ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
jokerislive Icon
Gaming | Streaming
The Official Discord server of JOKER IS LIVE
Zendos Igloo Icon
Gaming | eSports
The Official Discord for up and coming streamer Mr_Zendo, live alerts memes and more.
DoutorGames Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Discord oficial de um streamer de games, ele é conhecido como: Ricardo, kefflen, etc...
FINN ? Icon
Streaming | Gaming
Servidor voltado para parcerias em jogos online, como por exemplo: PUBG, Overwatch CS GO e muitos outros.
Gaming | eSports
Servidor da live do bryyff
Free Fire Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
entre e participa conosco para o free fire um jogo de fps que esta dominando o mundo
Gaming | Streaming
Servidor do Clã UnK no Pubg Mobile
BusterIV Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Salut je suis BusterIV et ce serveur bah c'est tout simplement le mien ici tu pourras discuter avec moi et plein d'autres gens de tes jeux vidéo préféré, trouver des gens avec qui voc et globalement t'amuser. :)
RedKill & Hepahh Icon
YouTuber | Gaming
Discord officiel des vidéastes Redkill & Hepahh.
Bass Heritage ? Icon
Music | Art
Bass Heritage is a music mainly discord, for production, music sharing, dj stuff, different kind of contests, and we host virtual festivals, we could hire you if you're dj.
?K4TRINO? Icon
Streaming | Social
Servidor privado do Streamer K4trino! Aproveitem e passem no canal https://www.twitch.tv/k4trino!
Just a Vtuber Coffee Icon
Streaming | Gaming
Seila...... camainoohjwajoooaaauunnaakdjsadssqkd. O que fazer se não fazer.. e aceitar o tédio.. enfadonho.. então acho a receita me caminha.. na caminhada e subindo um morro, penso na sensação agradável, de vir, mais rápido, na descida, pois estou numa biiiiiikeeee. Corro, o risco, de tropeçar
The Alertists Icon
Trading | Financial
🚀 The Alertists – Real Signals. Real Trades. Real Profits. We trade our own algo-signals and log every result with full transparency. No cherry-picking, no hindsight calls - just real execution and data-backed alerts. 💥 Get 30 days FREE with code EARLY_BIRDZ — premium access, zero commitment!
The Alertists Discord Server Banner
The Alertists Icon
Trading | Financial
🚀 The Alertists – Real Signals. Real Trades. Real Profits. We trade our own algo-signals and log every result with full transparency. No cherry-picking, no hindsight calls - just real execution and data-backed alerts. 💥 Get 30 days FREE with code EARLY_BIRDZ — premium access, zero commitment!
Orange IsBlack Minecraft Serve Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Servidor de Minecraft PC 1.16.5 Survival, com lives com inscritos e troca de idéias para novos modos de jogo.
Zheeyr | Twitch.TV Icon
Streaming | eSports
Bonjour ! Bienvenue sur mon serveur officiel de mes réseaux sociaux, ce discord permet de rassembler la meilleure des communautés! N'hésite pas à me rejoindre sur le discord ainsi que mes streams!
Live Gaming Icon
eSports | Gaming
Moi! Olemme tälläinen palvelin joka etsii pelaajia jotka on peli seuraa vailla. Palvelimella on arvontoja kilpailuja ja jopa pääsee erin laisten striimaajien kanssa lähempiin tuttavuuksiin. Mikset jo sinäkin liittyisi?-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Hi! We are this kind of server that is looking for players who are in the game without a club. The server has raffles, competitions and you can even get to know different streamers better. Why don't you join already?
DetroxTv | Inception_Lp Server Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Hi das ist Server DetroxTv und Inception_Lp! Warum solltet ihr diesen Server joinen? Der Server bietet die Möglichkeit eure eigenen Clips und Memes in Channels hochzuladen oder Andere zu finden um miteinander zu spielen Zudem bekommt man Benachrichtigungen zu Beginn der Livestreams und zu den Events wie auch den Giveaway Solltet ihr noch welche Ideen für den Server haben hönnt ihr solche auch im Idee channel posten
The SlicerArmy Icon
Community | Gaming
this server is for talking and chilling. The youtuber SlicerBG is the owner.
Bonde do St4rk Icon
Gaming | Community
O servidor e concentrado em jogos como principal Doki Doki literature club e jogos de terror e ect, somos também uma comunidade regular então não permitimos que membros quebrem as regras que são: proibido gore, zoofilia, pedófila, pornografia pesada e também abusar de algum membro, o serve também servirá pra avisar as transmissão ao vivo no Tik Tok do St4rk. Se diverta no server fazendo amigos e também mostrando a sua arte e sugestões para as lives, obrigado por entrar!!
Dieuritos Icon
Gaming | LGBT
Servidor para gamers especificamente focado na comunidade LGBT, onde é um lugar seguro sem preconceitos
Apolo Fps Icon
Gaming | YouTube
Bem-vindo ao nosso servidor de gamers! Aqui você encontra um espaço dedicado para troca de experiências, dicas e mods para FiveM e outros jogos. Acompanhe as atualizações e personalizações do RPF (Roleplay Framework) para melhorar sua experiência de jogo no FiveM, com mods exclusivos, scripts e tutoriais.
? - Winston's Hut - ? Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Are you interested in Minecraft? Are you a Minecraft YouTuber or do you watch Minecraft YouTubers? Then this is the place for you! Winston's Hut is a discord server revolved around Minecraft Streamers going live, where you can check out their livestreams and join in on the fun! Not to mention, there are monthly giveaways, contests, and special general-talk parties where you go on Minecraft. Why not join the Hut? :D
Walt13xD Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Servidor publico do nosso Canal: twitch.tv/walt13xd
Contagion Gaming Icon
Gaming | Streaming
If you're looking for an active server for all types of games Contagion Gaming is for you! Contagion Gaming (CG) is all about having fun, we have a passion for gaming and are looking to expand into many genres of gaming as a group. We’re all about having a great time with friends, both old and new. We have a very active group and have lots of plans for the future! Including Giveaways, Streaming, Youtube and more!! Come join us!!
Twitch Emotes Icon
Social | Streaming
Welcome to Twitch Emotes! We have recently risen from the dead and we our ready to keep growing. Despite being called twitch emotes, on of our long term plans is to turn this server into much more of a community. (We feature a lot of twitch emotes with options to suggest more)
Sports Capitalists Icon
Sports | Entertainment | Community
Make Enjoying Sports a Side Hustle. Specialized in Strategic Sports Betting Picks 🎯 , Daily Fantasy Sports 🧠, and Sports Betting Bots 🤖
Sports Capitalists Discord Server Banner
Sports Capitalists Icon
Sports | Entertainment | Community
Make Enjoying Sports a Side Hustle. Specialized in Strategic Sports Betting Picks 🎯 , Daily Fantasy Sports 🧠, and Sports Betting Bots 🤖
TuffoDias - LeagueOfLegends - BR Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
-Server para jogar League of Legends e se divertir na live
???? ?????? Icon
Entertainment | Gaming
Servidor do streamer DerN - https://www.twitch.tv/dernz
Community | Social
Drank is a Discord server that includes events, the ability to talk about anime, meet new friends, and much more! There is a special "OG" role that is being given out to every single member who joins the Discord server! (Lasts until 9/15/2019)
Caçulas do AniK ? Icon
Streaming | Gaming
Comunidade dos Caçulas do AniK! A comunidade com mais irmandade do mundo ?
Fire Squad Icon
Gaming | eSports
Welcome to the Fire Squad! This is my streaming discord but everyone is welcome. We are a very inclusive community and are just looking to have a good time!
Endelosi Icon
Streaming | Gaming
Aramıza hoş geldiniz! Bu discord sunucusu Endelosi'nin yayın sunucusudur.
maL0oLive Icon
Gaming | Streaming
German Gaming Community
Dis - Chord Icon
Music | Art
A Singing And Competitive Server... Join Us In The Journey
Zone - GameServer Icon
Gaming | Community
Servidor privado para jogadores de diversos jogos, comunidade gamer brasileira. Para a comunidade da Stream contém: • Sorteios • Prêmios • Cargos e Badges Esclusivas • Acesso a bastidores.
OtakuSugoi Icon
Anime | Memes
This is a new anime server looking to make it big and connect with new people that have the same interest. If you like Anime, Meme, and h3ntai join my server. I need new members to help me improve the server. "JOIN".
Reino Koyama ⭐ キングダム 小山 Icon
Anime | Streaming
O Reino Koyama é um servidor focado em animes e nas lives de Osu! do Braveryk, com membros sociáveis e interativos. Venha fazer parte do nosso reino!
Fantasy Football & Trivia Games Icon
Sports | Hobbies
? Lots of fun, simulated betting, prize and nitro giveaways. Come join today. Loving and friendly community. Live streaming every week for sports show. Come join us! ? ?
Paradox Paws | Furry | Emojis Icon
Furry | Community | LGBT
Are you looking for a 𝐅𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐘 or 𝐋𝐆𝐁𝐓𝐐+ safe space like no other? Well, you've come to the right place then, because Paradox Paws isn't like any other average furry server you've been in before. Click for more info!
Paradox Paws | Furry | Emojis Discord Server Banner
Paradox Paws | Furry | Emojis Icon
Furry | Community | LGBT
Are you looking for a 𝐅𝐔𝐑𝐑𝐘 or 𝐋𝐆𝐁𝐓𝐐+ safe space like no other? Well, you've come to the right place then, because Paradox Paws isn't like any other average furry server you've been in before. Click for more info!
Broadcasters On Twitch Icon
Streaming | Community
Broadcasters On Twitch is a community servers for content creators on Twitch, Here we help to support each other, share our audience and ideas to help improve each others broadcasts. Please feel free to stop by and checkout what we're all about and if you have any questions or problems then by all means contact me directly @ Wolfie™:feet:#1615 .
Itspowerinaro's server Icon
YouTuber | Gaming
This is the official fan+active server of Itspowerinaro and powerinaro! These 2 youtube channels are both the same as they are owned by the channel starter of powerinaro! Real-life name of owner: "Joshua" if you join, I don't mind you calling me it :D I hope you enjoy this server!
t๏թเค Ձ1 | Radio mit Zukunft! Icon
Hey, Wir sind ein Radiosender mit dem Namen Topia 21! Wir sind ein Web, TeamSpeak und Discord Radiosender! Wir würden uns freuen wenn ihr mal vorbei schauen würdet :D Mit freundlichen Grüßen Marvin ~ Manager
Gargulaex Icon
Community | Social
Seja muito bem Vindo(a) ao Reino das Gárgulas!! Esse é o Servidor do Streamer Gargulaex e onde todo Reino está livre para conversar!!
eSports | Community
K8 Esports India doing its best to find out the reality, You can join us through PubG, Battlegrounds Mobile, Call of Duty Mobile, Valorant, Minecraft, and other games. Win the Esports and become a suspect for creating history.
HKP GameZone Icon
Gaming | Art
Kick back, interact, voice-chat, network and much more! Most of all, stay tuned with all HKP shenanigans ??Streams: Mon - Sat 8:30/9pm ET.
Mansao dos Streamers - PT BR Icon
Gaming | Streaming
O Server Mansão dos Streamers é um servidor para juntar o pessoal dos canais da Twitch RLuizJr, ZeusAC, im_cf, umpaiumplay e xAKAmrl. Se você esta procurando um lugar para dar risada, jogar, participar de promoções, conhecer um pessoal da hora, conhecer streamers novos e divulgar suas lives é aqui o lugar. Chega mais!
kamiisukii Icon
Entertainment | eSports
Discord da streamer kamiisukii. Oieee, me chamo Kamila tenho 16 anos, jogo de tudo um pouco, estou começando a fazer live, live todos os dias
Community | Gaming
Servidor das lives, Servidor das lives, Servidor das lives, Servidor das lives, Servidor das lives, Servidor das lives, Servidor das lives, Servidor das lives, Servidor das lives, Servidor das lives, Servidor das lives, Servidor das lives,
fadings server Icon
Gaming | Growth
we are a server that concentrates on growing each others channels we are also a community that is friendly and we watch live events talk about gaming ect memes also
Bois Perdu Icon
Streaming | YouTuber
nouveau discord chill qui ce concentreras principalement sur mes Stream twitch, Youtube sera a voir par la suite, n'hésitez pas a me rejoindre dans mon aventure
hoi4 world Icon
Gaming | Military
Welcome to our server, the server is hoi4 and wat thunder you can play together in specific time and you can take a country welcome!
The Pub | 21+ Icon
Social | Community | Entertainment
Welcome to the pub, have a drink and stay a while! This is a 21+ server with only positive vibes and good people. If you're looking for a drama-free experience, look no further!
The Pub | 21+ Discord Server Banner
The Pub | 21+ Icon
Social | Community | Entertainment
Welcome to the pub, have a drink and stay a while! This is a 21+ server with only positive vibes and good people. If you're looking for a drama-free experience, look no further!
WilLXr, Live Pages. Icon
YouTuber | Gaming
This server Featured With Exclusive, Content Video - Roleplaying scenario, and Other Thing's, you Might Wan't to visit. This server based from "WillXR", youtube Channel, Join now And Support us!
CantinhoGostoso Icon
Gaming | Social
Server para jogar e socializar, server que uso para fazlar com meus subs da twitch.tv/champlzl , vem se divertir com nosco!?
✨MW™ Official Gaming Server✨ Icon
YouTuber | Gaming
✨MW™ Official Gaming Server✨ Hey, I'm a Roblox Streamer/Creator and this is my official discord server for anyone interested in having some fun and chilling, Come Join us! ? Daily YouTube Livestreams! ⚡ 24/7 Protection ⚡ Somewhat Active Chats ⚡ Friendly Users ⚡ LGBTQ+ Friendly ⚡ NSFW FREE ⚡ Giveaways! ? Join now to become an #MWPeep | Have a great day!
HardCity Icon
Gaming | Community
WOKAtheone Icon
Streaming | Gaming
YOUTUBE LINK: https://www.youtube.com/@wokatheone /// INSTAGRAM LINK: https://www.instagram.com/wokatheone /// TIKTOK LINK: https://www.tiktok.com/@wokatheone
Uchiha Shinobis Community Icon
Community | Anime
⛩** ׺°”˜”°º× Uchiha Shinobis Community ׺°”˜”°º× **⛩ De peste trei ani comunitatea **Uchiha Shinobis** este alături de voi pe platformele și jocurile voastre preferate . Fondatorul acestei comunități, Delta Uchiha, împreună cu echipa STAFF încearca să vă încânte cu diferite AMV-uri pe Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube și Evenimente de Jocuri, Artwork, Miss & Mister plus multe altele pe Serverul de Discord a comunității. Suntem prietenoși cu toată lumea binevoitoare însă toxicitatea nu o tolerăm, de aceea încercăm să avem o comunitate cât mai unită și activă. **–».-.- Misiunea noastră -.-.«–** Misiunea noastră este de a încerca să construim o comunitate prietenoasă unde lumea se poate juca, socializa dar și dezvolta prin activitățile și evenimentele organizate de către Uchiha Shinobis. **–».-.- Facem ceea ce ne place -.-.«–** Cu toții ne dorim să facem ceea ce ne place, tocmai din acest motiv comunitatea noastră vă ajută să vă petreceți timpul așa cum doriți
Zayn Fans House Icon
Streaming | Gaming
Servidor do Streamer o_zayn. Por favor sigam as regras do servidor para evitarem ser punidos. Podem acompanhar o streamer através das seguintes plataformas : https://twitch.tv/o_zayn e no discord através do link https://discord.me/ozayn.
TikVerse Icon
Streaming | Gaming
Looking to enhance your tiktok earnings with interactive games? Look no further than TikVerse! Hey there! I'm rxztent, the developer and founder of TikVerse. We're excited to announce that TikVerse now offers its first game, Guess The Word, in beta mode. We're constantly working on updates and improvements to provide you with an exceptional gaming experience. At TikVerse, we put effor in our license system, ensuring that you'll have a seamless and enjoyable experience.
GamePost's Server Icon
Entertainment | Gaming
Hey there!, Here is a background of the server. So this server is where ill be asking for ideas and thoughts on my youtube videos and there will be some participation in some of the videos. There will be frequent Live streams, i have just started this youtube channel and discord server so feel free to pop by and say hello!
Melody Radio Icon
Community | Entertainment
Melody is a Fully Licensed Online Community Radio Station.... Where we play all the lastest bangers and hits 24/7 for you all to listen to, we even have some oldies playing too.. We are currently in the process of getting everything setup and ready for you all... We have Active Staff and Active Radio Presenters, who will go live on the station playing bangers for you to listen to....
Koldex Icon
Gaming | Social
🎮 Koldex's Gaming Community 🎮 Welcome to the ultimate gaming haven! Join us for epic Fortnite battles, squad up, and level up your skills with a community of passionate gamers. 🏆 What We Offer: - Fortnite squads and bot lobbies - Live streams, tips, and gaming news - Friendly and active community - Fun events like fashion shows Whether you're a pro or just starting, you'll find camaraderie and excitement here. Join us for thrilling gameplay and laughter! [Join Now and Level Up](https://discord.gg/eHdwpYbUGq)
Urso bear Icon
Community | Social
Tropa do Urso. Nós da familia Urso, iremos acolher você de braços abertos tanto para a nossa familia tamo para o servidor. Divirta-se!