Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Premium Discord Trading Hub for Stocks, Options, Forex, and Crypto! Get daily trade signals, expert insights, and educational content from top analysts. Achieve your trading goals with us!
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Premium Discord Trading Hub for Stocks, Options, Forex, and Crypto! Get daily trade signals, expert insights, and educational content from top analysts. Achieve your trading goals with us!
Danganronpa: UD V3 Icon
Role-Playing | Anime
A Danganronpa RP Server fitted for All Ages. We host a friendly and drama-free community of both spectators,roleplayers, and gamers! Join us please!
Danganronpa Twisted Wonderland Icon
Role-Playing | Anime
Submissions reopened for one dropout! [Motive 01] ┈୨ You can find there.. ୧┈・  Rich lore  A fun community  Death portrait art  Unique spin on Danganronpa setting + story  Extension for submission can be given for 4 days - Looking for 7 more applicants ・┈┈・
Beyond the Veil Icon
Role-Playing | LGBT
(16+ server) A black envelope inviting you to a child's birthday party was not what you expected on your doorstep in the early morning. Yet, it's almost a blessing; it's from a billionaire family, asking you to join them on their massive island for an exclusive trip and party. You don't even have to worry about paying for the trip, as they offer to pay that themselves - as well as simply *pay you* to join them. You'd get money, a trip, get to meet some other people in your same high position, luxurious food, and more. Wonderful offers indeed that no sane person would decline. So, would you accept the invite? You surely won't regret it if you do :) - This kg is an interactive Danganronpa, The Menu, and Backrooms inspired killing game - one that features 7 hosts and many npcs to interact with. Offers: - Cast art - A cast of 23! And 8 spectator slots! - Two traitor slots - Spectators have a big part of the lore, and have characters themselves :) - A gacha system with a unique twist
°.• D.O.A Pictures •.° Icon
Role-Playing | Anime
(A Killing game in a TV Studio, With Puzzles and special Events and 24/7 Open Roleplaying >:3 ) Here we offer: - A Killing Game Server for ages 15 and up! - 18 Person cast - Puzzles and Mystery to be solved - Killing Game and Open Roleplay - Late Killing Game Entries - OC, Canon, and Crossover Character friendly! Now go get on stage! The rest of the cast is waiting!!! This is sure to be one dangerously, fiendishly fun time~ Enjoy the show~ Let's hope you live to see the credits~ " ✨ Hello! And Welcome to D.O.A (Dead On Arrival) Pictures! The one and only top rated channel for all of your killing game entertainment and fun! This Killing Game is based in a TV Station, ran by "The Director" where by going through the game and chapters you'll slowly start to learn more and more of who he is and his intentions for this game (We also have content saved up for a Season 2, possibly even Season 3) Come quick! And get those snacks! The show is gonna start soon~ 🍿🥤📺