A nice snazzy server with a bird theme. Post memes, art, chat, 41 bird emojis, active owner and much more! No tolerance for NSFW, Swearing, spamming, and unkindness.
Você é um connoisseur de memes? Vive para os LOLs e ROFLs? Então Fabrica de Memes é o lugar para você!
Na fábrica de memes, é o local onde se cria, rouba e distribui memes para o pessoal
This bot has been created to make your life easier. You can easily moderate with it and protect your server from spammers. We update bot really often. Recently we added fun commands. Use -help to check all of his commands. We are updating it often. Monthly update coming soon!
its a chill server to chat with people and make friends we always change the theme of the server to the holidays we are in and where always open for sugestions
What you get
- High quality meme that will make you laugh!
- No restrictions on your memes!
- Very fun!
- Nice owners!
- Nice people!
What we need
- No raider, No spammers
- 13+ ToS follower
- Active members
- Should post memes in #shitpost regularly
------- SEE YOU ON OUR SERVER ------- https://dsc.gg/shitpostinsquadron