Public Discord Servers tagged with Selfrealization

ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Investing | Trading
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 41,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
Mooji Icon
Welcome to our Discord server, a sacred space for seekers dedicated to Mooji's teachings. Join us on a transformative journey of self-realization guided by timeless wisdom. Engage in open-hearted discussions, share insights, and explore self-inquiry. Experience vulnerability and support in our sharing circle. Find stillness and inner peace through meditation and mindfulness. Join Satsangs for collective contemplation and guidance. Respect, kindness, and integrity are valued here. Embrace Mooji's teachings and embark on a profound journey of self-discovery.
Srila Prabhupada Books Icon
Education | Science
If you want to know the way to become happy forever, it is there in this server. This server contains Srila Prabhupada's original authorized books including Bhagavad Gita As It Is (1972), Srimad Bhagavatam, Teachings of Lord Chaitanya and many more books. This server contains the original teachings of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acarya of the International Society For Krishna Consciousness. Those who are interested in reading or knowing about Vedic literatures will certainly find this server helpful in that regard.