Public Discord Servers tagged with Pyjamas

Ascent (18+ SFW) Icon
Gaming | Community | PC
Welcome to Ascent (18+, SFW) – a vibrant gaming community where PC & console players connect through social game nights, dedicated servers, and a friendly, drama-free space to game, grow, and have fun!
Ascent (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Ascent (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Ascent (18+ SFW) Icon
Gaming | Community | PC
Welcome to Ascent (18+, SFW) – a vibrant gaming community where PC & console players connect through social game nights, dedicated servers, and a friendly, drama-free space to game, grow, and have fun!
Cuddle Kingdom Icon
Community | Gaming
This a server of cuddles an nice things. Cuddle each other, make new friends, play games together, and talk about common interests free from people with bad desires. We accept people of all ages, backgrounds and moods all together in a group cuddle. Find new friends, play games with each watch movies, voice chat, maybe even date someone you like, and more. Gives everyone hugs in this new an exciting server for everyone of all ages. Features: - ? Events involving movie nights and game nights - ? Lots of hugs for all. - ❤️ Help from all your troubles, we have people you can talk to about anything that's on your mind and we can also offer confidentiality sessions too to anyone that needs it. - ?️ We strive on creating a safe environment from creepy people. - ? Show off your plushies and pyjamas - ? Show off your pets and animals We strictly do not allow any aggressive NSFW or NSFW centric people in this server, this is created to be a safe place.