The Twinkie Network
We are a community server with a channel for everything you could want and if we don't have it all you have to do request and it will sure be added!
Русский сервер для RUSSIANS людей. Заходи, общайся, найди себе на парника для игр, а возможно и друзей.
Удобный чат для общения, перенявший всё самое лучшее у программ-аналогов. Прежде всего, данное приложение пригодится любителям игр, так как оно использует минимальный объём системных ресурсов, абсолютно не влияя на показатель FPS.
Поддежка: Mac OS, Windows, Lunix Android, iOS
League of Legends based server, although not limited to just that! Join us for a welcoming community of 600+ looking to add on to our family! We plan to incorporate inhouses and giveaways in the near future, come join us in talking about gaming, life, or just to spread memes!
The Novice Network from Final Fantasy XIV - Now Portable!
Everything Final Fantasy XIV related; Content assistance, Information, resources, banter, community feeling and of course a lot of questions, with a lot of answers!