ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
Latvija Spēlē / Latvia Games Icon
Gaming | Community
EN: "Latvia Games" was created with a goal to bring people and so-called 'Gamers' together and find their new game mates & teammates. The server is based in Latvia, mostly in the Latvian language. Currently, we are at 2K+ members, but we got a whole lot to grow, so do you! We welcome anyone to join! LV: "Latvijas Spēlē" ir izveidots ar mērķi, lai palīdzētu tev atrast cilvēkus ar kuriem kopā kaut ko spēlēt un komunicēt. Serveris izveidots Latvijā, kā arī pārsvarā servera biedri runā latviski. Pašlaik mums ir 2K+ servera biedru, taču ir vēl kur tiekties, tāpat arī jums! Aicinām visus pievienoties!
Latvijas Republika Icon
Art | Community
We are making and protecting Latvia in PixelPlanet and other pixel games come we need you, Come and defend Latvia!
Valodas valstība Icon
Language | LGBT
Ves! Šeit mēs cenšamies runāt pēc iespējas latviskāk (vai latgaliskāk), attīstīt, kopt gan kuplināt mūsu valodu, kā arī aizstāt aizguvumus!
Stardew Valley [LV] Icon
Gaming | Social
Stardew Valley serveris spēlētājiem no Latvijas.
"Faktu lapa" ?? /fakti Icon
Community | Entertainment
This is friendly community server based about FACTS you probably didn't know. We discuss and share facts, myths and historical events that blew our minds. It's available in both English and Latvian.
Community | Gaming
Latviešu komūna. ( LV ). Veidojam aktīvi turnīrus Baltijas mērogā, ar balvu fondiem virs 1000+ eiro! Kā arī saliedēšanās pasākumus un izlozes :). Pievienojas, ja vēlies iepazīties ar citiem draudzīgā un mierīgā atmosfērā! Tags: Latviešu, Latvija, Latviski, Latvieši, LV, Latvian, Latvia, Latvians
Bardaks Icon
Community | Entertainment
A Latvian server for everyone looking for someone to talk to and meet up. Most users are adults, but all friendly people are welcome, no matter how old they are. We talk about everything and have various channels like cooking, cars, movies, games, fitness, IRL and everything else. There are regular meetups in bars, sometimes hikes, sometimes board game evenings.
Graveyard. Icon
Gaming | Community
Latvian Discord Feel to free join have great day
Politika / Latvija - LEFT Icon
Political | Community
? Diskusijas un sarunas politiski kreisā gaisotnē. ? Temati: sociālisms, anarhisms, komunisms, Marksisms u.c. tā dēvētie "kreisie" temati. ? Dalāmies ar grāmatām, filmām, memēm.
Gaming | Community
Serveris ir izveidots ar mērķi, lai palīdzētu Tev atrast cilvēkus ar kuriem kopā kaut ko spēlēt un komunicēt. Serveris ir bāzēts Latvijā, kā arī pārsvarā servera biedri runā Latviski. Pašlaik mums ir 600+ servera biedru, taču ir vēl kur tiekties, tāpat arī Jums! Aicinām visus pievienoties!
Latvian Femboys Icon
This is a server filled with femboys uwu, they are so cute, in particular, Latvian Femboys, join now kind sir!
Kaligo Icon
Music | Social
Postfolk grupas Kaligo oficiālais discord serveris! Seko līdzi grupas jaunumiem! Čato ar grupas dalībniekiem! Satiec jaunus draugus!
Stock Masters Trading Icon
Trading | Community | Financial
The best place for stock trading - day trading, swing trading, ETFs, dividends or long term investing!! Join experience team of analysts and start your journey to financial freedom today!
Stock Masters Trading Discord Server Banner
Stock Masters Trading Icon
Trading | Community | Financial
The best place for stock trading - day trading, swing trading, ETFs, dividends or long term investing!! Join experience team of analysts and start your journey to financial freedom today!
Dejas karalis Icon
Community | Gaming
Hey! Šeit Dejas karalis un šis ir mans diskorda serveris, kur Tu atradīsi: ✅ Foršas, smieklīgas, jautras sarunas Bordelī. ✅ Bez toksisma vidi ar foršajiem cietajiem riekstiem & vāverēm. ✅ Dažādas spēles, horoskopus, tirdziņu u.c. ✅ Konkursus, balviņas par līmeņiem. ✅ Saturu pieaugušajiem. ✅ Foršu administrāciju. Ja Tev patīk aktīvs diskords, tad droši nāc pievienojies, jo kopā jautrāk! :)
Latvia's republic Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Just a super dupper qupper fun server to join so cmon and join the server why do i need to type 100 characters like stfu
trash Icon
PC | Social
This server is mostly for talking, the primary language is Latvian but anyone can join. You need to follow basic rules and do not join for harassment or selling stuff.