Sports | Community
Puroresu Power is the #1 Discord server for Japanese Wrestling for Western fans, whether you are a seasoned vet or a new fan curious to learn more about Japanese Wrestling, all are welcome!
We have a passionate, friendly community of fans regularly chatting about New Japan Pro Wrestling (NJPW), DDT, Pro Wrestling NOAH, All Japan Pro Wrestling (AJPW) and Big Japan Pro Wrestling (BJW) as well as joshi promotions like Stardom, Tokyo Joshi (TJPW), Ice Ribbon, Sendai Girls, Actwres Girl'Z, Gatoh Move/ChocoPro as well as all of the indies. We also cater to fans who want to chat about wrestling outside of Japan too like WWE, AEW and Impact.
We have live event discussion channels during shows, a match recommendation channel, 100+ amazing exclusive emotes, GIF and photo sharing channels, regular wrestling quiz events, prediction contests, helpful guides and various social channels to discuss everything else outside of wrestling.
Come and join us!