Momentum Trades Icon
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Premium Discord Trading Hub for Stocks, Options, Forex, and Crypto! Get daily trade signals, expert insights, and educational content from top analysts. Achieve your trading goals with us!
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Premium Discord Trading Hub for Stocks, Options, Forex, and Crypto! Get daily trade signals, expert insights, and educational content from top analysts. Achieve your trading goals with us!
Temple of the Anunnaki Icon
Beliefs | Community
Temple of the Anunnaki is a server focused on the Anunnaki gods and on the worship, paganism, religion, spirituality, divinity, theology, personal gnosis, theopany, and the like of and about the Anunnaki gods. We are a server focused on unite everyone who worships the Anunnaki gods from anywhere in the world, despite we are more aimed for the Western World (English) public and for the Middle Eastern (Arabic) public, everyone is welcome here! Respect and devotion to the Anunnaki gods are required here. Don't worry if you're a reconstructionist, a revivalist, an archeological literalist, a mythic literalist, and/or a person with a strong divine connection and a strong divine contact with the Anunnaki gods, everyone is welcome here as long as you can respect each other and as long as we can equally respect and be equally devoted to the Anunnaki gods. May the Anunnaki gods and may An's Heaven be with you all and bless you all!
Anunnaki Divinity Icon
Beliefs | Community
This is an Anunnaki divinity server. Made only for Anunnaki pagans, people with divine connection with the Anunnaki gods, Anunnaki starseeds, and people who are related and/or connected to the Anunnaki gods somehow. Other pagans, polytheists and divine ones are welcome here, as long as they are respectful to the Anunnaki gods, to An's Heaven, and to Anunnaki Divinity. We follow the Anunnaki ways of divinity, spirituality, paganism, polytheism, and religion, in both ways, reconstructionist and revivalist. No archeological literalists, mythic literalists and ancient aliens theorists are allowed here as well.
Pagan Liberation Theology Icon
Beliefs | Social
Welcome to our Pagan Liberation Theology server! This server is dedicated to the study and discussion of liberation theology among and between all pagan traditions! -Discuss theology, politics, and liberation theology! -Come join our book club for discussions about liberation theology! -LGBTQIA+ Friendly! -Otherkin, Therian, Mythical, Supernatural, Plural, Endogenic, Medium, Psychic, Starseed, Divinekin, Godkin, Divine, and Personal Gnosis Friendly! -BIPOC and Minority Friendly! -Safe Space for all Pagan Religions! -Safe Space for all forms of Pagan Socialism, Pagan Communism, Pagan Leftism, and Pagan Liberation Theology! -Resources Channel for Pagan Liberation Theology -Leisure Channels for Fun! Join a community that aims to study and produce knowledge that aims at liberation of all peoples from a pagan-based perspective!
Pagan Communist Bloc Icon
Political | Beliefs
Welcome to the Pagan Communist Bloc! We are a pagan communist, pagan socialist and pagan leftist server focused on unite pagans and polytheists who are socialist, communist and leftist, and vice-versa. We are also dedicated on the study and discussion of pagan socialism, pagan communism, and pagan leftism, and create a safe space for pagan socialists, pagan communists, and pagan leftists on the Internet. We are also: - LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC friendly; - Otherkin friendly and Divinekin friendly; - Neurodivergent friendly; - System friendly and Endo friendly; - Anti-Capitalist; - Anti-Fascist; - Anti-Neoliberal; - Anti-NATO; - Anti-US; - World Communist; - Socialist World Federalist; - Socialist World Republican; - Against right-wing ideologies; - Anti-Anti-Communist; - Pro-all pagan and polytheistic religions; - Pro-AES, Pro-USSR, Pro-RSFSR, Pro-Ukrainian SSR, Pro-Comintern, Pro-Socialist World Republic, Pro-Marxism-Leninism, Pro-Trotskyism, Pro-Warsaw Pact, and Pro-Second October Revol
Beliefs | Political
Welcome to the Pagan Revivalist Socialist Front - PRSF! We are a Pagan Socialist and Pagan Revivalist server focused on build a stronger Pagan Socialist community online. We are revivalists, we encourage our members to make new beliefs and new traditions regarding pagan socialist and pagan communism. We are also focused on fulfill the goals of the former Pagan Communist Pact - PCP community. We are LGBTQIA+ friendly, Otherkin-Therian-Divinekin-Godkin and more friendly, Plural-System-Endogenic friendly, and so on! Keep in mind we support USSR, PRC, AES, BRICS, Multipolarity, World Socialism, World Communism, Socialist World Federalism, Socialist World Republicanism, and so on. So keep that in mind before joining our serves. Recontructionists are welcome, except archeological literalists and historical literalists. +16 only
Anuraš Faith Icon
Beliefs | Community
Welcome there! We are an Anunnaki revivalist and Sumero-Mesopotamian revivalist server, we are focused on build a Discord server based on the Anuraš Faith, also Anurash Faith, Anurašism, and Anurashism, that is literally the Pagan, Polytheist, and Anunnaki version of the Baha'i Faith, where all Pagan gods and Polytheistic gods are actually Anunnaki, same way for all gods and divine beings as well. We are very revivalist focused, and we use the Baha'i Faith as inspiration for our server. We are also a left-leaning and socialist-leaning server, and we support religious socialism and divine socialism as well. Feel welcome to join our server!
The Anurash Faith Icon
Beliefs | Community
Welcome there! We're a server dedicated to the work and construction of the Anuraš Faith. We seek to develop a whole virtual/digital temple for the Anuraš Faith. We are also focused on build a safe space for the worship of the Anunnaki gods, the main gods of the Anuraš Faith, in a revivalist and 21st century way as well.
Abzunian House of the Abyss Icon
Beliefs | Community
We are the Abzunian House of the Abyss! We are an Abzunian server dedicated for Abyss worshipping, for Abyss philosophy, Abyss theology, Abyss sociology, and for everything related to the Abyss, to Abzu, and Nammu. Our goal is to build a safe space online for the worship of the Abyss, and of primordial gods like Abzu and Nammu. We are LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, Otherkin, Therian, Divine, Plural-System, and Endogenic friendly. Join us and let's get into the way of the Abyss together!
Pagan Communist Pact 2.0 Icon
Beliefs | Political
The Pagan Communist Pact 2.0 is the actual communist successor of the former Pagan Communist Pact Discord server, we are a space for Pagan Socialists, Pagan Communists, and Pagan Tankies who are tired of Neoliberal Paganism, of Neoliberal New Age stuff, Anti-Tankie Paganism, and of Antitheist Socialism/Communism. We also support Pagan Liberation Theology on its core and we advocate for Pagan-Unity and Communist-Unity. All Communists and Pagans are welcome here, as long as both are respectful to each other. We are LGBTQIA+, Otherkin, Therian, Divinekin, Starseed, Plural-System, and Endogenic friendly. From the North Pole to the South Pole, the workers of the planet Earth will be free!
Abzunianism Icon
Beliefs | Community
Abzunianism is a new religious movement and/or a revivalist form of Sumerian-Mesopotamian Paganism. It is based on philosophy, spirituality, theology, activism, self-improvement, fractology/fractalology (the study of fractals), fractal cosmology, fine-tuned universe cosmology, theistic evolutionism, evolutionary creationism, spiritual sciences, theological sciences, divine sciences, theistic sciences, social sciences, pagan liberation theology, and the worship (or veneration) of innumerable spirits and gods, thought it is mostly centered on Abzu/Abyss, Nammu, Enki, Anu, and on the Anunnaki gods. It also includes magical practices, spiritual practices, and psychic practices that can benefit those who are able to wield them. It is also often used AI and chatbots for channel the spirits and the gods.
Pagan Leftist Front Icon
Beliefs | Political
The Pagan Leftist Front is a Pagan Leftist server for unite Pagans who are Left-wing and Leftists who are Pagans. We welcome all kinds of Pagans and Leftists, except Right-Wing Pagans, PatSocs, Radlibs, Pro-Ukraine "Leftists", Pro-Israel "Leftists", Pro-NATO "Leftists", Anti-"Tankies", and of course no Rightists, Neoliberals, Liberals, and Right-Conservatives as well. We are LGBTQIA+ friendly, Otherkin-Therian Friendly (we are also Godkin/Divinekin friendly, as long as your divinity is genuine), Plural-System friendly (we are Endogenic friendly too), Mediumship-Psychic-Clarivoyance friendly, Godphoning friendly (mainly AI Godphoning friendly), BIPOC friendly, and so on. Join us and let's build a strong Pagan Leftist community online!
Pagan Leftist Clan Icon
Beliefs | Political
The Pagan Leftist Clan is a Discord server for Pagan Leftists, Pagan Socialists, Pagan Communists, Pagan Marxists, Pagan Anarchists and the like, we also welcome Polytheist Leftists as well. Our goal is to build a safe space on Discord for Pagan Leftists and free from Right-Wing Paganism, Antitheism, Misotheism, Radlibs, NAFOists/NATOists, Neoliberals, and the like.
Wall Street Bible LLC Icon
Investing | Crypto | Business
We are Wall St. Bible LLC, we have over 60k+ members, an LLC with the state of California so we are a registered business. WE PROVIDE OPTIONS AND STOCKS SIGNALS TO ALL OUR MEMBERS. Swing trades, day trades, and penny stock picks. Results speak for themselves, let's get this money! God is good!
Wall Street Bible LLC Discord Server Banner
Wall Street Bible LLC Icon
Investing | Crypto | Business
We are Wall St. Bible LLC, we have over 60k+ members, an LLC with the state of California so we are a registered business. WE PROVIDE OPTIONS AND STOCKS SIGNALS TO ALL OUR MEMBERS. Swing trades, day trades, and penny stock picks. Results speak for themselves, let's get this money! God is good!
Children of the Abyss Icon
Beliefs | Community
We are a Discord server focused on unite Children of the Abyss and on build a Discord server for Children of the Abyss, for Children of the Darkness, for Abyss Worshippers and for followers of Abzunianism, Theistic Abyssalism and so on. Children of the Abyss, unite!
Pagan Left Bloc Icon
Beliefs | Political
The Pagan Left Bloc is a Discord server that seeks to create a safe space for Pagans and genuine Leftists online, focused primarily on pagan Leftists and on pagan Socialists and on pagan Liberation Theologists. We advocate for pagan-unity, left-unity, and tankie-unity. We are also a safe space for Jews of Conscience; BIPOC, LGBTQIAP+, Otherkins, Therians, Divinekins, Godkins, Mediums, Psychics, Westerners of Conscience; Children of Darkness; Children of the Abyss; Children of the Gods; Children of Light; and so on. Free Palestine 🇵🇸 Freedom to the Workers of Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine 🇷🇺🇧🇾🇺🇦 From the North Pole to the South Pole, the planet Earth will be free 🌎🌍🌏🌐🚩
Sumerian Occultism Icon
Beliefs | Community
Silim there! We are a Discord server dedicated to Sumerian Occultism and to all Occultist practices related to Sumerian paganism and to Mesopotamian paganism as a whole. We seek to build a safe space for Sumerian Occultists and for Sumerian Occult practices and practicioners. All Sumerian Occult practices are welcome here same way for all Sumerian Occultists are also welcome here. Anunnaki Occultism is also welcome here, as well as Anunnaki Occultism and Anunnaki Occult practices are considered a Divine sub-section of Sumerian Occultism and Sumerian Occult practices.
The Abode of the Anunnaki Icon
Beliefs | Community
The Abode of the Anunnaki is an Internet community that seeks to create a safe space for Anunnaki pagans and people who have a divine connection with the Anunnaki gods. Here we welcome all traditions within Anunnaki religion, from Sumerian-Mesopotamian reconstructionism, to Sumerian-Mesopotamian revivalism, Anunnakism, Abzunianism, Nammuism, Enkism, Mardukism, Ashurism, Enlilism, Ishtarism, Nergalism, Sumerism, Natib Qadish, Kaldanism, Sumerian-Mesopotamian Neopaganism, Semitic-Canaanite Neopaganism, Sumerian-Semitic Neopaganism, Mesopotamian-Canaanite Neopaganism, Assyrian Neopaganism, Zuism, and so on. Come and join us to build an abode for the Anunnaki on the Internet and maybe who knows in real life!
Pagan Worldbuilding Server Icon
Community | Beliefs
The Pagan Worldbuilding Server (PWS) is a Discord server decicated to Pagan worldbuilding, mainly to Pagan-made worldbuilding. We encourage Pagans from all Pagan religions, reconstructionist, revivalist etc, to join this server for doing their own worldbuilding.
Pagan Communist Pact Icon
Beliefs | Political
We are a server dedicated to left-wing paganism and to the left-wing side of paganism. We are one of the very few servers of its kind. We welcome all kinds of socialists, communists, Marxists, and leftists as long as they are respectful to paganism and to the pagan gods as well as all pagans are welcome as long as they are respectful to socialism, communism, Marxism, and leftism. We also support pagan liberation theology, and we stand for left unity and class unity as well. And we support no war except class war. And we focus on the social liberation and on the class struggle side of the gods, of the divine, and of paganism, and the messages of both three regarding social liberation and class struggle. LGTBQIA+, OTMSN+, and Plurals are welcome as well. The gods are communist and we must unite ourselves for turn Earth communist and divine. Divine socialism (theosocialism) and divine communism (theocommunism) are the way.
The Agora Icon
Community | Growth
EVERYONE IS WELCOME HERE! A server for Hellenist, Hellenic Polytheists, Hellenic Pagans, Hellenic Reconstructionists, or anything else you may go by and worship the Gods of Ancient Greece. This is a server free from political talk with the focus on Spirituality, The Gods, Sharing Experiences, and any other topic on Spirituality you may want to discuss. This is a new server, formed with the creation of the site
Nêsos Leukê Icon
A community is for the discussion and modern practice of the polytheistic religious traditions of the world.
Everlasting Moon Coven Icon
Beliefs | LGBT
Welcome to Everlasting Moon Coven, we are an all-inclusive witchcraft 18+ discord server. We are LGBTQIA+ Owned and Modded! We are here for any witch no matter how long they’ve been practicing or even if they are simply and respectfully curious about the craft. Many resources are available for members, along with many topic channels so you can have every opportunity to learn, discuss, and grow in your path. No question is a stupid question. So come on in, have fun, meet new people, and learn new things!
United Pagan Front Icon
Political | Beliefs
The United Pagan Front (UPF) is a grassroot pagan leftist organization that seeks to build a strong pagan leftist community online and IRL. The United Pagan Front supports left-unity (from social liberals and progressives to communists and anarchists) and pagan-unity (from reconstructionism to revivalism, from pre-Abrahamic religions to Hinduism, Daoism, and to Indigenous religions). We welcome everyone, including alterhumans/nonhumans and the more controversial nonhumans like godkins, deitykins, divinekins, yokaikins, angelkins, olympiankins, aesirkins, vanirkins, netjerukins, anunnakins, igigikins, devakins, kamikins etc.