DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Gaming | Technology
SCUM FULL LOOT Scum Server 50 player slots / 50 jogadores online No lag server / Servidor sem lag PVP and PVE Gameplay (mad zombies) Cheaters Free Server
[BR] Dbugz - SCUM Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Server voltado para scum
Forças Armadas Portuguesas Icon
Gaming | Community
Comunidade de jogadores divertida e dinâmica, foco em jogos de equipa e cooperação. Temos transmissão de eventos despotivos como Futebol, Fórmula 1, Biatlo de Tanques, e muito mais! Equipa competitiva de War Thunder e servidor próprio de SCUM.
79 Dreamers Survival Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Community Server von Dreambox79 für diverse Survival- und andere Games. Eigene Server für Scum, Rust, Deadside, Valheim und mehr, hauptsächlich PVE.
PrisonTV Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
PrisonTV ist wieder da - Dein Roleplay Server Du bist Zuhause, kochst für deine Familie. Doch plötzlich... Du schiebst den Einkaufswagen vor dich hin, während du die Tiefkühlpizza reinschmeißt. Doch plötzlich... Du liegst im Schützengraben und um dich herum schlagen Granaten ein, während du unendlich viele Schüsse hörst. Doch plötzlich... Das sanfte Schaukeln des Linienbusses, der dich zur Arbeit fährt, macht dich schläfrig. Doch plötzlich... ...öffnest du deine Augen und siehst nur in ein gleißendes Licht. Dein Schädel fühlt sich nach Brei an. Du hörst dumpfe Stimmen um dich herum. Wo bist du? Was passiert mit dir? Zu wem gehören diese Stimmen? Finde es heraus. - Offene Karte - Kein Tec-1 oder andere, dominierende Adminfraktionen - Liebevoll gestaltete und RP-bereichernde Schlüsselcharaktere - Einzigartiges, automatisiertes Nachrichtensystem - Freie Entfaltung deines Charakters Lass dich noch heute freischalten und werde Teil der Early-Bird-Phase.
ScumAsiaSoloPVP Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Server Name: ASIA SOLO PVP (REAL SURVIVAL) Server IP: Server restarts every 6 hours starting at 12AM SST. No Mechs and Drones High loot settings (X7) Less Zombie Squad recruitment disabled Build and camp anywhere you like without restrictions Air drop every 10 to 15 minutes FP requirements to buy items disabled. Accumulated Fatigue disabled.
Ultime Arene Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Rejoignez notre serveur Ultime Arène pour une expérience intense en PvPvE ! Survivez dans un monde post-apocalyptique où les raids ont lieu les Mercredis, Samedis et Dimanches de 18h à minuit. Prêt à relever le défi ? Rejoignez-nous dès maintenant !
Lonewolf ID Icon
Gaming | Military
Discord ini dibuat untuk mencari temen mabar (main bareng) yang kebetulan suka main game SCUM ataupun game lainnya. Langsung aja join, kita lagi butuh temen mabar nih! Seru-seruan bareng, yuk merapat! 🎮🔥
SCUM Buddies Icon
Community | Gaming
SCUM Buddies Dein entspannte Ü30 SCUM Community Wir heißen SCUM Fans Herzlich Willkommen welche was anderes suchen als die üblichen Hardcore PVP oder langweiligen PVE Server. Bei uns steht das Spiel Erlebnis im Vordergrund. Egal ob du neu im Spiel bist oder bereits Erfahrung hast, bei SCUM Buddies findest du eine freundliche Familiäre Community, in der sich Spieler unterstützen und voneinander lernen können. Wir bieten eine ideale Plattform für die älteren Gelegenheitsspieler, die nach den Feierabenden entspannt ein paar Stündchen Spielzeit genießen wollen, ohne sich über sinnloses Volk im Spiel Ärgern zu müssen. Es soll spaß machen und eine gemütliche Synergie zwischen PVE und PVE Spielern ergeben. Einfach eine gemütliche SCUM Atmosphäre halt. Tauche ein in die Welt von uns SCUM BUDDIES ein und Schließe dich uns an.
SCUM Nation Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
NEW SERVER looking for players that want to play the game as god intended The settings are set so the game is fun but challenging New Discord that you can put your own ideas for the good of the game I want you to start the journey with me.
Gaming | YouTuber
This server consists of a community of Filipino SCUM players who are interested to meet new people in a PH-exclusive SCUM server. We especially welcome those who actively participates in events hosted by the game moderators. Happy Gaming!
☣ ?ℂ?? ??ℝ????? ☢ Icon
Gaming | Social
Самое крупное сообщество SCUM в России! ?Самый первый сервер SCUM в России. ?Сотрудничество с разработчиками, получение самой последней информации о развитии игры. ?Сервер SCUM - IP (PvP) ?Активная администрация, отсутствие читеров и багоюзеров. ?Нет игроков с правами администратора, администраторы - строго администраторы. ?Нет админских отрядов, нет админских баз, нет админских злоупотреблений ?Собственные разработки ✯ Уникальный контент Eng: No use cheats, No use bugs = BAN No players with admin rights, administrators - strictly administrators. No admin groups, no admin bases, no admin abuses http://www.gamescum.ru/
Chat Lounge 18+ · Social · Chill Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Addicting SFW Adult 18+ Community With Over 30,000 Members - Welcome to Chat Lounge! We offer active chats & members, voice chat lobbies, games, events, giveaways, and more!
Chat Lounge 18+ · Social · Chill Discord Server Banner
Chat Lounge 18+ · Social · Chill Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Addicting SFW Adult 18+ Community With Over 30,000 Members - Welcome to Chat Lounge! We offer active chats & members, voice chat lobbies, games, events, giveaways, and more!
[GER] Red Sky Scum PVP Server Icon
Gaming | Community
Name: Red Sky / GER.ENG / Hardcore PVP / PVE / Max Loot / Purge PVE / Bot online IP: Discord: https://discord.gg/sxCfFUHqXb Type: Hardcore PVP / PVE Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uqml21Yp2zM&t=2s Active admins (but we have jobs) We are dedicated to providing you with our utmost effort and excellence in service Wir setzen alles daran, um unseren Service für Sie bestmöglich zu gestalten. SERVER SETTINGS Shop: ingame Traider / Black Market / Botshop Bot: Prisonerbot < Welcomepack! High Loot PVE Purge (Small B3 Sector PVE) Sunday / Sunday _ 5pm to 11pm / 17 bis 23 Uhr MEZ / All 2 weeks Purge PVE sector No Mechs No Drones 30 Slots (more coming soon) Killfeed Events Flag overtake 12:00 Hours / Allow multiple flags per player No Mines (only Flagareas) Maximum amount of elements per flag: 350 Extra elements per flag for additional squad member: 50 Maximum number of expanded elements per flag: 100 Maximum of squad members: 10 No vehic
Casual Survivor Icon
Gaming | Community
Looking for a new SCUM server? Come join Casual Survivor - High Loot - Mechs - WhalleyBot and much more! We are a newer server looking for new players constantly! Thank you
Fried Scum, PvP Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
🎮 About Us: Step into the wild, ruthless world of Scum with us! We're a passionate and thriving community of survival enthusiasts and gaming fanatics who share a common love for the intense and challenging experience that Scum provides. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting your journey on the island, you'll find a home here among like-minded survivors. 🌲 What We Offer: Active and welcoming Scum enthusiasts In-depth game discussions, strategies, and tips LFG (Looking For Group) channels to find the perfect squad Regular events, tournaments, and giveaways Expert advice from experienced players Updates on the latest Scum news and patches A friendly and supportive environment to enhance your Scum gaming experience 🪓 Why Choose Fried Scum? At Fried Scum, we're more than just a gaming community; we're a family. We believe in teamwork, cooperation, and helping each other thrive in the Scum world. Whether you're seeking new friends,
Inferno Icon
Gaming | Community
Server IP : Type: PVP/PVE Discord: https://discord.gg/SX4CAFwYw8 Slots 30. Bot: Prisoner Bot. Bot SHOP:ON Welcomepack Skill gain 2x Admin Abuser channel (possibility to see all logs used by the admin) Loot: 10x Mechs disabled MaxElementsPerFlag: 1000 Coins Kill system Max vehicles (all with engines) Max Darkness Horde of zombies and 2x damage Automatic PVP Event Lockpicking alerts system Admin have VAC ban check log on every connecter player Server Restart : every 4 hours starting from 00:00 Respawn random 0/ sector 200/ shelter 1g No toxic community
Gaming | Bot
DEDICATED SERVER = NO LAG! Very Active Admin Team 200 Ping Cap 5x Loot Bot Shop Warzones with Spawned Loot Mechs on Monday’s 24/7 Lockpick Raiding but use of Explosives only on Weekends! (Friday 13:00 until Sunday 17:00 EST) 15 Max Squad Size Use of alt accounts allowed In Game Lotteries Exhaustion Disabled Skill Gain Available at Traders Taxi’s to Warzones Open a ticket & Tell us where you saw us advertised, 5k bonus reward! Region Blocked to China, Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand and Vietnam https://discord.gg/bushland-pvp
Insaylu Icon
Community | Gaming
Get ready for an exciting Discord experience! 🎁 Participate in regular giveaways for a chance to win fantastic prizes and elevate your server experience. 🤖 Engage with our ChatGPT bot, complete with its own personality, for interesting conversations and informative interactions, ensuring an entertaining chat experience. 🖼️ Unleash your creativity with our Image Generation AI, crafting stunning visual content that inspires the entire community. 🎮 Dive into gaming on our friendly and supportive game servers, offering a variety of games for everyone. 🌟 Active members receive special roles as a recognition of their contributions, fostering community dedication. 👩‍💻 Immerse yourself in our hobby channels, covering Coding, Art, Music, and Gaming. Share your interests, learn from others, and connect with like-minded individuals to deepen your passion. Join us for a vibrant and rewarding community journey!
Shade Apocalypse - Scum Server Icon
Gaming | Streaming
Welcome to Shade Apocalypse, the ultimate SCUM server experience! Dive into our immersive world where survival meets adrenaline-pumping PvP action and thrilling PvE challenges. With a 10x loot and experience rate, your journey to dominance begins here.
Gaming | Entertainment
SCUM aims to evolve the multiplayer open world survival game with unprecedented levels of character customization, control and progression, where knowledge and skills are the ultimate weapons for long-term survival.
???????? ❗????❗ Icon
Gaming | Support
Shop InGame, compras/vendas por notas Servidor de SCUM Português e Brasileiro:
[PT]AทyGαʍ૯ઽ❕❓❔ Icon
Gaming | Social
Ótimo servidor para quem quer encontrar pessoal para jogar qualquer coisa, as salas são para ser utilizadas, STAFF ATIVA!
German Blood Gamers Icon
Gaming | Community
Wir sind eine etablierte Gaming-Community mit Fokus auf SCUM. Angepasste Servereinstellungen, extra höhere Loot-Bereiche auf der Map externe Serverfeatures prägen die Spielerfahrung. Aktive Admins, Mods und spielerbasierte Discord-Rollen bieten Support. Wir, fördert Gemeinschaftsstärke und freuen uns auf euch. SCUM-Enthusiasten finden hier eure Gaming-Familie. 🎮🩸 🔫 PvP & PvE: Erlebe PvP in unserer wandernden PvP-Zone oder konzentriere dich auf PvE-Elemente und stelle dich den Herausforderungen der Insel. 💎 Angepasste Einstellungen: Unsere Servereinstellungen sind gut abgestimmt, um ein ausgewogenes und dennoch herausforderndes Gameplay zu bieten. 🔗 Discord-Dreh- und Angelpunkt: Unser Discord ist der Puls der Gemeinschaft. Hier teilen wir Geschichten, planen gemeinsame Aktionen und bieten Support bei Bedarf. 🔫 Spannende PVP- und PVE-Elemente 🎮 Separate Hochwertige Loot-Bereiche auf der Map 🚗 Trader mit einzigartigen Angeboten Bolzen Nägel Schrott Alle Infos im Discord
Gaming | Role-Playing
💀 If you're seeking a lifelong SCUM adventure, REBORN APOCALYPSE is your destination! 🧟 10X LOOT 2X SKILL 📝 NO MECH 🎮 BOT SHOP #COMINGSOON 🛠️ NOOB FRIENDLY 💬 PVE / PVP ZONE 📰 APOCALYPSE 💀 Whether you're a seasoned inmate or new to the island, our community offers support and camaraderie. Join us and conquer the challenges of SCUM together!