DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
LLAP Lounge Icon
Gaming | Community
Tired of the 'active/one word' conversations? Join the LLAP-Lounge for Sci-Fi, Sims & Music - E-Mag Styled with Live Gaming Updates, Tech Crunch, & Sci Fi from multiple sources also the Live Now Channel for popular streamers. Sims mods & cc bulk rss feeds as well! (needs the sims role on joining).
SCIFI Multi Comms Icon
Community | Gaming
A SciFi gaming Fan Discord, General SciFi, Star Trek and STFC Discord.
Star Trek Roleplay Icon
Social | Role-Playing
Star Trek RP server for the lads (we also grow a tree if you're into that sort of thing) Sort of an 8kun.top /brit/ vibe
Starshit Enterprise Icon
Entertainment | Hobbies
Welcome to the Starshit Enterprise, a Star Trek server for general discussion, ship talk, headcanons and fan work. This server is 100% inclusive and toxic free, we all just want to have a good time and talk about Star Trek!
BlogTrek:The Next TRANSformation Icon
Writing | LGBT
Blog stylized like a star trek episode. I share what's going on in my life as I transition from male to female and raise 3 kids. Also hosted on bkogtrek.net Lots of pictures and video supplement the content.
Star Trek Pre 2008 Icon
Entertainment | Community
"Make it so!" For fans of TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise! If you like Discovery, this server probably isn't for you. Everything Star Trek after 2008 is prohibited. You are also not welcome on this server if you specifically label yourself as a republican. Instead of sending hate message over that warning, consider using the time to rethink your ethics and place in this world.
Star Trek Online PlayStation Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Discord for the Star Trek Online PlayStation server for people to discuss and get help with the game and find people to play with. Feel free to join.
Star Trek : Missouri Journey Icon
Role-Playing | Science
Salut à tous je crée un serveur rp Star Trek ! Espace. Frontière de l'infini. Vers laquelle voyage notre vaisseau Missouri. Sa mission de 5 ans, explorer de nouveaux mondes étranges, découvrir de nouvelles vies et de nouvelles civilisations. Et au mépris du danger, toujours avancer vers l'inconnu ! Nous sommes en 2405, le Capitaine Yorwen prend les commandes du tout dernier vaisseau de classe Excelsior, l'U.S.S Missouri NCC-1821. Le temps que tout soit correctement installé dans le vaisseau, le capitaine recrute un a un ses officiers, lieutenants et son numéro un. Une nouvelle mission de 5 ans attends ce vaisseau, mais avant tout une mission top secrète de Starfleet... voila, si l'idée vous plait alors n'hesitez pas à rejoindre !
Star Trek: The Frontier Icon
Role-Playing | Entertainment
Star Trek: The Frontier is a smaller scale roleplay server set in the Star Trek universe. The main focus of the server is on Original characters interacting on the california class ship the USS SYLMAR and deep space station 14. Must be 18+
USS Joshua Norton ?️ Icon
Role-Playing | Writing | Entertainment
Community for a Starfleet Intelligence collaborative writing RPG, set in the Star Trek universe.
Star Trek Online Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
Star Trek Online presents, The STO Discord. A community driven environment comprising of multiple fleets and multiple Armadas. The coming together of like-minded individuals to further the goal of gaming together. Full of gameplay guides, build guides, PVE and PVP content (including daily PVP and PVE events), weekly giveaways and much more, there’s something for everyone here. Our server is neatly organised, ran by custom bots and plays host to all our events, such as: Large scale giveaways Events and competitions PVE and PVP events A boatload of guides and tutorials, fit for new players and experienced. So come in and join us on Star Trek Online. Your new gaming family awaits! The STO Discord • Where players from all across the galaxy come together.