Carbon is an audio entertainment system, using Carbons wide variety of commands you're able to stream music directly into your servers voice & stage channels!
Carbon allows you to queue up entire playlists worth of music and stream them into voice channels and stage channels for everyone to hear.
Welcome to Mesuic Bot Support Hub! 🤖 Need help with Mesuic Bot? Join our community of enthusiasts and experts for troubleshooting, tips, and updates. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, dive into a collaborative space to enhance your bot experience. Let's build, share, and enjoy Mesuic Bot together. Your journey into seamless Discord automation starts here!
Hello, I am Watame Music Bot. I provide the best and lag-free music for discord servers. To play a song with me type the command ">". Supports Youtube, Soundcloud, Spotify and Twitch.
Message de Bienvenue (dans le salon de message système)
/lofi 🎶 (Live Lofi avec musique chill)
/pause ⏸️ (Pause de la musique)
/resume ▶️ (Reprise de la musique
/stop ⛔ (Arrêt et deconnexion de la musique et du bot)
/skip ⏩ (Passe la musique)
/shuffle 🔀 (Mélange la musique)
/clearqueue 🚬 (Enlève la musique existante)
Info 😺
/help 🍀 (Commandes d'aide)
/avatar 🥀 (PP d'un utilisateur ou soi-même)
/info 👤 (Information sur un utilisateur ou soi-même)
/stats 🤖 (Statistiques de Bouya)
Moderation 🔍
/setuplogs 📋 (Mise en place des logs dans un salon)
/clear 🧹 (Supprime des messages)
/lock 🔒 (Vérouille un salon)
/unlock 🔓 🔑 (Déverouille un salon)
Level et Rank 📈
/level 🍃 (Carte de niveau d'un utilisateur ou soi-même)
/rank (en train de le faire...)
Our bot has next features:
When the erver member without nitro sends animated emoji from this server, his message deletes and sends the new with rendered emoji
To delete your new message, just add reaction with ❌ on it
When a member or bot joins your server, it gets the role specified for the its type
[Level System]
[Role by reaction]
In the future we will implement:
[Web Dashboard]
And more
Hello I am a Better Quality discord music bot with amazing features listen music with me with amazing music quality .help for my all cmds my prefix is .
Remix Canary is a Discord music bot focused on one goal to deliver music on Discord, Supporting many sources of music r%help for Commands!
If you're new to Remix Canary, take a look at our Documentation here:
If you like Remix Canary and want to support it, check out our Patreon page here: