Unofficial Hearthstone Server | A place for Hearthstone players of all ranks and skill to come together, talk strategy, theory-craft and have a mess about!
The Card Game Community: From Hearthstone to Runeterra to Magic the Gathering (and more), we've created this wholesome community to play, create new friends, share decks & advice, and most importantly, Have fun!
Nemesis is a small community that is keen to expand! We offer things like weekly contests, events and bots to keep you entertained, we have friendly people in the server that will give you a warm welcome and we hope to see you in our server soon!
Welcome to the gaming community of Wirelesswizrd! Join us for discussions about Slay the Spire, Hearthstone, and every game in between.
Below is a link to my Twitch channel - stop by, check it out, and engage in live gaming chats :-)
MYTHIC LEGENDARIES! Is a Podcast about Magic The Gathering and Hearthstone! Hosted by two old friends that love podcasts and the games they play. Join our discord community for quick access to all of our show notes, tips, tricks, and chat about all the things your passionate about!