Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a new small discord community. Chat & participate in events. This is a small community server with a few active members, if you want to be apart of a tight-knit community & somewhere to call home then JOIN NOW! We are working hard to revive an old community.
Meet New People Discord Server Banner
Meet New People Discord Server Banner
Meet New People Icon
Community | Social
Meet New People is a new small discord community. Chat & participate in events. This is a small community server with a few active members, if you want to be apart of a tight-knit community & somewhere to call home then JOIN NOW! We are working hard to revive an old community.
Military | Beliefs
A PixUniverse Discord server for Norway Verified as Official. PixUniverse Norway is well... the official Discord Server for PixUniverse Norway.
PixelSakartvelo | პიქსელსაქართვე Icon
Design | Anime
Pixelsakartvelo / New georgia well, georgian pixelya lost their territories because of dumb leaders (nicholas,andria), so mine, and pixelsakartvelos mission will be to save and revive georgia. Atleast to try revive it
Seattle Seahawks Icon
Sports | Community
The #1 Seahawks Server with roles, news, predictions and live gameday channels.
United Patriots Community Icon
Political | Community
It is important for the Silent Majority to not be silent any longer.
Community | Gaming
Patriotische Community. Join unserem gut ausgebautem Discord-Server inkl. Nitrofunktion zum streamen in 4k etc. und schließe Freundschaften zum Zocken, zum Austausch mit Gleichgesinnten und um jederzeit Support und Hilfe zu bekommen. Wir möchten hier eine Plattform bieten, die für Gamer und alle anderen deutschen Patrioten einzigartig ist. Wir sind Deutschland. 💙