ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Discord Server Banner
ZTRADEZ Options Trading Icon
Financial | Crypto | Investing
Join a stock market options trading stock trading discord server with over 34,000 like minded individuals. We are discussing the next market move 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Get trade signals around the clock!
DotA2 UNITED (1076) Icon
eSports | Gaming
Gaming | Community
TW Taiwan 台灣 Dota 2
CSGO Singapore Discord Icon
We are a group of friendly players from Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia and Indonesia that plays CSGO. If you're interested in joining our community, feel free to join this discord. Strictly for South East Asia only. Our players varies from Global Elite to Silvers.
Taiwan street food Icon
Social | Hobbies
Welcome to Taiwan! Share what you love, connect with real people and discover the world.
Taiwan Icon
Community | Social
This is one of the largest Taiwan discord servers. Talk about Taiwan, politics, night market, food, memes, games, music, etc.
Gaming | Hobbies
Pixmap.fin Bavaria official server Invite: https://discord.gg/p6h77dxeeb !Puppet of Austria-Hungary!
Gaming | Design
Discord invite: https://discord.gg/XnMC98yVMB Leader: Oneforce (Discord name: oneforce1) Discord.me/taiwanpx
ganhuaking Icon
Programming | Technology
台灣開發者的綜合型 Discord Server
Taiwanese Connection Icon
Social | Community
The #1 Taiwanese server on Discord.
LOL英雄聯盟群?? ?? Icon
LOL 英雄聯盟 組隊和交流群
Overseas Taiwan Gang Icon
This server is for all overseas Taiwanese compatriots. So if you are Taiwanese and live overseas, love Taiwan or is associated with Taiwan, feel free to join! 這是一個為台灣華僑創造的伺服器。若你是臺灣人和居住在海外,就算不是, 喜歡台灣的或者是跟台灣有關係的都歡迎加入我們!
Open Oasis 开放绿洲 Icon
Community | Social
欢迎来到 Open Oasis 开放绿洲,非常高兴世界各地的朋友加入。 Welcome to Open Oasis. I am very happy that friends from all over the world have joined our community. 频道内容:休闲娱乐、交友、聊天、语言交流、文化交流、内容分享、学习资源、游戏组队、隐私安全、以及更多 Channel content: leisure and entertainment, making friends, chatting, language exchanges, cultural exchanges, content sharing, learning resources, game teaming, privacy security, and more 频道主要人群:台湾/香港/大陆/美国/加拿大/澳大利亚/马来西亚/新加坡/欧洲/等多个国家 Channel main crowd: Taiwan/Hong Kong/China/United States/Canada/Australia/Malaysia/Singapore/Europe/and many other countries 主要语言:简体/繁體-中文/英文 Main language: Simplified/Traditional-Chinese / English 如果你在寻找一个友善,有爱,互相尊重,学习,安心舒适的地方,那也许这里适合你。 If you are looking for a friendly, loving, respectful, learning, and comfortable place, then maybe this place is right for you.
Insider Rugs Icon
Community | Financial | Trading
Welcome to INSIDER RUGS – your go-to hub for trading and launching the hottest meme coins! 🚀💰 As the developers behind these coins, we offer exclusive insider access to daily launches, giving you the chance to make easy profits. 📈 Server Benefits: Insider Access: 🔓📊 Become an insider of our coins and get exclusive access to upcoming launches before anyone else. Daily Coin Launches: 🚀💎 Stay ahead with new memecoins launched every day. Developer Connections: 🤝💻 Build valuable connections with the devs behind the coins. Sell Before the Rug: 🛑📉 Know the best time to sell, avoiding rug pulls. No Selling on Members: 💪🤐 We prioritize the community – we don’t sell on you. Live Calls with Devs: 📞👨‍💻 Join live calls during launches for expert insights. Join us and make easy profit while staying informed with the best opportunities! 💰🔥📈
Insider Rugs Discord Server Banner
Insider Rugs Icon
Community | Financial | Trading
Welcome to INSIDER RUGS – your go-to hub for trading and launching the hottest meme coins! 🚀💰 As the developers behind these coins, we offer exclusive insider access to daily launches, giving you the chance to make easy profits. 📈 Server Benefits: Insider Access: 🔓📊 Become an insider of our coins and get exclusive access to upcoming launches before anyone else. Daily Coin Launches: 🚀💎 Stay ahead with new memecoins launched every day. Developer Connections: 🤝💻 Build valuable connections with the devs behind the coins. Sell Before the Rug: 🛑📉 Know the best time to sell, avoiding rug pulls. No Selling on Members: 💪🤐 We prioritize the community – we don’t sell on you. Live Calls with Devs: 📞👨‍💻 Join live calls during launches for expert insights. Join us and make easy profit while staying informed with the best opportunities! 💰🔥📈
Overseas Taiwan gang Icon
This server is for all overseas Taiwanese compatriots. So if you are Taiwanese and live overseas, love Taiwan or is associated with Taiwan, feel free to join! We have many fun channels and bots and are very open to any new suggestions that you may have. We're also bilingual and so don't be shy and join us! 這是一個為台灣華僑創造的伺服器。若你是臺灣人和居住在海外,就算不是, 喜歡台灣的或者是跟台灣有關係的都歡迎加入我們! 英語和國語都通喔 :)
1% Battery • 百分之一电池 Icon
Gaming | Social
「1% BATTERY • 百分之一电池」 ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ 群主陪聊 群主陪玩 群主陪唱歌 群主陪追剧 群主陪追星 群主陪找CP 群主陪看漫画 群主陪刷动漫 群主陪搞黄色 群主全天都在线 你还在等什么呢?来找群主玩啊!(笑 #中文 #大陆 #台湾 #游戏 #动漫 #社交 #聊天
Eating Mandarins Icon
Community | Language
____ ¸.·✩·.¸¸.·¯⍣✩ Ⓦⓔⓛⓒⓞⓜⓔ ✩⍣¯·.¸¸.·✩·.¸ ____ If you're looking for ????????? ????? you're in the right place! We're a new server built to promote friendly interactions between asian people from all around the world! WHOLESOME VIBES ONLY! Be kind and considerate to others. Learning mandarin or looking for a place to converse with it? Trying to find a wholesome environment to chill at? Feeling alone and down? Find yourself home at Eating Mandarins! ____ ¸.·✩·.¸¸.·¯⍣✩ 歡迎 ✩⍣¯·.¸¸.·✩·.¸ ____ 如果你在找個充滿溫善的地方,你找對了! 這個是爲了于世界各地的亞洲人打造友善的關係而建造的伺服器! 我們只允许溫善的互動!要善良地對待他人。 在學習中文還是在找個地方溝通嗎? 還是只是想在一個地方放松? 感覺傷心孤獨? 加入 Eating Mandarin 吧!
華人群-東亞-台灣日本韓國蒙古?色色18+ Icon
Gaming | Community
[▧, .▧]﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍[▧, .▧] 华人群-東亞(台灣日本韓國蒙古的小伙伴加進來) 游戏组队,也可以在此邀請遊戲、組隊、以及各種好玩的內建小遊戲 聊天交友,在此可以認識到更多的朋友、搞不好還能尋找到你的愛情呢 生活資訊,地震,天氣預報等資訊在此唾手可得 資訊分享,有很多的youtuber或是網紅的貼文通知 同城热议,互相討論兩岸問題,自由口嗨 18禁分享,也有好看或香香的圖片 [▧, .▧]﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍﹍[▧, .▧] 若有興趣的朋朋歡迎加入唷~
Foxy Fam edm Icon
Gaming | LGBT
Official Freya Fox Discord EDM, Age of Empires, League of Legends server. We give away free VIP Insomniac VIP
RaveDAO.fun 銳到打翻 Icon
Music | Community
RaveDAO.fun is an online rave house where rave music lovers hangout, rave together online, and share pop-up underground rave events information. 銳到打翻是一個線上銳舞派對屋,銳舞音樂愛好者可以在這裡閒聊、一起線上rave並共享地下rave活動信息。
九州山海錄-神域奇緣 Icon
Role-Playing | Entertainment
仙游九州,制霸山海. 私服最强畫質加精美建模 1.進遊即送50000仙玉+洪荒重蛋100連抽[價值30000台幣的真實儲值] 2.後續每日贈送您20000仙玉 3.送永久絕版精美時裝套裝,坐騎時裝,翅膀時裝套裝,各種時裝材料道具 4.精美的游戏画面,细腻的场景设计,带你领略仙侠世界的瑰丽风光。完美還原山海經中强大異獸。 5. 深度社交,共赴仙途 与好友组队刷怪,共同挑战强大的BOSS。更有浪漫的情缘系统,让你在修仙之路上邂逅心中的那个TA Discord群組:https://discord.gg/PDaHjugWhR
Language | Gaming
A small language learning server which is looking for members who are interested in games like Genshin, HSR, ZZZ, and WuWa as well.
Taiwan Disaster Alerts Icon
Community | Support
Welcome to our Taiwan Natural Disaster News Discord Server! Stay informed with the latest updates, forecasts, and advisories on typhoons, earthquakes, and other natural disasters affecting Taiwan. Our community offers real-time information, safety tips, and discussions on tracking, preparedness, and recovery. Join us to stay safe and up-to-date throughout the year! 歡迎來到台灣天災新聞 Discord 伺服器!在這裡,我們提供有關颱風、地震及其他影響台灣的自然災害的最新更新、預測和警報。我們的社群致力於提供即時資訊、安全提示,以及災害追蹤、準備和災後復原的討論。加入我們,全年保持安全並掌握最新資訊!