Welcome to our cafe!
Kawaii~Treat Maid~Sweet Cafe is an aphmau themed server!
What to know:
1 - There is no RPing. This is where we can chat about aphmau, and meet others! Not get into character. (Having your profile as a character is 100% fine tho lol)
2 - Giveaways & Booster Perks! Until we have more people in the server (100+ members), giveaways will not be starting. However, boosting the server has many perks! You can have a specified role, you're own channel, and much more!
3 - This is a PG-13 server, anything which isn't kid-friendly is prohibited. The only accepted thing is cursing. Slurs depend on other people but please no using slurs 24/7.
4 - Aphmau! This server is based off of the Cafe from Season 1 of Mystreet!
That's really all lol! We hope you join our cafe and be apart of our customers or even a staff!
Love, overbaz