Greek Community server for the pixel game
Join our community to create beautiful pixel art for Greece!
Join us to make alliances and play together!
The Bulgarian Dominion stands as a proud and unstoppable force, driven by Bulgaria’s rich heritage and fierce spirit. United under the Bulgarian flag, we expand, defend, and conquer with the strength of the Balkan lion. Together, we build, protect, and claim new lands, creating a legacy of Bulgarian power and unity. Join us to forge a path of dominance—one pixel at a time!
What is Pixel Caliphate?
Pixel Caliphate aims to form a community that revolves primarily around pixel related games. These games are similar to Reddit's R/place in that users are able to place pixels on a canvas to paint what they want. The pixel game we play - pixelplanet - has a variety of different canvases, the primary one being a world map. As such, users aim to create their own countries and draw their own art on the world map. However, Muslims across the website are divided across many servers. This server seeks to unite all the Muslims to defend the Muslim countries. Moreover, many Islamophobic players who insult and attack our religion believe they can do so with impunity. This server will defend all the Muslims across In Sha Allah.
There is a game called where people can make their countries or help their home country, or even a join other factions made by non-imaginary countries like us! Join us so we became stronger, more activite, more members. Join us!