DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Stupsis Community Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
Willkommen in der Discord-Community von Stupsi, der besten und süßesten deutschen GTA RP Streamerin! Hier findest du eine vielfältige Gruppe von Fans, die sich über Stupsis neueste Streams und Gaming-Abenteuer austauschen. Trete unserer Community bei, um mit Gleichgesinnten zu plaudern, neue Freundschaften zu schließen und an exklusiven Events teilzunehmen. Wir bieten regelmäßige Gewinnspiele, Q&A-Sessions mit Stupsi und vieles mehr. Egal, ob du ein langjähriger Fan von Stupsi bist oder gerade erst ihre Streams entdeckt hast, hier bist du herzlich willkommen. Komm vorbei, um Teil einer fantastischen Community zu werden und gemeinsam mit uns die aufregende Welt von GTA RP zu erkunden. Wir freuen uns darauf, dich kennenzulernen! Lasst uns gemeinsam zocken! - Das Management <3 Discord: https://discord.gg/sGM66jq46w Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/stuupsi GTA Cloud: https://gta5cloud.com/?ref=Stupsi fortnite GTA GTA-RP GTA5 Warzone COD gta facecam girl rp Deutsch FIB cloud
Journey RP Icon
Community | Gaming
Welcome to Journey RP - we are a serious semi-realistic GTA rp server. Visit our discord to view our rules, commands and whitelist application as we are normally whitelisted. Some jobs such as PD and EMS are whitelist only and you must fill out an application.
GTA City Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
O GTA City é um servidor de GTA Roleplay baseado na vida americana, e por isso, nele todos praticam o roleplay americano. O nosso foco é proporcionar a todos uma boa experiência de roleplay com este servidor, e a nossa prioridade são os nossos jogadores por isso temos uma staff dedicada e apta para o seu trabalho. Se procuras um servidor organizado e com bom roleplay, começa por entrar no nosso discord ;)
Texas State Roleplay ™ | Xbox Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
We are a GTA roleplay server based off of xbox, Our server is based in Floyd, Texas and we have a great selection of departments and staff positions open.
San Andreas Roleplay Icon
PC | Virtual Reality
Servidor de Heavy Roleplay, focado em desenvolvimento de personagens e histórias… roleplay totalmente sério é um cenário interpretativo completo.
New Tradition RP Icon
Kick back in a fresh, vibrant city where creativity meets community. Here, we believe that roleplay is more than just a game – it’s a lifestyle. It’s about telling stories, building connections, and creating moments that last. Our city is built on a foundation of equality, respect, and fun, where every player has a voice and every character has the potential to shine. In New Tradition RP, we prioritize quality storytelling and immersive experiences, fostering a space where both seasoned roleplayers and newcomers can thrive. Whether you're a master of character creation or just starting your roleplaying journey, you'll find a supportive, engaging environment where your imagination can run wild. Join us in crafting a new tradition of roleplay that’s engaging, inclusive, and above all, fun!
Washington State Roleplay Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
work in progress
American County RP | FiveM Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
American County RP is a sandbox based public GTA 5 RP FiveM server, Est. in 2020. ACRP is officially releasing on Friday, February 19th, 8PM EST. Everyone who attends the server release day will receive an exclusive discord role and free Tier 1 VIP Subscription for a day. We're looking for staff members and a few people who have experience RPing as a cop before we release, tell your friends and spread the word about American County RP!
Moonlight RP Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
We are a new growing FiveM Police RP server trying to get members. We have all types of department and staff applications you can apply for. We offer good RP and a friendly community. We also make sure everyone is getting the best roleplay experience as possible. Join us today!
[FR] Initial D - Semi RP Icon
Gaming | Anime
Rejoignez une communauté fan de voitures et du mythique animé Initial D ! Venez faire des livraisons et des courses sur ce serveur Semi RP ! Nous vous attendons nombreux !
Conexao Brasileira Roleplay Icon
Bot | Gaming
?︎︎︎ᴄᴏɴᴇxᴀ̃ᴏ ʙʀᴀsɪʟᴇɪʀᴀ ʀᴏʟᴇᴘʟᴀʏ?︎︎︎ ➪ᴇsᴄʀᴇᴠᴀ sᴜᴀ ᴘʀᴏᴘʀɪᴀ ʜɪsᴛᴏʀɪᴀ ➪ʀᴇᴀʟɪᴢᴇ sᴇᴜs sᴏɴʜᴏs ➪sᴜᴀ ᴠɪᴅᴀ ᴠɪʀᴛᴜᴀʟ ɴᴀ ᴘᴀʟᴍᴀ ᴅᴀ ᴍᴀᴏ ?????????? ??? ??????????? ???????/?? [ @everyone | @here ]
Gaming | Role-Playing
We are a fairly new FiveM RP community who wants to build a friendly, respectful, serious and professional environment to roleplay
Furry Corporation Icon
Furry | Art
Welcome to Elfina Forest! We are a furry community aimed to provide a safe and friendly environment with minimal toxicity. -------------------------------------------
Furry Corporation Discord Server Banner
Furry Corporation Icon
Furry | Art
Welcome to Elfina Forest! We are a furry community aimed to provide a safe and friendly environment with minimal toxicity. -------------------------------------------
? Staylife ? Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
Staylife FiveM Roleplay Server Teammitglieder gesucht Mediziner gesucht Polizisten gesucht Fraktionen gesucht! Allgemein: Leistungsstarker Server 128 Slots (Bald 1024) 300+ Add on Autos Legale Routen Illegale Routen Coole Mappings Ein gutes Anticheat Saltychat Team: Aktives Serverteam! Nutzt nicht seine Rechte aus Niemand wird bevorzugt Erfüllt Wünsche Achtet auf Community Roleplay: Semi-Hardcore RP Gutes Gang/Biker RP Gutes Mafia/Kartell RP Gutes Cop RP Und vieles mehr! Voraussetzungen: Funktionierende Kopfhörer Funktionierendes Mikrofon Discord: https://discord.gg/FvCJ5dg4Zt
??????? ?? - ??? Icon
Gaming | Social
Servidor De Rp. Staff Competente. Muita Diversão. Pessoas Legais. Grupo Português. Servidor Muito Bem Configurado e Otimizado. O Servidor Tem Muitas Coisas Que Nenhum Servidor Tem. Candidaturas Abertas Para Chefe de Organizações Ilegais e Legais. Venha se Divertir com o Europa Roleplay. E Venha Experimentar o nosso Servidor e Verá que ele é dos Melhores. Ainda em Desenvolvimento mas Aberto já para Testarem.
Itexk’s Server Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Itexk's server is a great server for making new friends, playing fortnite OCE and GTA RP together and many more great stuff. I am a small content creator and would love for you to join.
Tuginhas World RP Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
It´s a Portuguese FiveM Roleplay server O Tuginhas World RP é um server de Roleplay português, é um server ESX que espera receber muita gente, esperamos que todos se divirtam. Bons RP´s.
? 0815 Hood ? Icon
Community | Gaming
? 0815 Hood ? Sucht Leute zum RP spielen oder auch trollen & modden. Boostet gerne rein, giveaways werden auch bald kommen. (FSK18)
24hts Chillzone Icon
Gaming | Community
This server is for anyone interested in a chill gaming server the staff mainly play the games tagged however if you need anyone to game with thats what this server is for Make some friends and have fun Do not post any spam in this server or action will be taken other then that come enjoy the new community server and make some new friends to game with!!!!!!!!
Ego RP Icon
Gaming | Community
Ego Roleplay is a unreleased and upcoming QBCore Framework semi-serious RP server. It is being built from the ground up with the idea of making something new and unique, with updates and scripts that have not been seen before. We pride ourselves on creating a better RP experience for both new and experienced players. Our goal is to provide you with a friendly, welcoming and professional server and to continue to build up our little community of amazing characters and backstories and create an RP experience that is unlike others. Why choose Ego Roleplay ? - Custom scripts - 300+ Custom Cars - Vehicle Imports Sold at Dealership - Active and unbiased staff - High End VPS with DDOS Protection - Hard working development team - Friendly & welcoming community - Steady flow of new updates and improvements - We Value the community and there suggestions. - Whitelisted jobs - Police (Hiring) - EMS (Hiring) - Department Of Justice (Hiring) - Mechanic (Hiring) - Real Estate (Hiri
TrinityRP Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
?TrinityRP est un serveur Semi-Serious disposant d'une équipe à l'écoute de vos envies et présente pour vous aider. Le serveur est optimisé ce qui lui permet d'accueillir un grand nombre de joueurs sans problème. Il est protégé contre les DDOS pour garantir une expérience de jeu sans lags ni crash de connexion. Ce serveur est l'aboutissement de plusieurs mois de travail dans l'optique de proposer la meilleure expérience de jeu. Vous hésitez encore ? Rejoignez-nous pour vous faire un avis !
Vila Franca Roleplay Icon
Gaming | Social
Servidor de Roleplay portugues revolucionario principalmente focado em uma boa comunidade sem choro, semi - whitelist, psp inem norauto
Badge of Honor Roleplay Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Badge of Honor Roleplay is an Xbox One Grand Theft Auto 5 roleplay server established in 2017. We were founded with a mission to create a better roleplay community and continue to pursue that goal to this day! We have many features which set us apart from the average RP community. Find out all about them and start your application process by joining our server!
Conexão Sul RolePlay [CSRP] Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
**Acho difícil você não conhecer o famoso GTA SA, criado pela Rockstar em 2004.** __**Aqui estamos nós, trazendo a vocês o Conexão Sul RolePlay, um server para samp,você se soltar da vida real, jogar e nunca mais largar, aqui temos Corporações e organizações criminosas, baseadas na vida real, uma simples ideia que busca trazer diversas pessoas para jogar, quer algo diferente da vida real? Vem jogar no Conexão Sul, irmão!**__ __**todas as informações possível sobre nosso servidor esta em nosso discord,informações, spoiles,podcast, atualizações futuras tudo iremos fala em nosso discord organizado!**__ **Então oque está esperando?vem jogar no Conexão sul Roleplay,te esperamos lá!** Link: https://discord.gg/7d6Agu38yJ @everyone & @here
Apex7 Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Have you ever wanted to do a professional gta rp buy all of the discord servers are for pc? Join the community of apex 7 we have careers such as lawyers, rappers, police officers, and many more. We want to start a community for both consoles to have a chance to rp professionally. So join us so we can grow with each other
Academy Gaming Icon
Gaming | Community | Social
Academy Gaming is a relaxed gaming community for games like MW3, Destiny 2, Helldivers 2, Mordhau, CS2, and more! Come join to hang out, meet new people, and play some games. We have game roles for many different games and have monthly giveaways of steam games, Discord Nitro, and other prizes.
Academy Gaming Discord Server Banner
Academy Gaming Icon
Gaming | Community | Social
Academy Gaming is a relaxed gaming community for games like MW3, Destiny 2, Helldivers 2, Mordhau, CS2, and more! Come join to hang out, meet new people, and play some games. We have game roles for many different games and have monthly giveaways of steam games, Discord Nitro, and other prizes.
Role-Playing | Gaming
O PRACETA é uma comunidade fundada em 2022 que conta com um servidor de RolePlay e um servidor de Survival/PvP. O principal objetivo da comunidade é trazer um servidor de rp diferenciado com ideias novas e um servidor de survival onde os players se podem divertir a treinar a mira e a matar zombies.
Los Angeles Emergency Roleplay Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Los Angeles Emergency Roleplay is looking for members to join the Xbox One or PlayStation 4 RP Community. We are a California based roleplay server. We have many departments for people to join, and we are looking for many members that are able to dedicate their time and effort to our server! We are a server that loves to roleplay and offer a realistic roleplay to everyone! Come check us out! Our Departments: ► Los Angeles Highway Patrol ► Los Angeles County Sheriffs Office ► Los Angeles Police Department ► Los Angeles Communications ► Los Angeles Civilian Operations ►Los Angeles Fire And Rescue Our Platforms: ► PlayStation 4 ► Xbox One Interview Server Link: https://discord.gg/jCUqbKTvVe Website Link: https://los-angeles-emergency-roleplay.mozello.com/
Wartown RP Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Wartown Rp | Serious RP | BRAND NEW SERVER | EMS/POLICE/DOJ | Custom Cars/Jobs/Clothes | Economy Based | Criminals/Drugs * BRAND NEW CITY * Economy Based City * Hidden Drugs Locations * Civilian Activities * Gang & Turf Loyalty * Custom Car & Engine Sounds * Heists / Robberies / Mugging * PD/EMS/DOJ * Real Estate With Over 500 Houses * Player Owned Businesses
OutSider Community Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
OutSider Community es un servidor totalmente diferente al resto. Queremos que sea un server de roleplay al estilo "rol civil" donde todos los usuarios podamos disfrutar de las historias de cada personaje. Te puede sonar raro pero, no hay bandas ni mafias ni drogas en sí. Habrá sistema de drogas pero muy diferente y se llevará de otra manera al resto de servidores. ¿Quieres ser de los primeros en acceder a este nuevo mundo? No esperes más y entra. ¡TE ESPERAMOS!
Counter Strike  ~ INDIA™~🇮🇳🇵K Icon
Community | Gaming
Server Is focused on building a commuity of counter strike games and grand theft auto multiplayer games.
Life Roleplay Icon
Gaming | Community
GTA V Roleplay with Life RP. Looking for people with experience in advertising. Staff experience and people wanting to Roleplay with other great people. We are a new server however between everybody about 20+ years experience in Roleplay. Different departments looking for active staff, and people who want to advance in their perspective departments. Discord required, microphone required, Cad required 18+, life / serious Roleplay. Departments we offer: SAPD- San Andreas Police Department BCSO- Blaine County Sheriffs Office SAHP- San Andreas Highway Patrol SAFR- San Andreas Fire and Rescue CIV- Civilian. the All Departments have subdivisions along with the ability to advance within the department if you can show us you know what your doing. This server is Realistic Roleplay and our staff is friendly and understanding to the needs and wants of our members. Don't believe me, Join us and find out.
LoudPack Roleplay Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
LoudPack Roleplay!!! - The most realistic server on Console!! - This server is based off of FiveM roleplay. - Join this multi-discord server to get the best roleplay experience on console! - Clean and Dirty money ( 2 currencies ) - Custom Drug Bot! - Make and Sell Drugs - Money Launderer - Black Market - Police / EMS / Dispatch - Civilian / Lawyer / Mayor - Own any Business - Own any Home - Go to College - Legal Jobs - Illegal Jobs - Rob Stores - Gangs - Gang Turf Wars - 200+ Vehicles in Discord Store!!! - Gang Slider Vehicles - Scamming - Pimping - Car Jacking - Body Guards - Twitter / Fb Marketplace !! We host on all consoles !! Old Gen Xbox One / New Gen Xbox One PlayStation 4 / PlayStation 5
Gaming | Role-Playing
Welcome to BOYZ N THE HOOD RP! We have a community for both consoles PSN & XBOX and for V2. And the departments that we have to offer is, Fire Department, Dispatch, Paramedic, Government, Lawyer, LEO, Civilian Department and more. Our community is based of real life so everything you can do in real life you can do that in our community. Soon the community are gonna open the Five M server so hold on if interested in that The sessions is hosted daily and frequently full for both consoles. We also have a full working economy, there people can get a paycheck for working or even buy in game cars, houses, guns and more. The Civilian Department has a ranking system for people to follow, and that makes the role play experience even better. As a civilian, you can go apply to become a cop or even a firefighter or a paramedic and more. You can also start up a business of your own. We hope to see soon!
Role-Playing | Community
Welcome to GTA ROLEPLAY HQ ! We have a community for both consoles PSN & XBOX and for V2. And the departments that we have to offer is, Fire Department, Dispatch, Paramedic, Government, Lawyer, LEO, Civilian Department and more. Our community is based of real life so everything you can do in real life you can do that in our community. Soon the community are gonna open the Five M server so hold on if interested in that The sessions is hosted daily and frequently full for both consoles. We also have a full working economy, there people can get a paycheck for working or even buy in game cars, houses, guns and more. The Civilian Department has a ranking system for people to follow, and that makes the role play experience even better. As a civilian, you can go apply to become a cop or even a firefighter or a paramedic and more. You can also start up a business of your own. We hope to see soon!
Gaming | Role-Playing
Welcome to GTA V ROLEPLAY! We have a community for both consoles PSN & XBOX and for V2. And the departments that we have to offer is, Fire Department, Dispatch, Paramedic, Government, Lawyer, LEO, Civilian Department and more. Our community is based of real life so everything you can do in real life you can do that in our community. Soon the community are gonna open the Five M server so hold on if interested in that The sessions is hosted daily and frequently full for both consoles. We also have a full working economy, there people can get a paycheck for working or even buy in game cars, houses, guns and more. The Civilian Department has a ranking system for people to follow, and that makes the role play experience even better. As a civilian, you can go apply to become a cop or even a firefighter or a paramedic and more. You can also start up a business of your own. We hope to see soon!
Servidor do Mello - BR Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Servidor em construção, objetivo é criar amizades e colegas para jogarem GTA RP, FF, COD e outros...
Pamonha Store Icon
Community | Fashion
A Pamonha Store é uma loja especializada em oferecer produtos personalizados para sua cidade de five m, com foco em atender clientes que buscam exclusividade e qualidade. Nossa linha inclui roupas personalizadas, que são confeccionadas de acordo com o estilo e as preferências de cada cliente, além de serviços de personalização de veículos, agregando um toque único ao seu carro.
Old (20+) Icon
Social | Community
Hangout server for people who are 20+ years old. Safe for Work, new server, launching on December 1st.
Old (20+) Discord Server Banner
Old (20+) Icon
Social | Community
Hangout server for people who are 20+ years old. Safe for Work, new server, launching on December 1st.
Deliverance RP Icon
Role-Playing | Community
Welcome to Deliverance RP! Looking for EMS/PD/Civ’s/Crim’s - Other positions available in staff development. We strive to bring the best roleplay experience across the board. Join us in creating your own unique story. All the way from robbing banks to driving a taxi around the city - You write your own storyline. Come join today at discord.GG!