Public Discord Servers tagged with Mff

Ascent (18+ SFW) Icon
Social | Gaming | Community
🌟 Join our 18+ SFW community for gaming 🎮, movie nights 🎥, giveaways, and more! Enjoy a chill, friendly community with AI art access 🖼️ and a dedicated Minecraft server.
Ascent (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Ascent (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Ascent (18+ SFW) Icon
Social | Gaming | Community
🌟 Join our 18+ SFW community for gaming 🎮, movie nights 🎥, giveaways, and more! Enjoy a chill, friendly community with AI art access 🖼️ and a dedicated Minecraft server.
Midwest FurFest Server Icon
Community | Furry
Midwest FurFest (MFF) is a furry convention that takes place in Rosemont, Illinois, usually on the second weekend after Thanksgiving.[1] MFF is presented by Midwest Furry Fandom Inc, an Illinois Educational Not-For-Profit Corporation that exists primarily for the purpose of holding an annual convention to facilitate education in anthropomorphic literature and art. It also facilitates the donation of funds to non-profit institutions, mainly of which promote the well-being of humans and/or animals. The convention was first held in 2000 and has grown to draw 13,641 attendees in 2022.[2] As of July 2023, the 2022 event is the second most attended convention in fandom history [7:01 AM] [7:03 AM] Status Active Genre Furry Venue Donald E. Stephens Convention CenterLocation(s) Rosemont, Illinois Country United States Inaugurated 2000 Most recent 2022 Attendance 13,641 in 2022 Organized by Midwest Furry Fandom, Inc. Filing status 501(c)3 Website November 16, 2023 Midwest Fu