DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Play For Tempo Icon
Gaming | eSports
Discussion server for the Play for Tempo Podcast, a weekly hearthstone chat with Schwal and StevenSensei in 30 min or less.
Don't Cross the Streams Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Welcome to the gaming community of Wirelesswizrd! Join us for discussions about Slay the Spire, Hearthstone, and every game in between. Below is a link to my Twitch channel - stop by, check it out, and engage in live gaming chats :-) https://www.twitch.tv/wirelesswizrd
Mythic Legendaries Icon
Gaming | eSports
MYTHIC LEGENDARIES! Is a Podcast about Magic The Gathering and Hearthstone! Hosted by two old friends that love podcasts and the games they play. Join our discord community for quick access to all of our show notes, tips, tricks, and chat about all the things your passionate about!
Mageadeath's Channel Icon
Streaming | Gaming
Primarily a Hearthstone Community around Twitch Streamer Mageadeath
DuskBreakers Icon
Streaming | YouTuber
Official Discord home of SaucyMailman
Lena Golovach Icon
Streaming | Entertainment
Официальный сервер Lena Golovach.
Nemesis Icon
Community | Gaming
Nemesis is a small community that is keen to expand! We offer things like weekly contests, events and bots to keep you entertained, we have friendly people in the server that will give you a warm welcome and we hope to see you in our server soon!
Hearthstone Haven Icon
Gaming | Social
Diapsalma_HS Icon
Streaming | Community
This is a community designated to connect and promote small twitch streamers from both the gaming and music communities as well as their fans. Founded by Diapsalma who is himself a streamer of primarily Hearthstone but also some old classics like Sid Meier's Pirates and Colonization. It also contains a section for a Shop Titans guild. Its a great place to hang out for both fans and streamers to share tips and tricks, promote themselfs or others as well as just being part of a chill and mature community.
HearthStone Collective Icon
Gaming | Social
Unofficial Hearthstone Server | A place for Hearthstone players of all ranks and skill to come together, talk strategy, theory-craft and have a mess about!
Gajoo Icon
Gaming | Streaming
The #1 gaming community. Get updates on your favorite games and find friends to play together!
HSBG Academy Icon
Gaming | Education
An educational server focused on Hearthstone Battlegrounds. We have articles, guides, and free coaching.
Infinity | 18+ Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Welcome to Infinity - The Ultimate 18+ Social Hangout! 🎮🎉🍿 Looking for a place to kick back, meet new people, and engage in endless conversations? You've come to the right place! Infinity is an inclusive 18+ community built around gaming, giveaways, events, and streaming movies.
Infinity | 18+ Discord Server Banner
Infinity | 18+ Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Welcome to Infinity - The Ultimate 18+ Social Hangout! 🎮🎉🍿 Looking for a place to kick back, meet new people, and engage in endless conversations? You've come to the right place! Infinity is an inclusive 18+ community built around gaming, giveaways, events, and streaming movies.
TCG Hideout Icon
Gaming | Tabletop | Community
A server dedicated to Trading Card Games such as Pokemon, Magic The Gathering, Flesh & Blood, and other tabletop/online card games.
Rage against the card Icon
Tabletop | eSports
Crystal Arcadia Icon
Social | Gaming
A new, small and friendly gaming community. Join and find new friends to play with or just have a chill conversation :)
TCG Community Icon
Gaming | Community
The Card Game Community: From Hearthstone to Runeterra to Magic the Gathering (and more), we've created this wholesome community to play, create new friends, share decks & advice, and most importantly, Have fun!
Global League Esports Icon
eSports | Tournaments
Global League Esports (GLE, GLE Network) is an esports company with the vision to become a major esports media & entertainment network. The opening of GLE Arena plants GLE's roots in bringing esports to everyday users through live-hosted wager matches and tournaments, along with weekly community events, with the plan to grow and branch out divisions to become your trusted source for media coverage on the world's top esport leagues and games. The sky is the limit- come join us.
Gaming | Twitch
Serveur d'un streamer, nommé Nagatel, on peut parler de Pokémon, League Of Legends, Hearthstone. Le serveur est principalement Français, mais possède des membres anglais.
-PalmDream• Icon
Gaming | Social
PALMDREAM 🏝️ Cerchi anche tu il tuo angolo di paradiso? Alza un po’ lo sguardo…e scopri il tuo scorcio di tranquillità con PalmDream `💭 Chat: Partecipa a conversazioni vivaci e connettiti con persone che condividono i tuoi interessi. 🌟 Ruoli: Personalizza la tua esperienza con una vasta gamma di ruoli da scegliere. 🎉 Giveaway Nitro: Vinci Nitro e altri fantastici premi nei nostri giveaway. 😍 Emotes: Esprimi te stesso con la nostra collezione, con oltre 300 simpatiche emotes. 🎙️ Canali Vocali: Divertiti con gli altri nei nostri numerosi canali vocali. 🚀 Attività: Come uno dei server Discord più dinamici, garantiamo un'atmosfera vivace e coinvolgente. 🌏 Sponsor: Metti in evidenza la tua community con sponsorizzazioni ultra performanti adatte a te.`