the core principles of the server, as creating a "horizontal" server within a neo liberal society would simply replicate the power structures of the status quo. In the future, if the server grows, I intend to set up a mod team to help me fulfill this responsibility. But other than that, everyone is incouraged to help shape the server through their suggestions, insights in vetting and by partaking in the moderation discussion. We can't wait to meet you in the AnCom Corner! Come and say hi!
Skylab Icon
Anime | Manga | Art
Skylab is a vibrant, non-toxic, professionally run community designed for creative individuals like illustrators, writers, animators, photographers, 3D designers, and gamers. It offers a welcoming and inclusive environment where creativity thrives.
Skylab Discord Server Banner
Skylab Icon
Anime | Manga | Art
Skylab is a vibrant, non-toxic, professionally run community designed for creative individuals like illustrators, writers, animators, photographers, 3D designers, and gamers. It offers a welcoming and inclusive environment where creativity thrives.
Feminists United Icon
Beliefs | LGBT
We are a friendly and growing feminist server looking to house feminist events and info. Join our community to talk to like minded feminists!
🌌 Collective Research Unit 🌌 Icon
Beliefs | Science
Throughout the course of human history, knowledge has been sought out, knowledge has been the driving motion of progress of centuries. However, just as much as knowledge has helped, it has been suppressed by the powers that be, the shackles and chains which seek to squander and suppress the soul. However, from the curious ones huddled around campfires, telling stories of gods of old and new, to scholars in candle-lit rooms, escaping from religious and monarchical persecution, to scientists and magickal thinkers having their whole lives upended, for daring to oppose the long arms of capital and the state, and their narrative of reality. We seek to be a safe-haven for these thinkers, these artists, these philosophers, these unique, original persons. No matter the background, of towers of ivory to huts of mud and clay, no matter the color or sex, the gender or sexuality, we seek these brave, original thinkers. To stand against the patriarchy, the state, and capital. For TRUTH.
𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐦 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 🎀 Icon
Community | Emoji
𝐅𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐦 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 🎀 The world belongs to women and they rule. Men are only here to serve and be tools in women's games.