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Premium Discord Trading Hub for Stocks, Options, Forex, and Crypto! Get daily trade signals, expert insights, and educational content from top analysts. Achieve your trading goals with us!
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Momentum Trades Icon
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Premium Discord Trading Hub for Stocks, Options, Forex, and Crypto! Get daily trade signals, expert insights, and educational content from top analysts. Achieve your trading goals with us!
(LT) Lithuanian Armed Forces Icon
Role-Playing | Military
Roblox milsim community
UTAX [Union of Tactical Avatars] Icon
Community | Military
Roblox Mil-Sim Community x BRM5 Faction
Exército Brasileiro Milsim Icon
Military | Gaming
Exército Brasileiro (EB) é uma das três Forças Armadas do Brasil, responsável, no plano externo, pela defesa do país em operações eminentemente terrestres e, no interno, pela garantia da lei, da ordem e dos poderes constitucionais. O Comandante Supremo é o Presidente da República. Entre 1822 e 1967, o responsável pela gestão do Exército foi o Ministério da Guerra. De 1967 a 1999, passou a ser denominado Ministério do Exército. Desde 1999, na estrutura do Governo Federal, o Exército está subordinado ao Ministério da Defesa, ao lado da Marinha e da Força Aérea. Em tempos de paz, as tropas do exército estão continuamente preparando-se para atuar em situações de conflito ou guerra.
Alliance Special Operations Icon
Community | Gaming
ROBLOX GROUP Alliance Special Operations Global Corps Alliance Special Operations Global Corps is a dedicated and committed to ensuring global security and peace. Our team is comprised of experts from various fields, including military, intelligence, diplomacy. We work tirelessly to address emerging threats and challenges, utilizing advanced strategies. Our mission is to promote cooperation among nations, prevent conflicts, and respond effectively to crises. We believe in upholding the principles of justice, equality, and human rights, and we are driven by a strong commitment to making the world a safer place for current and future generations. With a focus on collaboration and innovation, Alliance Special Operations Global Corps stands ready to face the complex and ever-evolving security landscape of the modern world. Our unwavering dedication make us a trusted partner in global security efforts.