Are you exhausted with toxic gaming communities or stereotypes that make you feel uneasy as a gamer? The Realm of Gaea is a Greek Mythology-themed International Gaming Community that offers a safe and warm space for you to hang out!
Want a server that's fun and social? A server that is packed with events and giveaways? A server where everyone is welcome? If so, then Potato's and Unsus's Crazy Cult is just for you!
LittLive is a server for finding making friends. Join our community to find friendly people in NYC! We are based in New York City. Chat here to learn about the best events, places to eat, neighborhoods and more!
Team Star es una comunidad agradable donde pasaras momentos únicos e inolvidables, diviértete con los demás usuarios en nuestros eventos, sorteos y en nuestros canales de diversión. Es un servidor libre de mensajes vulgares, contenido explícito y gore. ¡Te esperamos!