DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Discord Server Banner
DisGalaxy • 仙女座 Icon
Community | Anime | Social
#1 Most Loved Community 💜 Socially Active 💬 🌺 Space & Anime ⭐ 500 Emotes ⭐ Economy ⭐ Clubs ⭐ Make New Friends ⭐ Giveaways ⭐ Heaps More...!
Forum Alliance Icon
Gaming | eSports
The official Discord of the Forum Alliance in Clash of Clans
Elixir Kings Icon
Gaming | eSports
Elixir Kings Clash Royale
Clash Blitz Icon
eSports | Gaming
CLASH BLITZ is the ORIGINAL Lightning FAST 5v5 Clash of Clans Competition! Battle for One Hour • Fight for Glory • Stream for Charity
Clash of Clans Top Clãs Icon
Gaming | Community
Servidor criado com o intuito de ajudar os jogadores de clash of clans a acharem um clã para se divertir no jogo.
xQlusive Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
xQlusive is een Clash Royale Familie met meerdere feeder clans. Join de server als je geïnteresseerd bent in Clash Royale, andere spelers wilt ontmoeten en onderdeel wilt worden van een clan met top ambities. Ben je nog niet de beste spelers, zijn nog niet je kaarten max maar wil je toch een leuke tijde hebben. Dan is een van onze feeder clans wellicht iets voor jou. Op onze server komt je hierover alles te weten en geven we antwoorden op je vragen.
/frontline tournaments Icon
/frontline Union tournament server http://www.frontline-clan.com http://www.frontline-clan.com http://www.frontline-clan.com
Clash Heroes FR Icon
Gaming | Community
Première communauté francophone Clash Heroes, jeu développé par Supercell ! Français, Suisses, Belges, vous êtes la bienvenue pour discuter du jeu ensemble, et dans la bonne humeur ? Langue du serveur : FR ?? (France)
Dos Bros Icon
Gaming | Community
Es un servidor para añadir más gente y moderar en grupo de Brawl Stars semi profesional y abierto a todo el mundo. Donde mejoraréis y formaréis de una familia unida, respetuosa, clara y bonita como es Dos Bros.
Smasheros Icon
Gaming | Social
Un server para jugar smash y divertirse 🤠 Esta añadido nekotina y mudae la comunidad es tanto español como ingles
BMF clan Icon
Gaming | Community
Join “ BMF “clan on Clash of Clans 🏹 so we can talk more freely and talk about attacks strategies ⚔️ , so let’s have fun together 👍😉
Clash Mini en Español Icon
Clash Mini en Español, es una comunidad del videojuego de Supercell: Clash Mini. Aquí podrás hablar, debatir sobre temas del juego, como comparar estrategias y mazos. También tenemos un apartado exclusivo para búsqueda de equipo/clan y para promocionar también tu propio equipo/clan. Si tienes una liga también podrás promocionarla.🏆🏆
Gexx Services Icon
Gaming | eSports
Gexx Services discord server contains Public Marketplace for tons of different games! Mostly it focuses on Supercell games (Clash of Clans, Clash Royale, Brawl Stars).
Skylab Icon
Anime | Manga | Art
Skylab is a vibrant, non-toxic, professionally run community designed for creative individuals like illustrators, writers, animators, photographers, 3D designers, and gamers. It offers a welcoming and inclusive environment where creativity thrives.
Skylab Discord Server Banner
Skylab Icon
Anime | Manga | Art
Skylab is a vibrant, non-toxic, professionally run community designed for creative individuals like illustrators, writers, animators, photographers, 3D designers, and gamers. It offers a welcoming and inclusive environment where creativity thrives.
Back to Roots Icon
Gaming | eSports
Welcome to the German Clash of Clans competitive clan. Founded on 11/11/24 by Kasuif and things really took off from there. Our own clans are getting bigger and stronger, so we can often be found in the rankings. Just come up and have a look around. The focus on playing cwl in champ 1 and destroying the opponents is right at the top.
GOAT Prague Icon
Community | Gaming
Clube GOAT Prague ☠️ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ
Immortal Family Icon
Gaming | eSports
Group of Clash Royale clans for players aged 18 and over, with competitive and casual clans to fit a wide variety of playstyles and trophy ranges. All of our clan members are in our 300+ strong Discord server, if it sounds like the sort of family you'd like to be a part of, join the server!
Warsmith Alliance Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
We are an affiliation of like minded CoC clans who have come together in an attempt to guarantee full war rosters, offer a variety of clan styles, and share best practices. For you, the new member, we hope to be a home where you can find a clan that will perfectly fit your needs.
Prime Icon
eSports | Gaming
Server made for Gamers. Mostely focused on Brawl Stars. Nice Members Good Support Good Management Brawl Stars Clans: Prime II Prime III Prime VI Rush Wars Clans: Prime II Made by Gamers for Gamers! @print("PharellJay")
Martyr's Creed Icon
Gaming | Community
War. War never changes.... so we Clash smash-n-dash style! ? If you're a CFF member who just wants to relax & hit stuff, join us! Part of The Clash Files Podcast Family. discord.gg/clashfiles ?
BabyD's Server Icon
Gaming | Bot
?Hello, we are an official server of BabyD's eSport team Want to chat with cool people, that like Clash Royale? Join our server ? You can: 1️⃣ Meet a cool people 2️⃣ Chill 3️⃣ Use a lot of bot commands 4️⃣ Join our eSport team or a clan ? 5️⃣ Compete against other players ? We are waiting for you! ✌
The Unknow Factor BrawlStars Icon
Gaming | eSports
Serveur basé sur l'activité dans le jeu et propose divers channels vocaux ainsi que bot pour faciliter votre expérience au seins du club.
Brawl Stars FR Icon
Gaming | Community
Serveur francophone concernant un des jeux de SuperCell : Brawl Stars
?????? ????? Icon
Gaming | YouTuber
Best server ever | YTB: Azife TV
WarMatch.US Support Server Icon
eSports | Support
WarMatch is the clan stat tracking tool for Clash of Clans. Our Discord Bot & website record random matches & Clan War Leagues with no purchase required!
e-Chat Lounge Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Active community with over 100,000 members for anyone looking to make friends and hang out! We host regular events, podcasts and giveaways!
e-Chat Lounge Discord Server Banner
e-Chat Lounge Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Active community with over 100,000 members for anyone looking to make friends and hang out! We host regular events, podcasts and giveaways!
KFarmhouse Icon
Gaming | eSports
Loot farmers that enjoy beating up clans in Clash of Clans wars. ? Part of The Clash Files Podcast Family. Apply to join in our family's Discord-Partnered server: discord.gg/clashfiles ?
KFarmhouse 2.0 Icon
Gaming | eSports
We push, farm, war, & make funny memes in Clash of Clans. ?️ Part of The Clash Files Podcast Family. Apply to join in our family's Discord-Partnered server: discord.gg/clashfiles ?
Brawl Stars Brasil Icon
Gaming | Community
Brawl Stars Brasil é um servidor pra quem não quer jogar sozinho! Nós temos um sistema de matchmaking para você encontrar pessoas do seu nível para jogar, além de diversos chats para conversar e fazer amigos.
Supercell ID | Communications Icon
Gaming | Community
Supercell ID players and great moderation team! Events and a lot of fun roles, there's chill and talk channels too!
Clash Quest FR Icon
Gaming | Community
Première communauté Clash Quest francophone, jeu développé par Supercell ! Français, Suisses, Belges, vous êtes la bienvenue pour discuter du jeu ensemble, et dans la bonne humeur ? Langue du serveur : FR ?? (France)
Inferno Squad Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
The official Discord server of the Inferno Squad Clash of Clans eSports team.
Brawl Stars Warriors Icon
Gaming | Community
Looking for Brawl Stars friends to have fun ?? Welcome to Brawl Stars Warriors : A place for brawl stars players to do everything game related i.e chat, share, discuss strategy/competitive, meme & more. Find teammates, grind trophy/league & post art/yt content. Join us NOW!
Rising Nepal™ Icon
:flag_np: Rising Nepal™ is recruiting! :flag_np: :crossed_swords: Information: Club Name: Rising Nepal™ Club Tag: #2G8VUQGP0 Est. August 24, 2021 :crossed_swords: About Us: :pushpin: We are a casual club that is preparing for upcoming 30v30 club wars. :crossed_swords: Requirements to join: 1. Nepali players for better communication. 2. Must have 3k+ trophies (will be increased later) 3. Must be active and ready to participate in upcoming club wars. 4. Must be friendly and non-toxic. 5. The most important thing is to have fun & just chill with us. 6. As long as you want to improve & be authentic, that's good for us! :crossed_swords: Feel free to join in-game or DM me if joining our club sounds like a good fit for you...
Lol Brawl Stars Community™ Icon
Gaming | Community
This server is a brawl stars server. It has a decent amount of members and a lot of fun bots. It's a fun server.
Brawl Talk, Leaks & News! Icon
Gaming | Community
?Brawl Talk, Leaks and News! ● Join the server if you're interested about Brawl Stars Leaks, News and Updates ● Every info related to Brawl Stars is here ● Giveaways, Exclusive roles and much more ● Highly Active Members ● Fully SFW and non-toxic ● Friendly staff - But that’s not all! Join us today and see what else we have to offer.
Clash Mini FR Icon
Gaming | Community
Première communauté francophone Clash Mini, jeu développé par Supercell ! Français, Suisses, Belges, vous êtes la bienvenue pour discuter du jeu ensemble, et dans la bonne humeur ? Langue du serveur : FR ?? (France)
Les Externes Clash Royral Icon
eSports | Gaming
Serveur discord du clan : " les externes ". Clan créé récemment et qui a pour but de up rapidement en TOP 1000 FR !
All Toasters Toast Toast Icon
Furry | Gaming | Community
I'm powderedtoastman and this is my furry server! Anyone who wants to join and are 16+ will be welcome. We have: -Transparent administration -18+ NSFW access requiring Date of Birth on a government issued ID
All Toasters Toast Toast Discord Server Banner
All Toasters Toast Toast Icon
Furry | Gaming | Community
I'm powderedtoastman and this is my furry server! Anyone who wants to join and are 16+ will be welcome. We have: -Transparent administration -18+ NSFW access requiring Date of Birth on a government issued ID
Gaming | Community
Schön das du zu Unserem Discord Gefunden Hast Hier hast du Die Regeln Aufgelistet. Clash Royale Clan Regeln 1. 1000 Clan Punkte im Schiffs Kampf ( Clan Kampf ) Am ende Der 4 Tage. 2. Keine Beleidigungen 3. Kein Emote Spam. 4. Keine Sinnlosen Rauswürf. Discord Regeln 1. Bitte Nicht in CAPS Schreiben 2. Keine Beleidigungen 3. Kein Sticker Spam. 4. Keine Sinnlosen Rauswürf. 5. Keine Explizieten Inhalte. 6. Keine Drohungen. 7. Kein Chat Spam. 8. Kein Ticket Spam. Weiteres Wir werden Nach und Nach ein Paar weitere Channel Erstellen vorschläge Schickt ihr bitte in den Dafür Vorgesehenen Kanal. Es dürfen Aussenstehende vom Clan Babydragon eingeladen Werden. Neue ziehen Bitte ein Ticket und Einen Screenshot vom Profil, damit wir euch die Dafür vorgegebenen Ränge Geben Können. Falls ihr nicht Kämpfen Könnt Schreibt Ihr das Bitte in den Dafür Vorgesehenen Channel. Clan Bewerbung Schaut Bitte im Aplly Kanal Vorbei.
Kingfisher Gaming Hub Icon
Gaming | Social
ㅤHello Gamers! We are the solemn Discord community of Team Kingfisher; Clans, Tournaments and E-Sports for Supercell Games. Join4Fun!
Warlocks Icon
Gaming | Community
Join here if you'd like to join a very active and competitive brawl stars club. We do club leagues weekly.
Clash Mini FR Icon
Community | Gaming
Rejoignez le premier serveur discord sur le jeu Clash Mini et tenez-vous au courant de la date de sortie en France.
The Turtle Empire Icon
Gaming | Community
🔥🐢The Turtle Empire🐢🔥 Clash of Clans Clan Family & Community! 🔥 About Us 🔥 The Turtle Empire is home to 6 self standing clans with each of their own independent leadership teams ranging from Crystal 2 to Champs 1, as well as additional CWL clans so every member has a place to play. We are a family with a heavy focus on activity and community, and believe in building dream teams through loyalty and careful recruitment so that all of our clans have a great non-toxic atmosphere with consistent success, but without the sweat! We happily welcome visitors into our community to hangout and learn alongside us, as long as you bring a positive attitude and sense of humour! 💎Lively Community of Talented Clashers 💎Well Established & Organized Discord Server 💎Fun Atmosphere Full of Banter 💎Trophy Pushing & Trophy Pushing Help 💎Community Events & Giveaways 💎Burnt Base Subscription for Clan Members 💎Official Partnership with World Base Building (WBB) 💎 3 Monthly GP Giveaways
Reclutamiento Clash Of Clans Icon
Community | Gaming
Servidor español de Clash of Clans donde puedes hablar del juego y promocionar tu clan para obtener nuevos miembros, tenemos una comunidad agradable con un server bien hecho (puedes sugerir cambios en el servidor!) y una comunidad activa donde puedes hacer un montón de cosas. :)
Brawl Stars FR Icon
Gaming | Community
Première communauté Brawl Stars Francophone ! Trouvez des alliés et tenez vous informés sur notre serveur discord, notre twitter et notre site !
كلاش اف كلانس للعرب Icon
Gaming | Social
اكبر سيرفر كلاش اف كلانس للعرب حياكم التفاعل بكون اكثر شي في ليل اهلا وسهلًا في الجميع وشكرًا مقدما لكل شخص دخل للسيرفر
Mo.co FR Icon
Gaming | Community
Rejoins le premier serveur discord communautaire français sur Mo.co ! Rejoins-nous pour te tenir informé des mises à jour du jeu, participer à des évènements et discuter avec la communauté !
Clash Royale - Community Icon
👋 Welcome to Clash Royale - Community! 👋 🟢 What expects you here: 🟢 ⭐️ Giveaways ⭐️ Events/Tournaments *(in the future)* ⭐️ CR-related places to talk and find partners ⭐️ CR-related news ⭐️ A grand Casino (with UnbelievaBoat) ⭐️ A place to listen to your music ⭐️ And much more... ❓What differentiates this server from many others: ❓ ✅ Safety & Moderation really has high priority ✅ Community Engagement is very important to us ✅ Events/Tournaments will regularly take place (and will be clear) (in the future) ✅ The server is made with heart and is well-structured ✅ Suggestions & feedbacks are welcome If you aren't sure whether or not this is something for you, I'd recommend just joining the server and deciding from there on. Have a great day! 🙂 https://discord.gg/XVka4SUJeZ
MyLoot Icon
Gaming | Community
MyLOOT, l’application des LOOTERS fondée par des GAMERS ! Cette application est 100% GRATUITE et te paye quand tu joues à tes jeux vidéo préférés. Tu y trouveras différents jeux tels que Call of Duty, PUBG ainsi que d’autres jeux qui arriveront bientôt tels que FIFA 23, FIFA 22, Fortnite, League of Legends, Apex Legends, Rocket League, Clash Royale, Brawl Stars... La promesse de MyLOOT est simple : “Peu importe ton niveau, tu peux gagner contre un joueur pro !” Grâce à un système de tournois INÉDIT et EXCLUSIF 100% GRATUIT. Les fondateurs ont pour mission de révolutionner le quotidien des GAMERS avec cette application. LES RÈGLES DU JEU : La League MyLOOT (LML) : 🥊 Tu choisis ton jeu. 🎮 Tu choisis ta console. 🏁 Tu lances ta game. 🎰 Quand tu as terminé tu inscris ton score dans notre App. 💎 On te paie en ML-Coins si tu es classé dans le TOP 10%. 🎁💸 Échanges tes ML-Coins en cadeaux, goodies ou argent !
The Azure Icon
Gaming | Entertainment
THE AZURE ⚔️ IS RECRUITING! ⚔️ 🔥 Who We Are 🔥 💥 We are an up and coming clan. 💥 We Have Serious War Clan to Chill Clan. 💠 What We Provide💠 ☄️ Established and Organized Server. ☄️ Max Clan Games. ☄️ Max Donations. ☄️ B2B Wars ☄️ Attacking Help. ☄️ Non Toxic And Talkative Environment 🔰 What We Are Looking For🔰 💫 Players Who Are Active. 💫 Minimum 1000 Points In Clan Games. 💫 Must Do Capital Raids. 💫 Both Attacks In War. 💫 Friendly. Join now! https://discord.gg/xhhWE8nCqj
Secret Society Icon
Community | Entertainment | Gaming
No one is safe.
Secret Society Discord Server Banner
Secret Society Icon
Community | Entertainment | Gaming
No one is safe.
Players Icon
Gaming | Social
🔥Welcome to Player Clan Family🔥 💝We Give Access to a Huge War Base Collection for Free in Discord💝 ★ 🏠TH-15 ⟹ 2200+ Bases ★ 🏠TH-14 ⟹ 750+ Bases ★ 🏠TH-13 ⟹ 350+ Bases ★ 🏠TH-12 ⟹ 500+ Bases ★ 🏠TH-11 ⟹ 350+ Bases ★ 🏠TH-10 ⟹ 300+ Bases ⚔️Thanks and Clash on⚔️
Max market Icon
Gaming | Community
New Discord👋 Server to Buy And Sell Fortnite and supercell Accounts.👑 + Buy Stacked OG accounts from trusted owners 💯 Recently reopened.
Winter Club Icon
Gaming | Anime
Servidor dedicado para hablar y conocer gente que le guste brawl stars, únete si quieres buscar un equipo o quieres conocer gente con tus mismos gustos!, te esperamos :)
DinoSplash Icon
Gaming | Just Chatting
DinoSplash | Servidor BR de Brawl Stars Servidor iniciante, aceitamos jogadores iniciantes e experientes 🫡 Servidor organizado e tematizado 🏖️ Consiga pessoas legais para jogar, conversar e até mesmo fazer amizades 🤠 Bots para você se divertir 🤖 Notícias do jogo 📰 E mais!
Brawl Stars Grindset Icon
Gaming | Community
Find new friends & teammates. Post your best & favorite Brawl Stars clips! Everyone is welcome!
Slay Stars Icon
Community | Gaming
Brawl Stars Server :3 its a new server soooo just join i guess bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla
Squad Busters FR Icon
Gaming | Social
Rejoins le premier serveur discord communautaire français sur Squad Busters ! Rejoins-nous pour te tenir informé des mises à jour du jeu, participer à des évènements et discuter avec la communauté !
Squad Zone Icon
Gaming | Community
Join 𝙎𝙦𝙪𝙖𝙙 𝙕𝙤𝙣𝙚 - a community server for Squad Busters. Once clans/clubs are in the game, we will open community clans/clubs with possible rewards. ╔═════════════════╗ ╠ [🎉] Giveaways ╠ [💬] Active Community ╠ [✨] Friend/Party Links ╠ [📩] Ticket System ╚═════════════════╝ You can join via the link on my profile. If you have any questions, feel free to DM me or just join the server and open a ticket. 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕕 ℤ𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕚𝕤 𝕨𝕒𝕚𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕗𝕠𝕣 𝕪𝕠𝕦
Darkest Before Dawn Icon
Gaming | eSports
🌟 Welcome to Darkest Before Dawn🌟 🎨 Monthly Art Competitions 🏆 Weekly 1v1 Tournaments 💬 Active Community to Connect and Engage 👥 Find Teammates discord.gg/darkestbeforedawn
Hay-Day Farmers Icon
Gaming | Trading
We sell in-game items and stuff for Hay Day and many other games, also we have regular giveaways which you can take part in and get free stuff
Le p’tit club | Boom Beach Icon
Gaming | Community
Force opérationnelle française, accueillante. On accepte à bras ouverts tous types de joueurs, ambassadeurs et potentiellement ceux qui souhaitent nous rejoindre pour jouer avec nous ! Vous êtes les bienvenus 👍 https://discord.gg/dhvJg3hqFM
Squad Busters France Icon
Gaming | eSports
Rejoignez une nouvelle communauté de joueurs Squad Busters ! Faites de nouvelles rencontres, participer à nos giveaways et restez à l'affut des dernières actualités autour du nouveau jeu de Supercell !