Join the server and chill with peeps
With good emjois
Have fun in the server
With extra fun things
With huge giveaways
Invite our bots when we make more in the server announcments channel get notifed
Perfect if you like gaming and more
Join with the link below
@here Looking for ttd server?
:innocent: Hangout with people
:movie_camera: YT videos
:gift_heart: Giveaways
:crystal_ball: Fun channels
:fire:Invite rewards
Welcome to the Cro's Nest!
What we offer:
Self Advertising at level 10+
LFG for any game
Music voice channels
Art post channels
And many more!
Join Today!
Mineplaza is a minecraft sever discord that allows players to hang out and explore the hub Mineplaza is you may now know a discord sever so you can hang out. The sever may not be on so just wait for it and by the help of you guys we could make this a good sever ip