Blue Politics Icon
Beliefs | Social | Political
Welcome to political discourse done right; an open forum and community for any kind of conversation, debate, or just hanging out, where civility is our top priority.
Blue Politics Discord Server Banner
Blue Politics Discord Server Banner
Blue Politics Icon
Beliefs | Social | Political
Welcome to political discourse done right; an open forum and community for any kind of conversation, debate, or just hanging out, where civility is our top priority.
Filo Icon
Support | Anime
Filo is a powerful multipurpose Discord bot. Customizable, multiple languages, report, logging, welcome and farewells, member counter, anti-invites, auto-mod, anti-evasion. +190 commands.
☕ Rising Shield Hero Emotes Icon
Emoji | Anime
A server for those who love Rising Shield Hero emotes you can use these on other servers if you have nitro. This server is purely only for emotes there are no chatting channels.
TMG Icon
Gaming | Social
Türkiye`nin En iyi ve sağlıklı filo kurma discord kanalına sizde davetlisiniz. Her gün güzel zaman geçirebileceğiniz ve güzel filolarda oynaya bileceğiniz bir ortam. Her gün pve şeklinde filolar kurulup para ve level kasılıyor sizde gelerek katılaiblirsiniz.