❓️- Extinction Breach! An immersive combat/mayhem game where you work for an underground corporation that studies and creates bio-products named Dinobeasts. Well... at least they did before the recent incident. The tables have turned, all exits are sealed, and it’s been a week since the Dinobeasts gained the upper hand. With nowhere left to hide, you now face a choice: take on the beasts or turn on those as unfortunate as you. How long do you think YOU will last in this chaos? (Game still in development).
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[ gattac estate design ] offers FFXIV estate decorating services, font commissions, and more! we also have a server economy for fun, server events and news, chat channels, a review channel to leave reviews for completed estate design commissions, and a venue rental system!
Golden Creations is a new, and upcoming server for FiveM Mods! Want a custom..? let me know and i'll see if i can get you sorted! Interested in unique mods? let us know!