DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Centre Earth Icon
Gaming | Community
This server is for a Minecraft war, in a world called Centre Earth. It is a battle between good and evil, with epic castles and kingdoms. Who wouldn't want something amazing and epic like that? Here are some of the amazing things about this server: - Epic castles - Cities - Friendly community - Good PvPers - Good builders - Non-toxic - Strategic planning for war - Jam-packed with fun - People from around the world
Teh Lurd Of Teh Reings Icon
Community | YouTuber
We are a community server for the Youtube channel "Teh Lurd Of Teh Reings" where you can discuss Middle Earth lore, post memes, talk to the editors of the channel or just hang out and have a good time :) We host events from time to time or have a game night, so stay tuned for that as well! We hope you will have a great time with us!
Animalia RP Icon
Role-Playing | Role-Playing
ANIMALIA ✧ ————————————— ✧ Ahoy there traveler! Welcome to the world of Animalia! Many years ago, animals were small creatures humans abused and kept as what they call ‘Pets’, that changed when the first Sentience Period arrived. Multiple species of animals evolved to become sentient, they were as smart, no, smarter than humans! Two more of these periods took place in Animalia, perhaps even more will come! As of recent events, the gods took out there rage upon Animalia and destroyed their kingdoms, dividing their land into seperate regions, causing utter chaos among the inhabitants of Animalia, becoming absolute savages. There are also huge struggles for power and a chance for a player to become an overlord of a region and lead a massive army! ✧ ————————————— ✧ We have... ✧ - An active community. ✧ - Friendly staff. ✧ - Interesting and unique lore. ✧ - Frequent events to tighten up our lore. ✧ - Plenty of races for you to choose from. ✧ - Partnerships!
Warriors of Camelot LOTRO Icon
Gaming | Community
We are a casual and active kinship in LORD OF THE RINGS ONLINE on the GLADDEN server, with members online every day and usually at all times as we are an international kinship. We don't require gear or deed requirements and understand everyone games at their own pace.
Rohan and the Wild Hills Icon
Writing | Gaming
Rohan and the Wild Hills is a server dedicated to roleplay in Rohan, Dunland, Enedwaith, and their surrounds on the Laurelin LotRO server. Our goal is to connect players & characters who roleplay in these regions—whether native to these lands, settled from afar, or simply passing through. We promote events, plots, kinships, and more—anything that supports roleplay growth in these regions. We’ll discuss Rohirric and Dunlending culture, compare our experience RPing characters in these regions, and share more of our love for each—or either—land. We look forward to RPing with you! For Rohan! For Dunland!
TheOneRing.net Icon
Community | Entertainment
This discord server is for all fans of JRR Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings.
Middle Earth Fanplace Icon
Community | Hobbies
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Fantasy Hangout Icon
Entertainment | Hobbies
Welcome to Fantasy Hangout! A place, where you can discuss about your favorite books/movies, such as (but not limited to) Star Wars, Percy Jackson and Harry Potter. More topics will be added as you will suggest them, but until then, welcome!
Exiles of Arda Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
We run the Basic Lord of the Rings mod so no further installations required. On the server you can expect to play a variety of factions you have yet to see anywhere else. Such as the following -Variags of Khand -Blue Easterlings -Avari elves -Cerinrim I only named a few but there are plenty more standing on their own. We also offer a unique Kingdom building mechanic where you can build your own economy and defensive structures to keep your infrastructure safe. With there also being options to build up an army or a navy and take over your neighbors or enemies. A realistic army movement system with Moral and malnutrition as long as terrain effects are also present. Each faction have their own unique set of rules along with this naming one of them would be that the hobbits for example have 2x yield from farming as well as having their attrition damage halved during sieges.
Against the Shadow || LOTR RP Icon
Role-Playing | Writing
The Elves of the Woodland Realm and Lothlórien have come under attack from the fortress of Dol Guldur, once thought abandoned. Orcs have entered the realm of Khazad-dûm and are fighting with every ounce of their worth to wrest Durin's kingdom hall by hall. Orcs from Mount Gram are harassing the Greenfields of the Shire and wargs have come down from the mountains. The Witch-Realm of Angmar has been destroyed, but the Men of Gondor and the Elves of Lindon were unable to save Arthedain or their capital of Fornost, and the last holdout of old Arnor is fallen. Worse yet, the Ringwraiths have returned in force and retaken the dread land of Mordor from a sickening Gondor. As forces mass on either side, it is only a matter of time before the hard-won peace is shattered and war again consumes Middle-Earth. Will you win a future for Elves, Men, Dwarves and Hobbits or allow the enemy to return?
Reunited Kingdom Cosplay/RP Icon
Role-Playing | Community
This server is for a Reunited Kingdom cosplay and RP group, this group includes all parts of the Reunited Kingdom, such as Gondor, Arnor, Rohan, and a few smaller parts. The year is 23 FoA how will you start your journey. This is a one character RP group so choose wisely who you want to be, whether it is a OC or a actual character. If the person you want is taken or dead there is not much that can be done, the timelines is Canon Compliant and moves year by year. Other then that we welcome you and hope you enjoy your time with use for years to come. https://discord.gg/EcnxQr4MwM
The Lord of the Rings Online Icon
Gaming | Community
A friendly and growing community server for the players of the game The Lord of the Rings Online and for lovers of Tolkien!
e-dgy Icon
Memes | Community | Social
Dystopian cyberpunk server. Memes, misfits -- incredibly active with up to 100,000 messages a day. Over 370,000 losers. Take the e-dgy pill -- wake up! https://discord.gg/edgy
e-dgy Discord Server Banner
e-dgy Icon
Memes | Community | Social
Dystopian cyberpunk server. Memes, misfits -- incredibly active with up to 100,000 messages a day. Over 370,000 losers. Take the e-dgy pill -- wake up! https://discord.gg/edgy
Lothlorien Icon
Community | Art
Mae govannen. Welcome to Lothlorien. This is a 13+ Lord of the Rings based server, where you can discuss the series and anything related to Middle Earth with likeminded fans. We have: - A SFW, LGBTQ+ friendly environment. - Fun bots, such as OwO, Dank Memer and .fmbot - Multiple channels to talk and discuss in. - Fun roles to choose from, e.g. Middle Earth/Tolkien related QOTD and an Elvish Word of the Day. - A space to make friends and have fun! Read the rules to gain access to the server, then get some roles and introduce yourself. Le fael!
Kingdom of Angmar PixMap.Fun Icon
Art | Military
Hello , Our country is based on Kingdom of Angmar from Lord of the Rings. If you didn't watched Lord of the Rings/Hobbit , it doesn't matter , we accept anyone
House of Silmarils Icon
Movies | Community
•Journey across middle earth and share your love for Tolkien’s works with active members! •There's a place for every book, movie and music inspired by the history of middle earth! •Made specifically to connect and build friendships with other Tolkien fans! There’s even a personal section to share some of your other hobbies! •Soon to add games and daily questions. As well as a live streaming of rings of powers/lotr movies>,<
Gyűrűk Ura és Fantasy közösség Icon
Community | Gaming
Légy üdvözölve megfáradt vándor! 🧙🏻‍♂️ Mondd jóbarát, és lépj be. Ne aggódj, belépés után nem a Gyűrűk Ura világából ismert harmadkori Moria bányáiba tévedsz be melyben goblinok, orkok, és még egy Morgoth-i Balrog állított neked kelepcét. Sokkal inkább szívélyes fogadtatás, "lobogó tüzek, maláta sör és omló hús a csontjáról" vár majd rád. Mi vagyunk a Gyűrűk ura és Fantasy közösség. Szerverrel a célunk, hogy összegyűjtsük Magyarország Fantasy kedvelő tagjait. Ha szereted Tolkien, Sapkowski, vagy George R. R. Martin világait nálunk a helyed, de ha csak egy kellemes baráti közösséget keresel, akkor is szívesen látunk. Várunk beszélgetni akár hétköznapi, akár a korábban említett írók világainak kibeszélésére. Igyekszünk majd különböző eseményekkel film, illetve sorozatvetítések, közös játékestek, felolvasások, és akár személyes találkozókkal is feldobni a szerver életét. Ide sajnos most csak ennyi fért. Köszönjük, hogy szántál ránk pár percet az idődből.
Таверна «Гарцующий Пони» LOTR Icon
Наши координаты Сайт: https://lord-server.ru/ Telegrm: https://t.me/lord_server_ru VK: https://vk.com/minetest_lord YouTube: @lord-server https://www.youtube.com/@lord-server GitHub: lord-server/lord https://github.com/lord-server/lord/?tab=readme-ov-file#readme
The Lord of the Rings Discord Icon
Community | Entertainment
The official Unofficial Lord of the Rings Discord server! Check it out! All things Lord of the Rings here!
Sauron's Utopia Icon
Social | LGBT
𓆩𓁺𓆪⫘⫘⫘ Sauron's Utopia ⫘⫘⫘𓆩𓁺𓆪 ༺⛌⛌⛌⫘⫘⫘⫘⛌⛌⛌⫘⫘⫘⫘⛌⛌⛌༻ Welcome to the Sauron's Utopia! 𓆩𓁺𓆪 Sauron's Utopia is a Tolkien themed system server for anyone who likes the Hobbit, the Lord of the Rings, Rings of Power, and the Silmarillion. However, it is open to all! 𓆩𓁺𓆪 What we offer: ⫘⛌⛌ Hangout channels to make friends. ⫘⛌⛌ Partner System Calls, Friend Calls, and Source Calls. ⫘⛌⛌ Channels for safe spaces ⫘⛌⛌ Templates and decor. ⫘⛌⛌ Voice call channels for hangouts. 𓆩𓁺𓆪 Hope to see you here! ⫘⛌⛌ You must be 18 or older, and a system to join. No Endogenic or Tulpagenic systems permitted. 𓆩𓁺𓆪⫘⫘⫘ https://discord.gg/FeARAY2v7b ⫘⫘⫘𓆩𓁺𓆪
Gaming | Community
📜 **Regras da Comunidade - Amigos de Moria** 🏰 Seja bem-vindo à Moria! Aqui, nossos salões ecoam com a camaradagem e o respeito entre os anões, elfos, humanos e outras criaturas. Para que todos aproveitem a estadia, seguem algumas regras importantes: **1️⃣ Respeito acima de tudo ⚖️** Respeite todos os membros da comunidade, independente de raça (humana ou não), opinião ou diferença. Insultos, ofensas, preconceito, racismo, homofobia, sexismo ou qualquer tipo de discriminação não serão tolerados. **2️⃣ Sem trolls, orcs ou balrogs 🛡️** Evite brigas, discussões inflamadas ou qualquer comportamento que perturbe a paz dos salões. Não poste mensagens ou conteúdos com spam, links perigosos ou propaganda sem autorização. **3️⃣ Compartilhe o tesouro com sabedoria 💎** Não compartilhe conteúdo pirata, ilegal ou inapropriado. Certifique-se de que suas postagens estejam relacionadas aos temas dos canais (jogos, dicas, arte, etc.). **4️⃣ Fornalha em silêncio 🔥** Nas Salas
Echoes of Angmar Icon
Gaming | Community
This is a community driven discord for the unofficial Shadows of Angmar server. Join us to keep up with news and information regarding the classic project! The discord server is handled by the fans, for the fans.
The Jorney of the Hobbits Icon
Gaming | Writing
A friendly Minecraft-group to play a Lord of the Rings Modpack together. Everyone will feel at home here :)