DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Gaming | Role-Playing
A Server for share GTA Roleplay Moment for Indonesian Player Server untuk share GTA Roleplay Moment untuk pemain Indonesia.
???????? ?? Icon
Role-Playing | Entertainment
Servidor de roleplay en FiveM, que aún se encuentra en desarrollo. Únete a nosotros.
ClassicCityRP Icon
Bot | Gaming
tervetuloa kurkkailemaan meidän discordiin joka on tehty meidän Roolipelipalvelimen takia. liittykää ja kurkkikaa
PorkkaRP Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Suomalainen Luotirp serveri! Muista lukea säännöt ekaksi tarkasti! Serverillä voit hakea töihin monenlaisiin paikkoihin, kuten poliisiin, mekaanikkoon tai jopa armeijaan! Voit myös perustaa oman jengin jolla voit perustaa kaupungin isoimman rikollisorganisaation.
Downtown Vice Roleplay Icon
Role-Playing | Community
Downtown Vice Roleplay Hi there, Welcome to Downtown Vice Roleplay. We are a multi-platform roleplaying community catering for everyone’s needs. We ensure a high quality but fun roleplaying experience, bringing Five M gameplay to all console users. Currently our server is going through some major changes and expansion so please bare with us during this time. Here are the things we offer: Platforms: ➤ Los Santos Police Department 🔵 ➤ Los Santos County Sheriffs Office 🔵 ➤ Los Santos State Trooper 🔵 ➤ San Andreas Highway Patrol 🔵 ➤ Los Santos Fire Department 🔴 ➤ San Andreas Fire Department 🔴 ➤ Los Santos Medical Centre 🟢 ➤ San Andreas Medical Centre 🟢 ➤ Civilian Operations 🟠 Platforms: ➤ PlayStation ( New Generation ) 📘 ➤ PlayStation ( Old Generation ) 📘 ➤ Xbox ( New Generation ) 📗 ➤ Xbox ( Old Generation ) 📗 ➤ Five M 📙 Roleplay Sessions: ➤ Session 1 ( 9pm GMT / 4pm EST ) ⏰ ➤ Session 2 ( 4am GMT / 9pm EST )⏰ Here at Downtown Vice Roleplay, we host interviews round the clock 24 hours
Gaming | Community
¡Hola, jugadores y fanáticos de GTA! Estamos emocionados de invitarte a unirte a nuestra comunidad exclusiva de Discord dedicada a GTA 5 y 6. 🌆🚗💥 🔗 Únete aquí ¿Qué ofrecemos? 🎮 1. Comunidad Activa 🌐 Únete a cientos de jugadores apasionados y participa en discusiones vibrantes y eventos diarios. 2. Eventos y Torneos 🏆 Participa en eventos especiales, competiciones y torneos organizados regularmente con premios increíbles. 3. Ayuda y Soporte 🛠️ ¿Eres nuevo en el juego? ¡No te preocupes! Nuestro equipo y miembros experimentados están aquí para ayudarte con consejos, trucos y asistencia técnica. 4. Canales de Voz y Texto 🗣️ Disfruta de canales dedicados para charlar, planear estrategias y compartir tus experiencias y logros. 5. Amistades y Conexiones 🤝 Conoce a nuevos amigos y crea equipos para dominar Los Santos y más allá. 6. Noticias y Actualizaciones 📢 Mantente al día con las últimas noticias, actualizaciones y rumores sobre GTA 5 y el esperado GTA 6.
Leipzig Roleplay Icon
Community | Gaming
Wir sind Leipzig Roleplay, ein Fivem Roleplay Server im Aufbau. Wir bieten dir: - Ein einzigartiges Erlebnis in der Welt von Gta RP - Kompetente Teammitglieder - RP für Einsteiger - Eine nette und hilfsbereite Community Bewerbung für unser Team: Die bewerbungsphase ist geöffnet! Alle weiteren Infos findest du auf unserem Discord. Komm gerne auf unseren Discord und mache dir von allem einen eigenen Eindruck! Wir freuen uns auf dich.
SARP Interview Server™© Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
We are a roleplaying community! We have 0 tolerance for FRP. What are you waiting for? Come on and join us!
Underground România Icon
Community | Gaming
Bun venit pe Underground Romania, un server de FiveM (GTA V) modificat pentru modul de joc 'Roleplay', insemnand simularea vietii reale in joc. Iti uram multa distractie alaturi de noi si de multi alti oameni primitori si buni!
Furious Modifications Icon
Community | Role-Playing
This server has to do with FiveM / GTA Modifications. I personally release free vehicle livery packs every week or so, I also do commissions for eup, vehicle liveries, and more. Some examples of my work: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZYuOINMHKAiwDXN6fyW8KdN2yVJs9wBKXQtBnn8Jr5g/edit?usp=sharing Founded by TheFuriousFin#3866
MainFrame RP Icon
Gaming | Community
The greatest roleplay server! Our community is enriched with many activities for all walk of life! We are all about roleplay and a progression system for our players. We have an immense catalog of import vehicles that are fully optimized so you won’t have to worry about bad frame rates! Engine swaps, mechanic job, towing, drift vehicles and more! We have a progressive robbery system for criminals, where you'll slowly take on bigger and bigger heists and along with dozens of criminals side jobs and drugs! We have an active Police, EMS, DoJ force to take your roleplay to higher levels! We have TONS of activities for you to do! 300+ custom icons and clothes you won’t find anywhere else! With our active development team, this is only the beginning. Be a part of something great, you're in the mainframe baby!
Império Roleplay Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Olá pessoal, td bem??? Gostaria de convida-los para a cidade IMPÉRIO RP, uma nova cidade que vai ser a revolução no GTA RP. Novos recursos e um visual diferenciado que vai te trazer aquele gostinho delicioso da descoberta de sua primeira cidade de fivem. Inspirada e feita para trazer a melhor experiência dentro do metaverso, a cidade Império conta com atividades para você praticar em grupo ou ate mesmo solo. Venha descobrir novos empregos e entretenimentos espalhados pela cidade, sem deixar de lado o bom e bem estruturado sistema de facs e orgs. Com valor inicial na sua conta para escolher entre mais de 20 veículos assim que você entra na cidade. Venha conferir!!! ? IMPERIO RP ? Para entrar na cidade copie e cole no F8 do Fivem: ----------- connect cfx.re/join/ppx46a ----------- ENTRE AGORA EM NOSSO DISCORD : -- https://discord.gg/r3jjbm5MGp --
Palios - New Folks Icon
Social | Community | Hobbies
We are a SFW social/hangout server focused on building new friendships. Join us to watch movies, play games, or just chat with the regulars
Palios - New Folks Discord Server Banner
Palios - New Folks Icon
Social | Community | Hobbies
We are a SFW social/hangout server focused on building new friendships. Join us to watch movies, play games, or just chat with the regulars
Elite Pixel Roleplay Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Elite Pixel Roleplay is located in the video game Grand Theft Auto V inside the great state of San Andreas. You can create your own character and craft your own story as well as interact with people just like you and forge your story together.Realism Realism is at Elite Pixel Roleplay's core, it comes first above everything else bringing you all types of new and interesting things. Player Needs Due to our newest framework, we bring player needs to Elite Pixel Roleplay, for example, hunger, thirst, stamina, and sleep. Car Culture Elite Pixel Roleplay brings car culture in its truest form whether that be stancing, drag, lifting, lowrider, and drifting, EPRP has it all. Who does Elite Pixel Roleplay cater too? It caters to those who want the most realistic roleplay while still being able to have fun. We have many systems in place to make Civilian and Law Enforcement roleplay as fun and realistic as possible.
The Institution of Roleplay Icon
Role-Playing | Community
?? The Institution of Grand Theft Auto Roleplay Looking to Join a Professional GTA5 Roleplay Server ( Xbox, PlayStation, FiveM )? ?? Here at The Institution of Grand Theft Auto Roleplay you have access to hundreds of active and professional roleplay servers looking for members like you!!! Looking to Advertise and Grow your GTA 5 Roleplay Server ( Xbox, PlayStation, FiveM )? ?? Here at The Institution of Grand Theft Auto Roleplay you can advertise your server for free, to hundreds of members looking for active and professional roleplay servers like yours!!! - Our Services: 》??・GTA Roleplay Server Community 》??・Server Advertising Agency 》??・Server Partnering Agency 》??・Graphic Design ( Logos, Banners) 》??・CAD / MDT’s 》??・Roleplay Server Templates & Materials 》??・Watchlisting Materials & Systems 》??・Blacklisting Materials & Systems 》??・24/7 Support Team - Discord Invite Link: 》?・https://discord.gg/zjEM9cwQvZ
Hamburg Roleplay V3 Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
╔═════════════════════════╗ Hamburg Roleplay V3 ╚═════════════════════════╝ Hamburg Roleplay ist ein laufender Hardcore Roleplay Server, welcher sich in der Hansestadt Hamburg abspielt. Seit März diesen Jahres haben wir unsere Tore für jeden Spieler geöffnet. Die Einreise findet aktuell ohne Whitelistgespräch oder IC Eintreise statt, sodass du direkt loslegen kannst. Du musst kein Teamspeak o.ä. besitzen um auf unserem Server reden zu können, da wir die GTA-Ingamevoice funktion nutzen. Was können wir dir bieten? ➤ 10K Startgeld ➤ Echte Preise ➤ Echte Gehälter ➤ Illegale sowie Legale Routen ➤ Add-On Kleidung ➤ Echte Automarken ➤ Stabile Wirtschaft ➤ Plasma Game ➤ Galaxy Club ➤ Gute Performance ➤ Sparkassen ➤ Shell Tankstellen ➤ Lidl Märkte ➤ Kleidungsläden ➤ Tattoo shops Unsere Fraktionen ➤ Berufsfeuerwehr Hamburg ➤ Landespolizei Hamburg ➤ ADAC Hamburg ➤ Kiminalpolizei Hamburg ➤ Uniklinikum Hamburg ➤ Taxi Service ➤ N'Drangheta
Diamond Nights RP Server Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
**Diamond Nights RP!** **[+]** ** Serious RP** ✈️ **[+]** ** La Map ** 🌴 **[+]** ** custom MLOS** 🏡 **[+]** ** 100% optimized ** 💿 **[+]** ** Fully customizable player Hud** 💻 **[+]** ** Real Economy System ** 💵 **[+]** ** Player owned shops and businesses ** 🚚 **[+]** ** custom drugs ** 🍃 **[+]** ** Player owned drugs ** 💊 **[+]** ** Custom Cars** 🏎️ **[+]** ** Custom gang System** 🔫 **[+]** ** Active Staff (looking for more)** 📷 **[+]** ** Active DNPD (looking for more)** 🚨 **[+]** ** Custom robbery's ** 💸 **[+]** ** Custom weapon Modules ** 🔫 **[+]** ** Cusom clothing for each gender** 👚 **[+]** ** 100+ custom irl cars** 🚘 **Looking for Higher ups for EMS, LAPD, Staff. Please make a ticket**
Seal City Roleplay Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
Suchst du neuen Rp Server? Dann bist du hier richtig, wir bieten ihnen vieles an. Kein pay2win system, Illegale und Legale Farming Routen, Import Autos, Fraktionen sind gesucht, Startgeld, KEINE EINREISE, Gutes / Freundliches / aktives Team, viele Events, Giveaways. Und noch vieles mehr. Wir würden uns sehr über deinem Join freuen :) LG Seal City
Gaming | Role-Playing
***SYSTEMS ACTIVE… LOADING: WELCOME STATEMENT.PDF…*** ***WELCOME!*** We are Haven Systems RP! A GTA V Life RP server that welcomes New Roleplayers, Retired roleplayers looking to return, or Experienced Roleplayers! We offer many avenues for roleplay! Wanna be a Cop? A Firefighter, EMS, Dispatcher, Maybe even a drunk homeless uncle? Then welcome! Our friendly staff is happy to help! Have an amazing time in **HAVEN SYSTEMS ROLEPLAY** ***SYSTEM SHUTDOWN IN… 3.. 2.. 1..***
Project United UK Icon
Hello there! How was your flight? However it was, lucky for you we're here to make your arrival as smooth sailing as possible! Maybe, just maybe we can tempt you in changing your ticket to a one way ticket. Our Travel Brochure : Well, you're in London! You could probably tell, by the hustle and bustle and well we love our food here, especially Greggs and can't beat a meal deal from the Co-op! You're provided with some of the best Emergency Services too. Our Metropolitan and NHS do their best to protect you. Endless EUP Custom Maps And Scripts Diseases So many London avenues to explore! Plenty Of Jobs. 10/10 Mechanic Scripts. High End Cars Available Gangs & Drugs NHS, PD as well as an upcoming LFB. Arcade, Trading Card Games, GL-GO, Skateparks, Bumper Cars and More! Whatever you may choose, we're here for you. Come rain or shine, more so rain seeing we're in London. We want to offer you the best RP experience possible!
cookout 2.0 Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
📢 Join Cookout 2.0 Roleplay Server | Hiring in All Areas! 🚓🔫🚑🍔 Attention all roleplayers! Cookout 2.0, the ultimate immersive roleplay server, has just opened up its doors for aspiring individuals from all walks of life. Whether you have a passion for upholding the law, unleashing your wild side as part of a notorious gang, saving lives on the frontlines of the EMS, or even serving up delicious burgers at the iconic McDonald's, there's a spot available for you! This server offers an exciting variety of job opportunities, creating an interconnected and dynamic virtual world where everyone can truly immerse themselves. Join now and build your character's story within this thrilling and ever-expanding roleplay community. Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to bring your imagination to life! 🎮💪✨
Red Dawn Roleplay Icon
Gaming | Community
**__RedDawn RP__** ————————————— Red Dawn rp is looking for members and for people who know how to roleplay seriously we are strict and have many opportunities as teams: ————————————— RDRP: PS5 Sever (open to anyone) =========================== (💵) Custom Economy System (⏰) Daily RP’s (📔) Hard working & Friendly Staff Members (📄) Staff Applications (🥳) A fun & Professional Community ————————————— == Jobs: == (👮‍♂️) RDRP Police Department (👮) SAS Special Forces Team (👷‍♂️ ) Loads of variation in starter jobs as Journalists, Truckers and more! (🚑) *(coming soon)* ————————————— ====== STAFF ====== Director - Adam202143 Co Director - lilmansam23 ======== LINK =======**
Thunder RP Icon
Role-Playing | Xbox
Welcome to **Thunder Roleplay!** As a community we want to show you the best Roleplaying experience and with that being said we currently roleplay 3 nights a week, We are making more of a British RP but not to worry all regions are welcome, We currently have a banking app businesses that you can own or you can even choose to work for your local police department, If you have any questions or enquiries please let us know by opening a <#1259639715129458698> Our staff team are more than happy to help and their is always somebody their on demand with the answers, To join **Thunder RP** please start by doing your main server <#1259639704824057938> Thank you, **Management Team**.
HighGenRP Icon
Role-Playing | Xbox
**_HighGen Roleplay_** **_About Us:_** HighGen Roleplay is a Console dedicated Gta 5 Roleplay Community for people who want to get the FiveM feel for the price of a console and anything that can run discord. **_What we offer:_** HighGen Roleplay offers a range of things such as: * A server for each console platform, Xbox One, Xbox Series, PS4, PS5. * Side servers for an easier layout e.g, LEO Server, Gang Server, Business Server the list goes on. * An experienced Management and Staff Team. * Custom Logos made from scratch for each server. What all these things bring is a wider variety making the community easier to grow large, ensures your experience within any of our servers is the best it can be to make you want to choose us over others. **_Summary:_** We are by far not the best server out there and as of right now we are member wise on the same level as many other up and coming servers but this can be changed if you decide to choose to use us.
Toronto City Roleplay Icon
Community | Playstation
# **🌟 Welcome to Toronto City Roleplay (TCRP) - The Ultimate GTA V PS4 Experience! 🌟** *Are you ready to step into a world where your imagination meets action? **Toronto City Roleplay (TCRP)** on GTA V for PS4 is the immersive, community-driven experience you’ve been waiting for.* ### **📣 What We Have to Offer! 📣** **📕 GTA 5 DEPARTMENTS 📕** - **Civilians:** 🤵 Live out your dream life with endless possibilities. - **Law Enforcement Officer (LEO):** 🚔 Uphold the law, and join specialized units like SWAT, Air Units, SRG, Detectives, and Heat Units. - **EMS/Firefighter:** 🚒 Answer the call of duty, save lives, and become a hero. - **Staff:** ⚕️ Guide and support our vibrant community to ensure a smooth roleplay experience. --- ### **Why Choose TCRP?** - **🌍 A Thriving Community:** Join a diverse, active, and friendly group of players who are as passionate about roleplay as you are. AND A LOT MORE SEE YOU SOON!!!
Bunko Bunko: Light Novel Club Icon
Anime | Manga | Writing
Discuss your favorite LNs ⭐️ MANGA ⭐️ VNs ⭐️ ANIME ⭐️ GAMES and more with a friendly community of fellow readers. ✍️ Writing your own novel? Share and get feedback from others! 👯‍♀️We’ve also got Mudae & Cosplay channels for our cultured friends! ❤️
Bunko Bunko: Light Novel Club Discord Server Banner
Bunko Bunko: Light Novel Club Icon
Anime | Manga | Writing
Discuss your favorite LNs ⭐️ MANGA ⭐️ VNs ⭐️ ANIME ⭐️ GAMES and more with a friendly community of fellow readers. ✍️ Writing your own novel? Share and get feedback from others! 👯‍♀️We’ve also got Mudae & Cosplay channels for our cultured friends! ❤️
Hoorn rolplay Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
yo ken je Hoorn rolplay all nee dan moet je hem nu snell joinen we zoeken nu nog staf en we zijn gloed nieuw nederlandse server je kan ook joinen als je engels ben maar dan moet je well iemand regelen die het voor je kan vertalen of je kan engels ook tegen de owners praten maar niet engels in de chat praten join nu snell wij zoeken allemaal mensen en nog goede staf en gewoon nog meer mensen voor de comunity en we zoeken ook nog gangs die zig willen vermenigvuldigen 💼💼
Hogedam City™ Icon
Playstation | Role-Playing
Hogedam City is de stad waar jij jouw dromen waar kan maken! Help jij jou collega's om criminelen op te pakken of wordt jij de leider van de sterkste gang? De keuze is aan jou! ⚡ Wij zijn een Playstation 4 & 5 Roleplay server die al ruim een jaar bestaat. Kom jij ook spelen?
ZeroPixel RP Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
We are a growing community, inspired by no pixel, we are a gta 5 role play community, new players. Streamer friendly, no bs no drama. Drama free . We treat everyone like family. So come down to zero pixel rp
Empire State Roleplay (GTARP) Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Empire State Roleplay 🌟 We're having a promotion for anyone who joins Empire State Roleplay between now and March 1, will not have to fill out a whitelisted application. Which mean you can jump right in and have fun within the city. Please make sure you read the rules before joining. 🌟 Looking to join a brand new city. Looking for a fresh start. Looking for a new beginning. Then Empire State Roleplay may be the play for you. Empire State Roleplay is a whitelisted city where new players can learn to role-play and veterans can come and a safe place to have fun to their hearts content. Here is this city we are all about building relationships and making new friends while building great story-lines for the characters we play. We have a wide variety of things to do in the server like fishing, skydiving, mining, or you can decide to be a criminal and rob banks, stores, houses, or even people. Join us today and be part of a family.
FiveM Whitelisting Applications Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Elevate your FiveM experience with our exclusive whitelisting Discord, ensuring a hassle-free application process and a guaranteed spot on any roleplay server of your choice.
This is GTA CONSOLE PS5 RP – Your Ultimate GTA Roleplay Experience! Are you ready to dive into an exciting new world of roleplay? GTA CONSOLE PS5 RP is a fresh and dynamic community designed exclusively for PS5 players. Whether you're an experienced roleplayer or just starting, we've got the perfect environment for you to create and live your story. Why Choose Us? PS5-Exclusive Gameplay: A community built specifically for console players. New Opportunities: Be part of a growing server and help shape its future. Active Moderation: Dedicated staff ensuring smooth and fair roleplay for everyone. Endless Possibilities: Whether you're a law-abiding citizen or chasing the thrill of a criminal empire, your story matters. Join us today and become a founding member of this exciting new community! 🚨 The city is waiting for you. 🌍 Your story starts now. https://discord.gg/4mNzZfK3
Role-Playing | Entertainment
Hola! **¿Estás buscando una nueva aventura en Android o PC?** Te invitamos a unirte a ^**nuestro servidor SAMP nuevo, de rol medio**, donde la acción y la diversión nunca terminan. Con media de **30 usuarios** siempre encontrarás con quién compartir experiencias! - Descubre sistemas innovadores, más de 4 facciones y más de 20 trabajos únicos y mapeos diseñados para sorprenderte. - Además, ofrecemos **migraciones y recompensas exclusivas** para nuevos miembros, así que es el mejor momento para sumarte a nuestra comunidad. ------------------------------------ ****** ------------------------------------