DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
K40 Laser Help Icon
Hobbies | Technology
K40 Laser Help
GOTC Social Icon
Gaming | Community
Server dedicated to GOT and GOTC, as well as a social forum to debate ideas on world news, politics, share music and other hobbies.
Official PureWeather Discord? Icon
Education | YouTuber
Sup y'all Welcome to the PureWeather Discord server Pure Weather is a channel based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, started by two teen nerds who share a collective interest in content creation and weather. Our main focus on hurricanes and tropical storms, but really talking about all things weather. Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9VgPsZGqQID_RAUQ74P2lQ?view_as=subscriber Twitter: https://twitter.com/weather_pure Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/pureweather
Looking For Group! Icon
Gaming | Community
We are a LFG Server for everyone And we have many games you can find new mates!
Go Barefoot Icon
Hobbies | Social
This server is all about the unshod / barefoot lifestyle! Ever wanted to kick off your shoes and walk barefoot through a mossy forest, or even to your local shops? Well this is the place for you! Go Barefoot is a server for people who love to go for barefoot walks - or would like to try! Come say hi, and we'll help you get started. :) We have dozens of friends here who all enjoy walking unshod, and some of us have given up shoes completely. It's healthy, fun, it builds confidence - and you won't regret it!
Lifestyle Discord Icon
Community | Entertainment
Come join our little community of friends! Explore new paths, build connections, and chase your passions, be it watches, photography, pens, fragrances or anything. Let's spend some quality time together - join us now!
BlackGoldCards Icon
Hobbies | Sports
Sports Cards Buy / Sell / Trade / Talk. Follow on our socials: WhatNot: @BlackGoldCards WhatNot: @BlackGoldSportsCards Fanatics: @BlackGoldCards Insta: @BlackGoldSportsCards Website: www.blackgoldcards.com
Challenge Me Community Server Icon
Community | Social
A place to support a brand new app being released (soon) to android and ios app stores! A helpful and friendly community, open discussion and feedback about the project. Some related tags: Custom roles, badges, content creator, mobile gaming, high security, helpful staff, and more are all included!
Caffé ☕ Icon
Entertainment | Community
★★Community of coffee heads.★★ Teaching and learning about coffee! Looking to recruit new and old Baristas, Roasters, and Enthusiasts! = ABOUT US = - we support and teach SPECIALTY COFFEE -- specialty coffee is NOT gas station, Starbucks, McDonalds coffee! - we do coffee give aways, i make a CUSTOM coffee for you to brew -- which is higher than grade 85's This server is unlike any other servers. k thnx. https://discord.gg/Y7xXBg6 if u cant join
Kaskus ? Icon
Community | Gaming
The Largest Forum Guild Community you ever find!
Сообщество FURRY / ФУРРИ Icon
Community | Furry
Сообщество FURRY / ФУРРИ в России (Russian FURRY community). Интересные обсуждения, ролевые игры, ивенты, стримы, библиотека, архив изображений. Сервер живёт бурной жизнью. У нас можно обсудить новости из мира науки, ИТ, индустрии игр, фильмов, книг и многое другое... На нашем сервере постоянно проводятся различные мероприятия: радио-эфиры, интересные передачи, совместные просмотры мультфильмов и фильмов. На нашем сервере имеется большая галерея изображений, которая постоянно пополняется новыми элементами. Присутствуют закрытые специализированные каналы с NU- и YIFF-содержанием, и отдельная галерея для них. Сервер постоянно обновляется и внедряет новые возможности. Мы первыми реализовали категории для каналов и первыми интегрировали потоки радио-вещания с серверов Discord на внешние источники.
Photography is Fun! Icon
Hobbies | Art
Are you a photographer, model, body painter, hairdresser, makeup artist or maybe a costume designer? This is an 18+, no kids allowed, place for you to meet. We're not looking for professionals, but other hobbyists. This is a place to grow and become better at your craft. Maybe you'll meet a new model to work with, or a new photographer. Maybe you'll build your portfolio here and become a pro. Regardless of your end-game. This is a place to start.
The FurPark Icon
Furry | Community | Art
Welcome to The FurPark. A furry community-driven server we prioritize a great community that is fun and a safe environment, We are big on LGBTQ+ acceptance.
The FurPark Discord Server Banner
The FurPark Icon
Furry | Community | Art
Welcome to The FurPark. A furry community-driven server we prioritize a great community that is fun and a safe environment, We are big on LGBTQ+ acceptance.
Overwatch RP Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
We are a Overwatch Community that likes to RP in overwatch.
Talented Artist Icon
Art | Hobbies
Art discord for all ages and art styles. We have weekly challenges for people in the server to work on and lots of challenges for showing off your art or things that you like. Everyone shares each others art, promotes each other and helps each other. Great group for art block and meeting for art related friends.
Roblox Movie Inventors! Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
very epic Roblox studio
????? ???????? Icon
Gaming | Community | Mature
•────••✦BLVCK DISTRICT✦••────• A place where you can vibe and chill with a lot of cool people, share a common interest, like music, art, or gaming.
Illumnious’ cafe ? Icon
Hobbies | Community
**Illumnious’s cafe?** **Welcome to Illumnious’ café. The server was originally created back in January 2017 as Illumnious’ server but became fully public in October, 2020. Here’s what the server is offer: ? self roles and color roles are available ? 100% SFW server ? Organized channels with categories ? Fun bots to play with such as Piggy playground and NotSoBot ⁉️ Daily discussion topics and Question of the Day ? vent or rant channels along with gender channels ?Twitter, art, and merch updates from the artist itself ?And much more... The server isn’t active due to members joining and leaving quickly but here’s what the server is looking for: -friendly people -staffs -partners -events mangers
Urikai • Art Community Icon
Art | Community
Urikai • Art Community Our server that means "Meeting new people and a safe clubhouse for the people who writes and draws that resides within us" We offer a comfortable server for everyone who wants to chill and draw with the others! Our original mascot name Kurei. Upon joining, Kindly read the Rules and proceed to the Introduction. What do we offer? ✦ Friendly and chill community ✦ You can chill and chat with everyone ✦ You can advertise your social media (Only Art Pages & Platforms) ✦ Participate in the event to win the points! ✦Play with bot commands. ✦ A place for you can share: ❖ Recent Artworks that are traditional or Digital and WIPs ❖Photography/music art/animation/3D
Embroidery & Cross Stitch Icon
Hobbies | Art
Small embroidery group! Still new so the am happy to take suggestions on how you want the server to look and be! We discuss all types of crafts!
Furry Jungle Icon
Furry | Art
Welcome to the jungle! We're a small SFW furry community looking for more members! We're based around the idea of plants and I, the owner, collect them! Can't wait to have you here.
Touhoubacco Icon
Art | Community
What's the best thing to do after a long session of a danmaku battle? Smoking! Join in and talk about how much you love smoking (or not, we won't judge) :) We also encourage talking about other topics, including drinking!
rayhan354's base Icon
Community | Gaming
rayhan354 rayhan354's base community server gaming genshin valorant minecraft roblox
Chemielabor für Jedermann Icon
Education | Technology
Ein deutscher Discord Server zum Austausch zwischen Gleichgesinnten, die nach einem Ort suchen um über Chemie sowie generell Naturwissenschaften im Hobbybereich und im Alltag zu diskutieren. Es ist jeder willkommen, der sich mit diesen Themen beschäftigt, sich einfach nur daran interessiert oder etwas neues lernen will.
Mayerbauers Lounge Icon
Gaming | Community
Hey There ! Are you looking for a German Chillounge/Gaming Discord Server??? Dann bist du hier genau richtig! Wir bieten dir: - Eine Chillounge - einen Platz für deine Werbung! - Platz zum zocken mit deinen Freunden - Einen Server wo du deine Ideen und Wünsche mit einbringen kannst - Eine freundliche Community und ein freundliches Moderationsteam Wir suchen dich! Sicher denkst du dir, warum du auf einen Server mit so wenig Mitgliedern gehen solltest: Aber nur so können wir wachsen! Wir freuen uns schon auf dich!
SharpLine Sports Icon
Sports | Community | Investing
Let us do the research so you can enjoy sports while making money. Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to change your sports betting profits forever! Members made over $500,000+ in 2023.
SharpLine Sports Discord Server Banner
SharpLine Sports Icon
Sports | Community | Investing
Let us do the research so you can enjoy sports while making money. Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to change your sports betting profits forever! Members made over $500,000+ in 2023.
Daily Art Challenges Icon
Art | Hobbies
Daily Art Challenges, Art Prompts, Themes, colored roles based on drawings submitted, gallery, supportive environment :)
Donny's Kingdom Icon
Hobbies | Art
We're a small server but we keep growing everyday, there's a great group of people that you can talk to, along with a bunch of other bots you can use at your own freewill! There's so much more to be experienced in the server, Everyone is welcome so please join and don't be afraid to talk about the thing you enjoy!
Hideaway Icon
Community | Hobbies
Welcome aboard to Hideaway! We are a friendly community that friends and family can enjoy! We are trying our best to make this server more active, fun and entertaining. What we offer when you join our server: rainbow_flag: We are are a lgbtq+ friendly community. speech_balloon: Our main channel where most people handout and chat with others and we have many general chats and VC's. name_badge: We have many roles, channels, pings and etc that people would love to check out! video_game: We also have gaming channels for active gamers that would like to hangout and play with others. robot: User friendly bots that you can be entertained with or use for other purposes. question: Much more things that are still in development We are trying our best to make our server grow out and reach out to others and we hope you have a good time at our server! link: https://discord.gg/Qke3fQGF link: https://tenor.com/view/meadow-couple-love-gif-17892869
Flipping Car$ Icon
Hobbies | Social
Jsme první a jediný discord server zaměřující se na car flipping/otáčení aut. Naším cílem je vybudovat příjemnou komunitu car flipperů, milovníků aut či mechaniků. Máme spoustu funkcí, rolí a sympatický A-Team. Server je velmi přehledný a jednoduchý k užívání. Máme vysoké ambice a rádi bychom zde měli co nejvíce lidí, kteří mají ambice alespoň minimálně jako my. Zaměřujeme se nejvíce na Německá auta značky BMW, nedělá nám však problém probírat či řešit auta jiné značky.
The Chair Lounge Icon
Community | Gaming
A chill server that has a place for everyone from, gamers to foodies, musicians, artists, hobbyists, and Anime lovers. Come find your place! :) (server is also semi under construction still)
The Tavern Icon
Community | Growth
The Tavern is comprised of a select group of internet acquaintances - created in 2017 - and have been kept private to date. Going public: We aim to welcome mature, high-calibre individuals. The server cannot be pinned down to any set of topics. Most of us care about gaming, self-improvement, politics, and simply exchanging our every day experiences. We host server activities including movie nights and pub quizzes. At 10-20k posts per month we're active without nigh-unreadable, overflowing channels. Should you be interested in joining, we expect the following to apply: You do not mind coarse language, you are seeking active engagement (we are not interested in lurkers), you do not mind being examined before gradually being given access to the server.
The Gundam Discord Icon
Anime | Hobbies
The official discord server of the Gundam Wiki Created in 2018 for fans of Gundam, gunpla, and for those who just want a chill community of people from around the world to chat with! We have free to enter gunpla build events with kit prizes, for those who are interested in growing their skill with other builders. We also have more frequent mini events for more casual builders. Members can pick from several faction roles spanning from Zeon all the way to Tekkadan. This is a great server for anyone who is just interested in chatting as well! TLDR: -Official Gundam Wiki server with affiliate channels -Free to enter group build events with kit prizes -Knowledgeable members in both gundam lore and gunpla to answer any questions -Info on where to buy gunpla and channels to show off your collection -Several faction roles with rank-up opportunities -Various Gundam-themed emotes
Watch This Space Icon
Community | Hobbies
⌚️ Watch This Space is a community for beginner to expert level watch enthusiasts. ⏱ Sometimes the watch space can be an intimidating place, so we are building an all inclusive server dedicated to further expanding peoples knowledge and passion for watches. ? With the latest watch news and forums at your fingertips. We cant wait to have you on board to discuss watches and all things watches and beyond.
Soothing Bay Icon
Hobbies | Art
Astrology, photography, art, community, crafts, hobbies, inspiration, creativity.
Life Thoughts Today Icon
Social | Beliefs
Life Thoughts Today online church ⛪community was born because following Jesus ✞ and connecting with others lately is hard! So we created a community ? of believers for all of us! Join us, so we can journey ? together.
Cafe Kitsune Icon
Gaming | Social
Welcome to the Cafe Kitsune! Cozy and inviting, just like your favorite comfort food in your favorite cafe. This server was formed to help foster a gaming community for those who struggle to find friendships or groups to play games with, want to meet new people, or just be involved in a fun, active and welcoming social setting. We host all games and most interests, and are LGBT friendly. As we grow we aim to maintain this atmosphere and provide a safe space in our corner of the internet. This server is 18+, and while we're not primarily focused around adult content, this age restriction is primarily for the safety of our members to share content freely within the Discord TOS, including but not limited to; 18+ rated games, explicit game and anime-based art, and explicit language.
Horology Hun Icon
Hobbies | Community
Welcome to the Horology Hub Are you passionate about the intricate craftsmanship and timeless elegance of wristwatches? Do you find yourself marveling at the mechanical wonders that adorn your wrist, or do you appreciate the artistry of luxury timepieces? If you have a fascination for all things wristwatch-related, then this is the perfect community for you! Join us as we delve into the captivating world of wristwatches, where horology aficionados come together to share their love for these miniature masterpieces. Whether you're a seasoned collector, an aspiring watchmaker, or just an admirer of fine timekeeping instruments, you'll find a welcoming and engaging environment here. Show Off Your Collection: Have a remarkable wristwatch collection you're proud of? Share your prized possessions with the community and let others admire and discuss the unique pieces you own. Expert Advice: Seek guidance and knowledge from seasoned experts and watch enthusiasts alike. Whether you're lookin
Cozy Village Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
🌸The Cozy Village 🌸 We are an active 18+ safe cozy community made for like minded gamers offering regular game nights, a reading nook, frequent giveaways and more! We always have fun first and foremost and enjoy having a dedicated space to share our excitement for current and upcoming gaming news. We play across all platforms and a variety of genres ranging from RPGs, Cozy farm/life sims, MMO’s, shooters and more. We welcome all regardless of the person if you are looking for people to play with or just new like minded friends to chat with you are likely to find your place here at The Cozy Village. We are excited to have you join our amazing community, and hope to see you soon! 💖
Cozy Village Discord Server Banner
Cozy Village Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
🌸The Cozy Village 🌸 We are an active 18+ safe cozy community made for like minded gamers offering regular game nights, a reading nook, frequent giveaways and more! We always have fun first and foremost and enjoy having a dedicated space to share our excitement for current and upcoming gaming news. We play across all platforms and a variety of genres ranging from RPGs, Cozy farm/life sims, MMO’s, shooters and more. We welcome all regardless of the person if you are looking for people to play with or just new like minded friends to chat with you are likely to find your place here at The Cozy Village. We are excited to have you join our amazing community, and hope to see you soon! 💖
TheTeeBox Icon
Sports | Hobbies
Tee off with fellow golf aficionados in our vibrant community dedicated to all things PGA Tour and golf-related. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just getting into the swing of things, this is the perfect place to connect, share, and discuss your passion for the game. Stay updated on the latest tour news, dissect player strategies, and exchange tips to elevate your own game. From legendary moments to upcoming tournaments, we've got your fairway fix covered. Join us for a hole-in-one experience of camaraderie and sportsmanship. Grab your clubs and hop on the cart to join us!
Goldfish Café Icon
Pet Care | Hobbies
A place built for anything and everything goldfish for beginners to masters we have a common gathering information packed hub for you to learn, share, and love goldfish. We do lots of events, guest speakers such as Lukes Goldies, breeding seminars, and information panels regarding any topic!
Serveur de GRIFFON Icon
Se serveur vise tout le monde qui veut raconter des aventures , des truc particulier, se qu'il aime. Vous êtes tous les bienvenus. il y a plein de poste a pourvoir, vous avez de l'avenir !!!! Pour l'instant on parle de spéléo-urbex, de programmation principalement en ice. Faites vous connaitre, on est tous amis : poster des photo/vidéo
ShimaTent Icon
Community | Anime
Laid-back community for those who wants to talk about their passions and make new friends!
BirdCage Icon
Community | Social
Welcome to the Bird cage! 🍻 Step into our bar, where friends are made over the clinking of glasses and love might just be found in the sparkle of someone's eye! 🌟 This unique bar-inspired server creates the perfect atmosphere to connect with like-minded individuals seeking friendship or even something more. ◇ 18+ ◇ Different hobby channels ◇ Active vcs ◇ Gaming /Movie / holiday events ◇ Self assigned roles and pings So, come on in, grab a virtual drink, and let the good times roll at the bird cage! We can't wait to meet you! 🍻
Guzzlers Gemtastic Model Mayhem Icon
DIY | Gaming
Come and down to Guzzlers Gemtastic Model Mayhem for discussions about every aspects of scale modelling! This includes Tanks, Aircraft, warhammer and many more! We also like to discuss about gaming like WarThunder.
Rainbow Safari Icon
Community | Hobbies
Welcome to Rainbow Safari—your haven for trolling and outsmarting internet scammers! Join a community of like-minded individuals who enjoy turning the tables on those shady characters lurking in the dark corners of the web. Whether you're experienced in scam-baiting or just curious to learn the ropes, our server provides a safe space to share stories, strategies, and laughs as we outwit fraudsters and expose their tricks. In Rainbow Safari, we take the fight against online scams seriously, but we have a lot of fun doing it. Engage in real-time baiting sessions, collaborate on elaborate schemes to confuse scammers, or simply enjoy the hilarious outcomes of our members' successful pranks. Together, we're turning the tables on scammers, one bait at a time. Join us and become part of the ultimate anti-scam squad!
Città delle Stelle Icon
Community | Hobbies
🌟 Benvenuto nella città delle stelle! 🌟 Sei alla ricerca di un posto dove sentirti a casa, fare nuove amicizie e trascorrere del tempo in compagnia? Allora sei nel posto giusto! ✨ Cosa offriamo: Comunità Accogliente: Qui ogni voce conta e ogni persona è benvenuta. Non dovrai mai affrontare la solitudine! Conversazioni e Divertimento: Partecipa a discussioni, giochi e attività per conoscere meglio gli altri membri. Supporto e Comprensione: Siamo qui per ascoltarti e offrire supporto, che tu abbia bisogno di parlare o semplicemente di compagnia. Eventi e Attività: Unisciti ai nostri eventi settimanali, dove potrai divertirti e socializzare con gli altri membri! 🤝 Unisciti a noi e inizia a costruire nuove amicizie! Ogni nuovo membro porta una storia unica e siamo felici di conoscerti!
Transformers & Gundam United Icon
Community | Anime
Welcome to TGU! This is a discord server centralized around the topics of Transformers and Gundam! New server that combined the best of both worlds. Come check it out!
Recivu Icon
Technology | Hobbies
Recivu is a community focused and dedicated to the study of radio technology. If you are interested in any form of radio, then go ahead and swing by!
The Lit Lits Icon
Community | Hobbies
Welcome to the Lit Lits! 🌟 Are you a passionate creator or lover of arts and debates? The Lit Lits is a vibrant Discord community where you can showcase your music, art, and literature while making meaningful connections. Whether you're seasoned or just starting, our supportive space lets your talents shine. What We Offer: Showcase Your Creations: Share your work, get feedback, and use our star emoji system to highlight outstanding pieces for recognition. Engaging Debates: Join our structured formats—Simple, Extended, and Supremacy Extended Style. Hone your skills, earn points, and climb the ranks! Fun Contests and Events: Participate in poetry challenges and themed showcases to keep the excitement alive. Supportive Community: Enjoy a welcoming environment where respect and encouragement thrive. Leadership Opportunities: We’re looking for enthusiastic moderators and board members to help shape our community. Join us today at the Lit Lits and let’s create, inspire, and debate.
⨳ Vøℓtrus Community Icon
Community | Hobbies
🌌 ⨳ Vøℓtrus Community ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✨ Səmimi, etibarlı və aktiv bir mühitdə yer almaq istəyirsiniz? ⨳ Vøℓtrus Community sizin üçün mükəmməl bir yerdir! 🎯 Hədəfimiz: Daha yaxşı bir cəmiyyət yaratmaq üçün güclü tərəfdaşlıqlar qurmaq! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🌟 Nə Üçün Biz? ⭐ Dostluq: Hər kəsə açıq olan, isti və mehriban bir mühit. ⭐ Tədbirlər: Həftəlik oyun gecələri, mini turnirlər və Aylıq Tema fəaliyyətləri. ⭐ Fərqli İstiqamətlər: Kitablar, filmlər, oyunlar, anime və daha çox! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎮 Oyun Severlər üçün: 🎲 Aktiv lobbilər, strategiya planlaması, əyləncəli mini-turnirlər! 🎭 İncəsənət və Əyləncə: 🎨 Yaradıcılığınızı sərgiləyə biləcəyiniz çoxsaylı kanallar. 💡 Fikir Paylaşımı: 💬 Düşüncələrinizi bölüşə, layihələrə töhfə verə və icma ilə inkişaf edə bilərsiniz. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a new small discord community. Chat & participate in events. This is a small community server with a few active members, if you want to be apart of a tight-knit community & somewhere to call home then JOIN NOW! We are working hard to revive an old community.
Meet New People Discord Server Banner
Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a new small discord community. Chat & participate in events. This is a small community server with a few active members, if you want to be apart of a tight-knit community & somewhere to call home then JOIN NOW! We are working hard to revive an old community.
Hetero Community Icon
eSports | Gaming
Looking for friends to play? Go ahead and hammer we offer a lot of discord nitro draws for a year or a month
Geocaching Icon
Hobbies | Fitness
Welcome to the Geocaching server! This is the most active Geocaching server which you can publicly join. We have kind staff, custom bots and friendly members. Join today!
Nox Discord Icon
Music | Hobbies
Polski serwer o tematyce produkcji muzyki idealne miejsce do reklamowania swojej muzyki, dzielenia się wiedzą, pobierania darmowych paczek sampli oraz presetów Znajdziesz u nas aktywne community produkcyjno muzyczne kanały nakierowane na pomoc i współpracę i wiele więcej
(New) LEGO Elite chat!! Icon
Hobbies | Anime
Join the LEGO Builder’s Hub on Discord! Hey LEGO fans! Looking for a more chat-friendly space where you can talk with other LEGO enthusiasts in real time? Come join our LEGO Builder’s Hub on Discord.me! In this server, you can: Chat live with fellow LEGO fans about builds, ideas, and everything LEGO. Share your WIP builds and get feedback on your creations. Promote your LEGO builds, YouTube channel, Instagram, and more. Find inspiration and connect with like-minded builders. It’s a fun and welcoming space for LEGO fans of all kinds! Ready to join? Click here: Discord.me Let’s chat and build together!
erm what the flip :P Icon
Social | Just Chatting
16+ THE server where you can make friends with super cool people talk about your favorite topics and share your interests from sage and tima :3