DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DJPaultjeD Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Fun hang out for lovers of Indie Games, especially Simulation, Management, Tycoon, and Strategy games!
Generali iz Fotelje Icon
Gaming | Community
Generali iz fotelje discord server je zajednica igraca strateske igara sa prostora bivse Jugoslavije.
Coryphaeus Championships Icon
Gaming | eSports
Coryphaeus Championships is an upcoming indie card game on the Epic Games Store. Designed for pro play. All cards unlocked. Join the Closed Beta now!
Goodgame Empire HUNGARY Icon
Gaming | Community
Kedves szerver kereső! Szeretném bemutatni neked az újonnan nyílt discord szerverem. Még gyerekcipőben, de egyre jobban kidolgozott szerver, egyre több lehetőséggel. Nagyrészt a Goodgame Empire játék miatt alakult. Lehetőség van szövetséget hírdetni és beszélgetni a játékosokkal. Alakítsunk egy nagyszerű közösséget, és játszunk együtt!
База srLev Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Запрошуємо тебе до нашого казкового світу ігор та спілкування!** Наш Discord-сервер – це місце, де діти та підлітки збираються, щоб грати, спілкуватися і знаходити нових друзів. Ми створили затишну атмосферу для шанувальників **Minecraft**, **Roblox** та інших веселих ігор. ### Що ми пропонуємо: 🌟 **Ігрові світи** – Створюй, досліджуй і грай разом із друзями в улюблені ігри. 💬 **Тепле спілкування** – Чати й голосові канали, де завжди знайдуться цікаві співрозмовники. 🎮 **Ігрові події та турніри** – Змагайся, отримуй нагороди та насолоджуйся! 🎨 **Креативні конкурси** – Малюй, будуй у Minecraft або створюй у Roblox. Твоя фантазія не має меж! 🛡️ **Безпека та дружелюбність** – Ми дбаємо про комфорт кожного учасника, тому маємо активну модерацію. ### Для кого цей сервер? - Для тих, хто любить грати в Minecraft, Roblox та легкі, розважальні ігри. - Для тих, хто шукає нових друзів та веселу компанію.
Civ 6 Cracked online Icon
Gaming | Hobbies
This server is for everyone that want to play Civilization 6 with people and don't got enough money???
Mugest Icon
Gaming | Community
Mugest, Une communauté sur les jeux de gestion est de simulation Notre serveur a pour but de réunir des joueurs qui jouent à des jeux de gestion et de simulation. Tu en es un ? Dépêches-toi de nous rejoindre. Tu peux tout de même venir sans en être un ! > Découvrez de multiples salons. > ⏎ Des évènements réguliers ! > ⏎ Un site web à votre disposition. > ⏎ Nous somme sympa est souriant > ⏎ Flight Simulator, Prison Architect, Cities: Skylines, Train Simulator, Civilization, Heart Of Iron, et *bien d'autres* sont des jeux dont un salon est dédié... `❓` Qu'attendez-vous ? `?`https://discord.gg/UVF2fvN5s4
Big Brother In$anity Icon
Social | Gaming
**__BIG BROTHER IN$ANITY ☆__** *You are invited to join our new series!* Big Brother Insanity is an upcoming Big Brother group that focuses on delivering fun seasons as well as creating** INSANITY** and **MAYHEM!** ☆ Want a chance to showcase your gameplay and play against complete strangers!? Well here's the place for you! ☆ We specialize in casting a mix of new players, older players, and familiar faces! ☆ **GRAND PRIZE** of **$200 DOLLARS** or **20,000 ROBUX**! • **CURRENTLY** on the way to finish **SEASON ONE**! -> • **SEASON TWO APPLICATIONS** are out now! - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeCxMZ5fv9TsLh9yK2yclmfXZNleM2_dDN0mB3CpcBCSnzNjQ/viewform **------------------------------------------------------------------------** **IMAGES**: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/951991179736662057/970095677524803624/unknown.png https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/951991179736662057/970095677294125126/unknown.png https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/9519911
The Strategy Server Icon
Gaming | Community
A server for discussing and playing HOI4! We play weekly, and the discussion never dies. Come on in! Join the fight or the forums!!!
The Dadouvin region - Tournament Icon
Gaming | eSports
A server based around pokemon battling! Our server contains gyms, an elite 4, and a top chamption you can fight against to receive badges! We often organize tournaments in pokemon showdown or pokemom scarlet violet with amazing prizes such as shiny pokemons and rare items. We already have active players, but we hope to grow our community to have a even more fun fighting so join us today!
Renegade Assault Squad Icon
Gaming | Military
La Renegade Assault Squad nasce da un gruppo affiatato di amici con alle spalle più di 5 anni di esperienza in Arma3-milsim. Attraverso corsi di addestramento apprendiamo tattiche e strategie reali da applicare in scenari simulativi creati ad hoc: da quelli più intensi a quelli più "cinematografici". Con noi puoi apprendere le basi della fanteria, del cqb e i principali ruoli di combattimento, dalla teoria alla pratica, con piccole "chicche" relative all'equipaggiamento in gioco e al mondo reale. Impara ed applica con noi la struttura delle squadre, le formazioni, le reazioni al contatto e le tattiche base di fanteria! Con noi si respira un atmosfera serena: niente gradi o "giochi di ruolo", si scherza e si ride ma avviata la missione la serietà è massima. L'esperienza che offriamo è completamente gratuita, entra a dare un'occhiata!
Domination Gaming-Hub Icon
Gaming | Military
Domination Gaming Hub • Strategy Gaming Discord Server • Victoria 3 • Age of Empires IV • Auto Role for games you want to play • Chats & Voice for games you want to play and hear about • Active Victoria 3 Campaign hosting in CET & EST timezones • And More !
Atomic Gaming Collective Icon
Xbox | Gaming | Community
Join Atomic Gaming Collective! We’re a gaming community featuring Fallout 76 (Xbox only), a Minecraft Bedrock Realm, and ARK: Survival Ascended (Cross-Platform). Enjoy events, giveaways, and friendly vibes. Build, explore, and team up in a fun, welcoming space. Let’s game together!
Atomic Gaming Collective Discord Server Banner
Atomic Gaming Collective Icon
Xbox | Gaming | Community
Join Atomic Gaming Collective! We’re a gaming community featuring Fallout 76 (Xbox only), a Minecraft Bedrock Realm, and ARK: Survival Ascended (Cross-Platform). Enjoy events, giveaways, and friendly vibes. Build, explore, and team up in a fun, welcoming space. Let’s game together!
Alpha League Icon
Gaming | eSports
An AI/Sci-Fi themed auto-chess strategy indie game server - be our first players now! Small indie game team, big warm party :)
Tactics Hub Icon
Gaming | Political
Добро пожаловать в захватывающий мир нашего игрового сервера! Здесь ты окунешься в увлекательные приключения, где каждый участник не просто игрок, а герой своей истории. Мы предлагаем уникальную атмосферу, где ты можешь общаться с единомышленниками, участвовать в захватывающих играх и развивать наш мир вместе с нами. На нашем сервере ты найдешь эмоционально насыщенные события, конкурсы и возможность влиять на его развитие. Мы ценим каждого участника и всегда открыты к новым идеям, которые помогут сделать наше сообщество еще лучше. Присоединяйся к нам сегодня и стань частью невероятного путешествия! Наш сервер ждет именно тебя, чтобы вместе создавать незабываемые моменты и поддерживать дружескую атмосферу, наполненную весельем и приключениями.
PL clan Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Serwer klanu PL w Territorial.io - chodź i graj z nami! Server of PL clan in Territorial.io - come and play with us!
Kaiju Kaizen Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
Server for the Kaiju Kaizen the strategy game. It combines cards with extremely challenging board based gameplay.
Universal Events Icon
Military | Gaming
# Universal Events! 🌌 **Universal Events is a Rise of Nation🏅 Community that Unites all of us looking for great events. We are a very active base looking for more players to have fun with within our events** **Universal Events Was Created in order to host as many events as possible to make sure everyone gets entertain well enough. We host diverse ** # __🎁What do we offer?__ we offer: > 🤖**Countryball Games**🌍: you can grind countryballs within the channel > > 🪖**Rise of Nation Events**🏅: you can compete with others in our events. we host events from prehistory to Modern days. Not to mention our most popular events Barbarossa. > > 🕹️**Various Other Events**🎮: you can compete with others in our events. we host events from prehistory to Modern days. # __⛑️What do we are in need?__ we offer: •👤**Active Members**👤: We need Active members who could help us grow our server at his peakest💪 🔮**Nitro Boosters**💠: We need More Nitro Boosters in order for us to give out t
War and More Icon
Gaming | Community
War and More is a server focused on War Thunder and other war time games such as Steel Division 2, Men of War, Hoi4 and others. Come join our small yet growing community and take part in events and meet new people! I look forward to meeting you!
spoRTSmen Icon
spoRTSmen is an international community (ENG/GER) to play RTS games together. We target to vitalize the RTS (Real Time Strategy) genre. Our key mentality is fairness and respect. Bring your enthusiasm for RTS games and join us. Showcase your favourite games here on reddit, share e-sport events, promote your RTS content, provide your coaching skills - this is your stage! No matter, if Age of Empires, Starcraft, Warcraft, Age of Mythology, Command & Conquer, The Settlers, Stronghold or others... You are welcome!
Among Us Community Icon
Gaming | Role-Playing
1. "Join the Crew! Among Us community for mobile & PC players. Chat, play, and betray!" 2. "Among Us Hub! Discuss strategies, play games, and make friends!" 3. "Crewmates Unite! Among Us server for mobile & PC players. Voice chat, game nights & more!" 4. "Impostors Welcome! Among Us community for gamers. Chat, play, and deceive!" 5. "Among Us Community! Mobile/PC voice chat, game sessions & events. Join the fun!"
War Thunder Romania Icon
Gaming | Sports
Bine ați venit pe War Thunder România! 🎖️ Cel mai mare server de Discord din România dedicat War Thunder! 🎖️ Bun venit, piloți, comandanți și marinari! 🌍 Dacă ești pasionat de War Thunder și vrei să te alături unei comunități active de jucători români, ai ajuns în locul potrivit. Fie că ești un începător dornic să învețe tactici noi sau un veteran cu experiență, aici vei găsi o echipă pregătită să te susțină! 🔥 Ce oferim? • Comunitate activă – Fii parte din cele mai mari bătălii aeriene, terestre și navale! • Evenimente regulate – Competitii, provocări și premii pentru cei mai buni jucători! • Sfaturi și ghiduri – Ajutăm jucătorii de toate nivelurile să își îmbunătățească abilitățile. • Echipă prietenoasă – Admini și moderatori dedicați, gata să te ajute în orice moment. • Camere voice si text – Comunică eficient cu echipa ta în timpul jocului. Alătură-te acum și luptă alături de noi pentru dominare totală în War Thunder! 🚀
Power Nations 1 Icon
Gaming | Military
Strategy Game on Roblox made by Bielz. Conquer countries using your tactics and strategy and lead your nation to victory !