Super friendly café server! Active community of over 15,000 members. We host regular giveaways, events. We currently have open staff and PM roles! Come hang out with us!
A chill, galaxy themed server filled with people who just play games all day everyday. Come and game with us! We welcome everyone and anyone (no toxic ppl tho, srry). Cya there!
Skvěly CZ/SK Komunitní server. Giveawaye, aktivní chat, skvělé boty a mnoho dalšího naleznete u nás. :) Great CZ/SK Community server. Giveaways, active char, great bots and much more you can find on our server. :)
Hey there! I hope you’re having a wonderful day. Please join my Discord server if you’d like to just relax and vibe with other people. In the near future, there will be giveaways, game/movie nights, etc. Suggestions are also being taken down as well. Thank you & have a good day!