Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a new small discord community. Chat & participate in events. This is a small community server with a few active members, if you want to be apart of a tight-knit community & somewhere to call home then JOIN NOW! We are working hard to revive an old community.
Meet New People Discord Server Banner
Meet New People Discord Server Banner
Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a new small discord community. Chat & participate in events. This is a small community server with a few active members, if you want to be apart of a tight-knit community & somewhere to call home then JOIN NOW! We are working hard to revive an old community.
Mattopia Icon
Gaming | Streaming
A friendly gaming server welcoming anyone. Home of the Legendary YouTube, Twitch, Mixer, and also DLive streamer "matthew36829". Plz clap
Gaming | Streaming
We stream and play with viewers, games including Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, Call Of Duty: Warzone, Marvel's Avengers and more going forward. We are looking for people who also respect what we offer and are willing to also give us the support we need to take us to the next level. Playing with viewers has so far been a very great experience and we would love to get to play with more like minded, fun, enthusiastic players. We have a zero tolerance rule to any disrespectful and abusive behaviour on our platforms, we do not give out second chances so please be mindful of what you do or say.
DatDrizzle's OPEN Server Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Welcome Marshmallows, Taconators, & New Peeps to the Official DatDrizzle Open Discord Server! This server is all about Gmod, SFM Animations, Gaming, Live Streams, & more! Come join the social hub, with just a touch of pony. Post your stuff, participate in podcasts and creative contests, collab with other creators, & join me in my gaming adventures!
Artists in the makeing Icon
Art | Entertainment
here you can share your art and learn to make it with new events and calenders coming soon!
Gaming | YouTuber
Once a ROOKIE, always a ROOKIE! A health community for GG (Games & Giveaway), see you every evening.