Hay Day [Deutsch] ist ein Server, welcher sich rund um das Spiel "Hay Day" dreht!
Wir bieten eine Vielzahl von interaktiven Kanälen! Unter anderem bieten wir Kanäle, um sich über Hay Day auszutauschen und auch zu Handeln!
Wenn du also Interesse hast, so trete dem Server heute noch bei!
*Dieser Server ist nicht offiziell, dies ist ein Fan-Server. Wir sind nicht mit Supercell verwandt. /// This server is not official, this is a fan server. We are not related to Supercell.*
Group of Clash Royale clans for players aged 18 and over, with competitive and casual clans to fit a wide variety of playstyles and trophy ranges. All of our clan members are in our 300+ strong Discord server, if it sounds like the sort of family you'd like to be a part of, join the server!
We are an affiliation of like minded CoC clans who have come together in an attempt to guarantee full war rosters, offer a variety of clan styles, and share best practices. For you, the new member, we hope to be a home where you can find a clan that will perfectly fit your needs.
War. War never changes.... so we Clash smash-n-dash style! ? If you're a CFF member who just wants to relax & hit stuff, join us! Part of The Clash Files Podcast Family. discord.gg/clashfiles ?
Loot farmers that enjoy beating up clans in Clash of Clans wars. ? Part of The Clash Files Podcast Family. Apply to join in our family's Discord-Partnered server: discord.gg/clashfiles ?