Welcome to our Server where we are happy to take in anyone that joins our server. Our server will be available to everyone from playing valorant to people that just wanna chill and chat. Our server holds everyone to such high standards and respectfulness. You can add whatever memes you want in the respected category send links to streams videos etc.
Verus is a packet-based anticheat based on the minecraft protocol. Verus is designed to operate primarily on netty threads with no noticeable performance overhead yet still with the powerful ability to detect and eliminate cheaters from your server quickly.
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The Brighten Development Official Discord! Here, you can get support for our software, participate in cool events, and ask any software related questions to the many developers that reside here.
Servidor de Tecno Gamer JW donde se puede hablar de diversos temas en sus respectivos canales, ademas de permitir que otros Animadores de Minecraft puedan presentar sus proyectos y pedir ayuda.
Craft ON - Jest to serwer Minecraft, który zmieni całkowite oblicze YouTube'a. Łączy wiele YouTuberów, którzy potrafią spectakularnie budować różne wspólne projekty oraz dobrze się przy tym bawić!