Music | Art
What is our server?
- On September 23, 2021, I decided to create my own music-themed server. And why musical? Because as a music producer, I really wanted to build my own community with which I would enjoy spending time with other music producers.
- So I created a server and slowly started expanding it, creating and adding solid security, carefully checked role and channel permissions, good and clear rules and server information, verification systems and much more.
- After 3 years, my server has over 300 members, over 100 roles, very diverse channels and, most importantly, great music producers!
What else do we have:
- Artworkers
- Access in all languages
- Kind members
- Staff who do what they are supposed to do
- The Akira project in which any music producer can participate
- Developed music channels where you can share your music, get feedback and more
There is nothing left for me to do but wait for you to arrive in our warm home! ❤
Let me like your music or art.