Tranquility (18+ SFW) Icon
Social | Gaming | Community
🌟 Join our 18+ SFW community for gaming 🎮, movie nights 🎥, giveaways, and more! Enjoy a chill, friendly community with AI art access 🖼️ and a dedicated Minecraft server.
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Discord Server Banner
Tranquility (18+ SFW) Icon
Social | Gaming | Community
🌟 Join our 18+ SFW community for gaming 🎮, movie nights 🎥, giveaways, and more! Enjoy a chill, friendly community with AI art access 🖼️ and a dedicated Minecraft server.
Ufo Historie Icon
Science | Podcasting
Serwer Discord "UFO Historie" prowadzony przez Piotra Cielebiasia, znanego badacza i popularyzatora tematyki UFO w Polsce, jest wyjątkowym miejscem dla wszystkich zafascynowanych zjawiskami niewyjaśnionymi, kosmitami oraz szeroko pojętą tematyką paranormalną. Serwer ten gromadzi społeczność entuzjastów, badaczy oraz osób poszukujących odpowiedzi na pytania dotyczące obserwacji UFO, kontaktów z obcymi cywilizacjami i innych tajemniczych zdarzeń.
High Strangeness Icon
Beliefs | Community
Welcome to High Strangeness. Topics include paranormal, ghosts, aliens, UFOs, cryptids, mysteries, unexplained phenomena, conspiracies, and other strangeness.
UFO Sightings Icon
Community | Entertainment
UFO Sightings is a Youtube channel showing UFO footage from all over the world. We are a non commercial channel that collects and shares the best evidence of UFO sightings. Uncensored and unedited footage of possible alien or military craft. Alien sightings? We don't know.
Conspiracy investigations Icon
Education | Community
A discord server for investigating conspiracy theories
Gaming UFO Icon
Gaming | eSports
?Gaming UFO? Was ist Gaming UFO? rotating_light 25€ Turnier + Nitro Gewinnspiel und vieles mehr schon bald/jetzt rotating_light ---> Gaming UFO ist ein neuer Server mit einem neuen Design, der viele cooles Features hat!
The Mystery Den Icon
Community | Science
Welcome to The Mystery Den! We are a community of internet investigators who examine extraordinary claims on the internet. Our goal is to find the truth behind these incidents. Skeptical speculation is welcome, however, you should not expect any extraordinary claims to go without expressed skepticism by other users. We started out solving the u/TheTraveler3649 mystery but after debunking it have now expanded to include all things conspiracy and mystery. This server is not for validating magical claims, it is for discovering the truth behind phenomenon considered to be grandiose or of a reality defying nature. From aliens, to historical conspiracies, and paranormal mysteries, we attempt to shine the light and aim the microscope towards these subjects and figure out what they are all about. Collapse the categories and explore to your heart's content. Before you post in any channel, you must consult the channel's description. Additionally, you must look over #rules.
401 FILES Icon
Community | YouTuber
????????? | ???'? | ???????? | ??? ????? ???????. The home of thought provoking topics as seen on Youtube channel 401files. The perfect place to discuss high strangeness without fear of ridicule.
World of Conspiracies Icon
Beliefs | Community
All things conspiracy.
UAP Tracking Forum Icon
Science | Programming
Observational citizen science in UAP tracking. Sky360 is the supporting organisation. Our vision is to ... ... facilitate a citizen science project to observe the skies and all their phenomena around the globe, 24/7 and provide harmonized high-quality results and analysis – available to everybody. ... develop hardware and software with and for the project community under Creative Commons License. ... support the development and operation of a global network of sky observation stations to provide global live sky situation awareness.
Spooky Things Icon
Community | Education
Welcome to Spooky Things Discord server! We are a community of like-minded individuals who share a fascination with all things spooky and mysterious. From urban legends to paranormal encounters, we discuss it all. Our server features include channels for sharing personal experiences, creepy media, and discussions on the latest spooky news. We also host events such as movie nights and game sessions. Join us for a chillingly good time and meet new friends who share your interests in the world of spooky things.
Secureteam10 Icon
YouTuber | Community
Your Ultimate UFO Community on Discord Dive into the world of UFOs and extraterrestrial mysteries with Secure Team 10, a vibrant and welcoming community for enthusiasts and truth-seekers. Engage in intriguing discussions, watch captivating UFO videos, and bond with like-minded individuals. Join us on this cosmic adventure and uncover the secrets of the universe together! Key Features: 🛸 Active discussions on UFO sightings, theories, and personal experiences 🎥 Group watch parties for UFO videos, including Tyler's latest content 🍻 Friendly and laid-back atmosphere to video chat and socialize 👽 In-person meetups for memorable experiences and potential UFO spotting 🌟 Regular updates on the latest news and breakthroughs in the world of UFOs Connect with fellow UFO enthusiasts, make new friends, and embark on an interstellar journey like never before. Become a part of the Secure Team 10 community and unravel the mysteries of the cosmos together!
UAP/UFO Deutschland Icon
Community | Science
UAP/UFO Deutschland ist ein Community Server für neugierige Menschen, die die Wahrheit hinter den Phänomenen ergründen wollen. Joine uns und diskutiere über unerklärlicher Dinge, Sichtungen und andere Themen! Wir freuen uns auf dich! UAP Discord - UFO Discord - UFO Deutschland - UAP Deutschland - Unidentified Aerial Phenomena - Sichtungen Deutschland - Deutsch - Aliens - Außerirdische
Chat Lounge 18+ · Social · Chill Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Addicting SFW Adult 18+ Community With Over 30,000 Members - Welcome to Chat Lounge! We offer active chats & members, voice chat lobbies, games, events, giveaways, and more!
Chat Lounge 18+ · Social · Chill Discord Server Banner
Chat Lounge 18+ · Social · Chill Icon
Social | Community | Gaming
Addicting SFW Adult 18+ Community With Over 30,000 Members - Welcome to Chat Lounge! We offer active chats & members, voice chat lobbies, games, events, giveaways, and more!
Gravity Phenomena Icon
A new server dedicated to Unknown, Paranormal, Supernatural, UFO/UAP, Natural, Myths & Legends. All in one place.
Alien encounters Icon
Science | Just Chatting
Welcome to our UFO enthusiast community! This is your go-to destination for sharing captivating UFO videos, discussing extraterrestrial encounters, and exchanging the latest information on unidentified aerial phenomena. Whether you're a seasoned ufologist or just curious about the unknown, join us in exploring the mysteries of the skies. Share your experiences, analyze footage, and connect with like-minded individuals who are passionate about uncovering the truth behind UFO sightings. Let's work together to shed light on the unexplained and push the boundaries of our understanding of the universe.
ET Acknowledgement 🛸💫👽 Icon
Server dedicated to discussing UFOs/UAPs/other supposed alien phenomena. We hope to provide a space for people who've had experiences with the aforementioned, so that they could share and discusss these encounters with others, without having to worry about being called insane or a liar among other things. If you are just curious without any personal experiences of your own, feel free to join as well.
Cosmic Convergence Icon
Beliefs | Community
Exploring the enigmatic nature of UFOs, mysterious unknown phenomena, and the transcendental essence of human consciousness, revealing the interconnectedness of life and our journey towards becoming one with the universe.
UFOlogy Icon
Science | Military
➢ Serious discussion about UFOs👽, UAPs and Extraterestrial Life ➢ Share your Sightings 👀 ➢ We accept every opinion! ➢ Nice Community ➢ Selfroles