Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Premium Discord Trading Hub for Stocks, Options, Forex, and Crypto! Get daily trade signals, expert insights, and educational content from top analysts. Achieve your trading goals with us!
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Discord Server Banner
Momentum Trades Icon
Investing | Financial | Community
Premium Discord Trading Hub for Stocks, Options, Forex, and Crypto! Get daily trade signals, expert insights, and educational content from top analysts. Achieve your trading goals with us!
Blursed Emojis Icon
Emoji | Role-Playing
Welcome to Blursed Emojis! Due to the new Discord update, we have added Tupperbox and PluralKit to this server, making us a Tupperbox and PluralKit friendly emote server! If there are other human managed bots you would like added to the server, please DM Desusaur.
Performing Plains Icon
Role-Playing | Gaming
A roleplay server undergoing WIP, I do hope to see you there, as we require people for criticism and for roleplay events. This roleplay server allows any kind of characters, even OP characters to a certain extent. Any character is allowed, whether it is an original character or from a series it doesn't matter, we greet them with our arms open. NSFW is also allowed, and can also be hidden from anyone who would like to have a SFW experience. This server does NOT have a story, every roleplays have their own stories. Feel free to create your own, and let's roleplay together, shall we?